I'm not saying the core gamer market won't be served well, just that PS4 would likely be the better proposition to core gamers - being more powerful and Sony having stronger 1P studios
That's certainly a very arguable point. For someone like me, Grand Turismo 5 is the only Sony first party exclusive that I would potentially buy a platform for. Except I don't do racing anymore, and Forza is right up there with it.
I've tried some of the other stuff at friends. And the majority of them I certainly wouldn't buy a console in order to play. Not going into details so as not to derail this thread into an, "OMG, I can't believe you don't like X game that is the BESTEST in the world" derailment.
For me, this generation the X360 had by far the stronger and more compelling exclusives (peoples individual tastes may disagree, but sales numbers don't), even though many of those have gone away as time went by (Mass Effect and Bioshock for example, and only Bioshock is still good). But their remaining exlcusives are still slightly more compelling.
Next generation I'm expecting more new exclusives from both Sony and Microsoft. Except MS, hasn't said one peep about what exclusives may potentially be coming to their console. Although already knowing that there's a Crytek exclusive and a Respawn exclusive certainly has me intrigued to say the least.
Unless Sony have some secret exclusives hidden away for launch, I can already say that none of the so far announced titles for PS4 would make me want to buy one. Then again, I'm also not expecting any Microsoft exclusives to make me want to buy one either.
But I could be surprised. I had absolutely ZERO plans to buy an X360 until I found out that Gears of Wars was going to be an exclusive.
At this point about the only game I could think of that might get me to buy a console is if Blizzard suddenly said they are actually close to finishing StarCraft Ghost (the only reason I bought a first gen Xbox) and it is going to be exclusive to one of the consoles. Probably not going to happen, even if there are rumors that Blizzard have possibly started work on it again.
Hmm, although I suppose if Irrational games somehow got the rights to the System Shock IP and announced they were developing SS3 and it was going to be exclusive, that might get me to buy as well.

But since everything Irrational makes goes to PC, I doubt that would happen even in the unlikely event they got the SS IP.
So, at the end of the day, it's still going to depend on the next Playstation or Xbox offering more full featured living room functionality than I can get with my HTPC to tempt me into buying one. but if games were the only deciding factor? I have a feeling Microsoft is going to announce more interesting exclusives than what has been announced for the PS4 thus far.