That chart is pretty comical; Sony's marketing department produced similar analysis to compare the initial investment on a PS3 to the 360 with their point being that while the PS3 had a higher upfront cost once you added in all the needed options to your 360 (wireless, play and charge kit, Live subscription, hard drive and Blu Ray player) that the PS3 was cheaper. At the time many argued that Microsoft's modular approach gave gamers choice and didn't force features on gamers while those who saw the value in Sony's approach agreed with the chart.
This round Sony gives gamers the lower initial cost along with more flexibility and Microsoft's interpretation of motion control will require additional upfront cost but not require additional investment later. It will be interesting to watch those who argued so passionately about the pros/cons of each approach previously comment on the relative value of each companies value/choice propositions for motion control integration.
I'm not sure where you get that from.
The 360 is $200-$300 . With natal its $300-$450 . The ps3 is $300-$400 with move for a single player its $400-$500. But thats not even true as some games may require two move wants for play. So intial cost for these systems with motion control has the ps3 higher than the 360.