Trials Fusion [PS4, XO]

Meh. The Rabbit. Wake me when he does the same using the Pit-Viper. Now THAT would be a challenge. Heh.
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How the hell does he get the momentum for some of those jumps, from one building to another, from what looks likes like a standard start? It's witchcraft! Or a hover bike! :yep2:
I'm a bit late to party, but I have now completed all extreme Trials (original pack, no DLC) with my 360 fault run of Inferno IV on my 3rd run last night. :D What a fight that was, though I must say I was surprised to get it that quick. After being stuck on the very first obstacle for the past few months (to the point I rarely attempted Inferno IV again), I kind of tried again and on my first attempt past that obstacle got to the barrel checkpoint obstacle (Hate that one!). 2nd run I got to the last checkpoint with about 10 faults remaining and killed it. 3rd run, I finally nailed it and got Bronze. Yay!

Looking back at all golds up until the 2nd extreme level. Platinum medals and challenges next. God I love this game.

Who else is playing this on the PS4? Anyone I can add? Most of my buddies don't seem to play Trials anymore. :(
This sort of thing will be the ultimate horror experience in VR. Nothing will generate brown trousers quite like seeing yourself balanced on a bicycle over a sheer drop to your death!
Who else is playing this on the PS4? Anyone I can add? Most of my buddies don't seem to play Trials anymore. :(

I just started playing it a bit again, but I think we are already connected and I am barely able to see your dust anyway :D

PSN: Eyes just in case we are not
Lol, not a chance I'd ever be able to do this.

Holy shit! This is extreme! What a skillful player!

But at the same time: what an extreme track! Who designs those??...only a master player can know how to place everything such that it is super difficult, but still doable.
Hey @sebbbi why is this trick allowed? Not gonna complain though as I have already used it to beat some hard levels myself...

Yeah watching that video it seems more like a physics glitch cheat than intentional mechanics.
I don't really see why it matters. Those ninja tracks are designed in a way that the trick is required. Whether it was intentional or not, it still requires skill to pull off.
I just saw on TV yesterday that a fast bike can actually drive over water ... I don't think that's in the game yet? ;)

Edit: 'official' confirmation video ;)
I have to say, I have immense respect for ninja players and their levels and skills. At the same time, I think the learning curve is that high that the game reaches a level where it stops being fun. I'm happy enough that tracks like these are found in the community and not in the main game and DLC content itself. The extreme levels already require immense amount of skill to pull them off and the great thing there is that they are all entirely possible to zero-fault. When I watch most Ninja-Tracks, while it's absolutely mind blowing to see them beat what seems to be an impossible track, the sense of not being able to zero fault them kind of loses a bit of its appeal to me, especially on a competitive level.

Ninja players seem to be entirely in their own universe IMO. While I have incredible respect for what they can achieve, I find myself more impressed with the players that i.e. beat Ice Climb or any other skill level without check-points, or attempt to achieve zero-fault runs on levels of any higher difficulty and then compete on mastering it by being quicker than the rest. Maybe I find that because competing on that level (more human skill level) is easier to relate to given my own skill level.
Still playing this game, it is so addictive. Is there any more DLC planned?

Missing 2 gold trophies (Inferno IV and the FMX level in Masters-Gauntlet) to get all-gold in the original pack. Missing 6 platinums (Hard-Wheeling, and all Master-Gauntlet sans Eye of the Storm which I aced quite a while ago :p). Got Inferno IV down to 240 faults or something (at least 80% of those faults down to that stupid stupid barrel obstacle).

A few notes:
- I completed Way of the Machine within 30minutes with around 24 seconds to go :D (check)
- I really really really HATE the barrel Inferno IV obstacle.
- I completed all Extreme levels including all DLCs (Completed Meteor Rain last night)
- I love Ice Climb - now at 130+m. Still 154m to go till the summit, but considering I only just got Platinum a while ago after like a few hundred attempts, I'm happy with my progress
- started playing some easy Ninja custom tracks, really easy stuff. But I'm liking it, as long as they don't force you to either use front or rear-wheel
- did I already mention I really really really HATE the barrel Inferno IV obstacle??
- actually add the 2nd CP in Frost Bite as well. Still after getting gold, I can't get that obstacle consistently and it feels like a lottery most of the time.
- I've generally started playing custom tracks. The Community recommended is a good way to find good challenging tracks. Especially like playing the extreme ones. IMO most are easier than Inferno IV, but more challenging obstacles than the other. Some have basic more complex obstacles like vertical climbs or places where fender-grab (sp?) are required. Nice.
- I sometimes go back to older [HARD] difficulty levels under the Expert Club and despite really struggling here on my first play through, I'm finding it quite surprising how easy I find them now. Amazing how your skill improves through practice, despite it not feeling that way when you focus on more harder levels.

Anyone still playing this or am I the only lifeless soul?
Question for @sebbbi

Did the achievements/trophies get forgotten? I recently completed all gold (100%) on all levels (non-DLC) and have not gotten any trophy for it. This prompted me to check the Trophy list on my PS4 for Trials Fusion and I have to say, I was rather surprised to see that there aren't many Trophies one can unlock for this game. Some in my opinion insignificant ones, like scoring points on someone else level, or squirrel this or that, but no single trophy for a 100% completion? More so, being 6 medals away from platinum in all levels, according to my Trophy list, there won't be a medal for that either? Is this correct?

I'm not usually a Trophy-Nut, but I have to say, having played this game for hundredths of hours and so close in acing platinum's on all tracks, I'm rather surprised the game (so far) hardly rewards it in some way, but hands you trophies for rather insignificant achievements...?
Question for @sebbbi

Did the achievements/trophies get forgotten? I recently completed all gold (100%) on all levels (non-DLC) and have not gotten any trophy for it. This prompted me to check the Trophy list on my PS4 for Trials Fusion and I have to say, I was rather surprised to see that there aren't many Trophies one can unlock for this game. Some in my opinion insignificant ones, like scoring points on someone else level, or squirrel this or that, but no single trophy for a 100% completion? More so, being 6 medals away from platinum in all levels, according to my Trophy list, there won't be a medal for that either? Is this correct?

I'm not usually a Trophy-Nut, but I have to say, having played this game for hundredths of hours and so close in acing platinum's on all tracks, I'm rather surprised the game (so far) hardly rewards it in some way, but hands you trophies for rather insignificant achievements...?
Maybe they never even considered that people could beat all those insane end levels so they never included a Platinum? :p

I know I'd never be able to beat all of them, unfortunately...But yes I was surprised to see that this game didn't have a Platinum, considering how much time, and insane skills you need to complete all tasks. If a game deserved a Platinum, it's this game. Hopefully their next trials will have one!
Question for @sebbbi

Did the achievements/trophies get forgotten? I recently completed all gold (100%) on all levels (non-DLC) and have not gotten any trophy for it. This prompted me to check the Trophy list on my PS4 for Trials Fusion and I have to say, I was rather surprised to see that there aren't many Trophies one can unlock for this game. Some in my opinion insignificant ones, like scoring points on someone else level, or squirrel this or that, but no single trophy for a 100% completion? More so, being 6 medals away from platinum in all levels, according to my Trophy list, there won't be a medal for that either? Is this correct?

I'm not usually a Trophy-Nut, but I have to say, having played this game for hundredths of hours and so close in acing platinum's on all tracks, I'm rather surprised the game (so far) hardly rewards it in some way, but hands you trophies for rather insignificant achievements...?
Yes, it seems that there is only one completion achievement ("Acquire the Trials Trophy"). I was not involved in Trials Fusion game design, but I would guess the background comes from Xbox Live, and specially Xbox Live Arcade. XBLA games (such as Trials HD and Trials Evolution) had a hard limit for achievement count. IIRC the limit was 12 achievements. There was only very limited room for completion achievements.

Trials Fusion was a cross generation game. It was released on Xbox 360 as well as next gen consoles. I would guess that the achievements were designed according to Xbox 360 limitations. Next gen just used same achievements (or trophys). But I could be wrong. I am just happy that last gen is finally dead :)

I didn't participate in the Trials Fusion DLC production, so I don't know much about the DLCs.