OMG! omigodomigodomigod OMG!
I completely forgot to mention Dread Zeppelin! If you haven't heard them, now is the time! It's the most genuinely funny music you'll ever hear (not that Weird Al isn't funny!) and it's really good to boot. Here's the deal, think Elvis Presley backed up with a reggae band playing Led Zeppelin tunes. They also do some Elivis and probably their most hilarious take on a song is The Doors' "Light my fire," which starts off like some cheezy lounge act and...well...just listen! If you haven't heard these guys, you need to give them a chance NOW. I am not sure why they never became mega-huge, but we are not talking about a free ride here. They are good musicians and it's like playing these songs is too simple for them so they introduce some really quirky reggae rythms and patterns. Great stuff. Hilarious and great at the same time.
PS. I am cracking up badly here, listening to Light My Fire. LOL