Kinect price confirmed 150USD plus arcade model priced

Thats really stupid , i pay $3 per 6 foot hdmi cable. Why can't they simply include teh cable with the system. I know my 250 gig xbox s had a hdmi cable.

It's not about how much you pay for them, but about how much best buy wants to make selling the poor average sucker $69 monster cables.
Thats really stupid , i pay $3 per 6 foot hdmi cable. Why can't they simply include teh cable with the system. I know my 250 gig xbox s had a hdmi cable.
The current xbox bundles don't come with an HDMI cable, unless your retailer bundles it themselves. That's at least how it is according to the MS site.

Xbox 360 Composite A/V cable: Use your Xbox 360 on standard-definition televisions using this connection over traditional composite connectors. Play high-quality audio with the included stereo connector.

I can't help but chuckle at the description. I'm sure Sony also has a really laughable explanation for the PS3.
Pretty sure they do.

You can get universal (wii/ps3/360) generic brand component cables from Gamestop for like 15 bucks. Cheap way to go HD for an average consumer without waiting for mail.

Actually, check your local Marshall's, TJMaxx types of stores (clothing stores that sell discount, marked down stuff) I see HDMI cables there for less than $10. Beats waiting for cables from monoprice or ebay.
I can't help but chuckle at the description. I'm sure Sony also has a really laughable explanation for the PS3.

For both MS and Sony see it as a cost savings method. For Sony, because of cost is why the PS3 didn't offer it at launch. No reason to start now since it helps on cost. MS figured it wold help bring cost down not including it anymore. Even when it was included people still bought a seperate HDMI cable due to their set up like Projo rooms and/or not being used at all due to if the display even had HDMI. Just those two reasons alone from a company perspective is why they never offered or stopped offering the cable due to length or usage. That is my thinking on it.
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Anecdotal sales note:

Been keeping tabs on local sales of kinect around my area (Tampa Bay, FL) since release.

Seemed to be fairly light sales prior to this past weekend. Inventory was plentiful. Though sales would take place, never to the point of depleting inventory at major retailers (Walmart, Target). Even on Black Friday.

Until this past weekend.

Kinect was wiped out every where I checked.

In fact, the local Walmart was completely wiped out of xbox's as well. All SKU's. The first time that has happened since xbox360 launched.

Plenty of inventory of ps3, wii, and DS. Either MS had a hiccup in supplying inventory, or they have a major hit on their hands.

I think they just might hit that 5mill mark.

Regardless, I'll be interested to see how Wii sales (and software sales) are affected. Is Kinect drawing in completely new customers or cannibalizing Wii userbase?

My guess is less than 20% of wii userbase being transferred to Kinect at this point. Price is still a huge gap at this point.
Browsing avsforum and I found what I needed to extend Kinect for a front projection setup.

Currently, the active USB extension is $20 on amazon for 32 feet but a couple posts point to this actually being a monoprice cable and it being even cheaper from them. I'll probably still go amazon if only because of prime shipping. So the plan now is 120" or 135" acoustically neutral screen (scouring the web for a moire free screen) so I can put the soundbar on the fireplace behind the screen and then place Kinect on a tripod or the official stand. Alternate plan is a 100" screen so we don't need to keep the living room so dark or need to jump to a more expensive projector.
Browsing avsforum and I found what I needed to extend Kinect for a front projection setup.

Currently, the active USB extension is $20 on amazon for 32 feet but a couple posts point to this actually being a monoprice cable and it being even cheaper from them. I'll probably still go amazon if only because of prime shipping. So the plan now is 120" or 135" acoustically neutral screen (scouring the web for a moire free screen) so I can put the soundbar on the fireplace behind the screen and then place Kinect on a tripod or the official stand. Alternate plan is a 100" screen so we don't need to keep the living room so dark or need to jump to a more expensive projector.

Looks like this one for $10
Anecdotal sales note:

Been keeping tabs on local sales of kinect around my area (Tampa Bay, FL) since release.

Seemed to be fairly light sales prior to this past weekend. Inventory was plentiful. Though sales would take place, never to the point of depleting inventory at major retailers (Walmart, Target). Even on Black Friday.

Until this past weekend.

Kinect was wiped out every where I checked.


Regardless, I'll be interested to see how Wii sales (and software sales) are affected. Is Kinect drawing in completely new customers or cannibalizing Wii userbase?

My guess is less than 20% of wii userbase being transferred to Kinect at this point. Price is still a huge gap at this point.
It was probably due to the Thanksgiving weekend. Families got together and Kinect got demoed, just like mine. People like my sisters in-law, that had no interest in gaming but had previous enjoyed playing in the Wii, already had heard about Kinect. Everyone had fun. Same thing happened few years ago for Thanksgiving when the Wii launched.

For something like this, timing it to launch before Thanksgiving is perfect.
I love monoprice.
I am required to say that those extenders are not supported, but unofficially, during the beta, we found that quite a few of them worked just fine.

Sure would have been nice if a little bird had slipped me that info sometime ago...jerk :p
The wife and I enjoy Kinect so much that we were resigned to not going forward with the projector.

For my sons room we rearranged the furniture to allow him more room, now I just need to get a wall mount or a floating shelf with pass-through.
Well, kind of. I'm curious what sort of success you see for this thing. As I've snarked before, I think that post-release actual discussion of these devices success will be impossible, since it'll all resolve to 'it did good enough' (except for those people who will think that anything short of Wii 2008-2009 holiday sales means failure). My own guess is 10 million kinects by the end of 2012, WW. No idea about Move -- I'm probably getting it, but I'm not sure why anyone ELSE would. (On the other hand, my tastes are not the majority's, so what do I know?)

And yeah, I should have added: 'all predictions are off if the Wii price-drops, or Kinect is supply limited'. I don't think either of those will happen. I also framed it in terms of this year's holidays exactly because the Wii looks like it's in a slump, so we might see lowish numbers, comparatively. I guess what I'm wondering is: do you think Kinect's performance will be within the same ballpark as the Wii's?

I'm on the record that I don't think so, not at all (I think $150 is far too steep, I don't think the software is there, I don't think the Wii upgrade is real, I think the Wii will keep most of its mindshare) but I'm starting to consider the possibility that I might be wrong based on these anecdotes. I don't think it's a particularly real possibility, but it's a possibility.

So, I don't mean to single out this post, technically, I guess I do, but only because we seemed to be the only ones who even hinted at giving numbers. I was way more bullish than you but I think it is safe to say that MSFT will have sold-through both of our guesses by the next quarter. I think maybe we should have come back to this thread after the 3M by EOY then 5M by EOY and updated our predictions. I won't change my Kinect:Move ratio as I think my high-end ratio will be where we are come November 2011.
So, I don't mean to single out this post, technically, I guess I do, but only because we seemed to be the only ones who even hinted at giving numbers. I was way more bullish than you but I think it is safe to say that MSFT will have sold-through both of our guesses by the next quarter. I think maybe we should have come back to this thread after the 3M by EOY then 5M by EOY and updated our predictions. I won't change my Kinect:Move ratio as I think my high-end ratio will be where we are come November 2011.

Quite probably I'm going to be very wrong as to the sell-through -- I was projecting Eye Toy success for the Kinect, and it's doing a lot better than that. I'm still not convinced we're seeing a Wii-style phenomenon, but rather 'merely' a very successful product, but December 2011 is way too early to call it. I imagine by March-April 2011 I'll have a much better idea, though it'll probably be November 2011 when I'm sure (when the Wii finally wasn't supply constrained in Dec 2009 it sold nearly 4 million units NPD, we're not seeing that -- or numbers within 10-20% of that -- yet). Also way too early to talk about whether the Wii has lost mindshare or not, naturally, and we probably won't know until well into 2012 for that, and it might get blurred by Nintendo gearing up for next-gen.

I was wrong about the what sort of price people would bite on, of course; given my own stupid spending I have no idea what the rest of the world is willing to pay for, apparently. But otherwise I think I'm on the money on how these products' lack of failure leads to really dull discussions.
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Heh, I always thought his guess of 10 million by the end of 2012 was extremely conservative. There's a chance it'll move that much in the first 3-6 months.

I didn't take a guess merely because I had no idea how many Kinect units MS could produce during the past few months. So I had played it safe by guessing MS would be able to sell every single unit they could make during that time frame.

Now that the holiday season is over, it'll be interesting to see how it continues to sell over the next 9 months. And yes, it'll be at least a year until we know whether it's ignited a lasting interest or whether it was just a flash in the pan.

Heh, I always thought his guess of 10 million by the end of 2012 was extremely conservative. There's a chance it'll move that much in the first 3-6 months.

Hey, I thought the Move would have reached maybe a million households by now. I'm just a negative nancy and a gloomy gus.
Aye I can understand after how you lost a bit of faith after Sony failed to support and promote Eye Toy as much as they could have.

Aye I can understand after how you lost a bit of faith after Sony failed to support and promote Eye Toy as much as they could have.


I wasn't invested in the Eye Toy at all. I never even owned a PS2. I just couldn't figure who'd want a Move -- fidelity is a poor selling point, except to us, and the software that'd take advantage of that fidelity isn't really here. Kinect also lacks the software IMO, but their gimmick is stronger, even if just an incremental gimmick over pushing motion controls in the first place (which is why I have trouble seeing anyone dethrone the Wii).