Fallout 4 [PS4, PS5, XO, XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

Game looks much better than fallout 3. It just has a stylized look.
They seem to love that look but I guess it's distinctive. The Elder Scrolls games could be mistaken for any sword and magic fantasy game but Fallout, you can spot it a mile away.
ok, they don't look special at all, shadow draw distance is very small, so I guess it must be X1 footage. BTW, those elevator tides are painfully long as if the buildings extend to outer space, just doesn't match the exteriors of the buildings which are very short comparatively. Completely breaks your illusion of place. Shows the ageing, well very aged , engine trying to load assets. I really wish they had gotten rid of it by now.
The most noticeable difference from FO3 is the addition colour, the new lighting model and the PBR properties of materials, I guess
BTW, those elevator tides are painfully long as if the buildings extend to outer space, just doesn't match the exteriors of the buildings which are very short comparatively. Completely breaks your illusion of place. Shows the ageing, well very aged , engine trying to load assets. I really wish they had gotten rid of it by now.
Very few games have completely seamless interiors and exteriors. GTA V has very few interiors, huge interiors are completely missing in Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the Witcher 3 will only allowed relatively small buildings, i.e. the Palace of Vizima and large dungeons all have loading screens. Hell the Witcher 3 had loading screens between some adjacent open world areas.
From a person who works at a gamestop:
That's ambigous. We know the modding system is coming first to Xbox One (although not by how long) but once modding is on both consoles mods will be released at the same time. Bethesda's Pete Hines made clear they aren't doing any of that staggered relaase stuff like where Fallout 3 content appeared on Xbox 360 months ahead of PS3.

I'm curious what kinds of mods will actually make it to consoles.
I just watched some 10 minutes of the game (PS4), and it really doesn't look bad at all. It's not going to win any graphics awards, but as expected, calling it something like a cleaner looking Fallout 3 is hyperbolic nonsense at best (I also think it looks quite a bit better than Skyrim no matter how many mods you apply to it. A polished turd is still a turd after all) The materials in particular look quite lovely, the draw distance is impressive, and the animations are an awful lot better than they used to be as well. I also spotted some nice cfabric physics. I'm really looking forward to it.
any more leaks? really want to see some action/fun before commiting.
Hit the GAF threads - there are dozens and dozens of good quality video leaks on both consoles - spoilery and non-spoilery. The combat really does look good.

I'm avoiding the spoiler stuff because it's out in under a week.
I just watched some 10 minutes of the game (PS4), and it really doesn't look bad at all. It's not going to win any graphics awards, but as expected, calling it something like a cleaner looking Fallout 3 is hyperbolic nonsense at best (I also think it looks quite a bit better than Skyrim no matter how many mods you apply to it. A polished turd is still a turd after all) The materials in particular look quite lovely, the draw distance is impressive, and the animations are an awful lot better than they used to be as well. I also spotted some nice cfabric physics. I'm really looking forward to it.
Where did u watch it? Can u link me up?
Hit the GAF threads - there are dozens and dozens of good quality video leaks on both consoles - spoilery and non-spoilery. The combat really does look good.

I'm avoiding the spoiler stuff because it's out in under a week.
Couldn't find any :( ! Can u link to the thread atleast.
I don't know which 4 videos but there's been tons of leaked gameplay linked in that thread but I draw the line of backtracking through several thousand posts to link them! Sorry, dude! :yep2:
I don't know which 4 videos but there's been tons of leaked gameplay linked in that thread but I draw the line of backtracking through several thousand posts to link them! Sorry, dude! :yep2:
ah ! I have skimmed through that thread enough during the day. couldn't find anything except the videos in the OP. I will just wait for sometihng new to pop up.
The Graphics Technology of Fallout 4
for those of you who enjoy the technical details, here’s a sampling of what we’ve added to the latest version of the Creation Engine:
  • Tiled Deferred Lighting
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Bokeh Depth of Field
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  • Height Fog
  • Motion Blur
  • Filmic Tonemapping
  • Custom Skin and Hair Shading
  • Dynamic Dismemberment using Hardware Tessellation
  • Volumetric Lighting
  • Gamma Correct Physically Based Shading




Never mind what i said, this looks like a generational leap ahead of Fallout 3.
People forget how rudimentary Fallout 3 was - just fire it up for 10 minutes. But Bethesda have never prioritised graphics over the gameplay mechanics they want to include. I applaud them for this and 20 million sales of Skyrim (as of June 2013) say it all.

I doubt Fallout 4 will sell that much, though. There is broader appeal for elves compared to mushroom clouds :yep2: