Your all time favourite albums and more

wow, Squeak, you really like music! How rare... A few of our all-times overlap, so I'll try and contribute only new ones.

Negativland - Escape From Noise - Includes so many diferent ideas that it's hard to describe. Most experiments revolve around reducing pop music and pop culture. Brilliant!

Faust - Faust Tapes - Weird kids get handed a great recording contract and blow all the moey on drugs. At the last minute they assemble insane music from seemingly random recordings. Best album ever? Close!

Boredoms - Chocolate Synthesizer - A little hard to follow at times, but hands-down best punk rock album of all time. Just when you think they've lost it, you found it they planned it all along.

Funkadelic - Maggot Brain - EVEN BETTER THAN THE MOTHERSHIP!!! Nuff said.

Albert Ayler - Live at the Village Vanguard - When people say free jazz, they should think of AA. Perhaps the only bopper to take jazz fully into both atonal/arrhythmic, and accessible styles at the same time.

Lee Perry - I Am an Alien from Outer Space - He WAS. The finest of the Black Ark recordings, if you ask me. Although the rare shit on his boxed set is even better.

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation - I know some people will call them overhyped -- those people just didn't know a world without Sonic Youth. Best fuzz/rock album.

Skinny Puppy - Cleanse, Fold and Manipulate - I think they're meaningful. A little difficult to listen to at times, but quality social commentary with an original style.

Praxis - Sacrifist - The best musicians of our era making the must ****ed-up speed metal ever. Hooray for FREE jazz. ;)

Spacemen 3 - Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To - Well, that just about sums up my feelings on the subject! Like MBV's Loveless, another oft-imitated, never-improved upon formula.

I disagree about OK Computer, btw. Sure, it's not earth-shattering for you the way it was for ll those kids, but, Radiohead is their Beatles -- one day making candy pop and the next turning out some really inventive music, all without ever losing their pop melodiousness. I think OK Computer is actually a better album than say, Rubber Soul, but no White Album. *Hides from incoming debris!*

I confess to throwing out what came to my head....but I didn't want it to be too artificial (plus I'm lazy). Enjoy!
IgnorancePersonified said:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Midnight Oil.

TITS!!! I haven't heard this in YEARS.

"Will you know it WHEN YOU SEE IT!?
High-risk children, dogs of war.
Market movements call the shots!
Business deals in parking lots.
Waiting for the meat of tomorrow!"

...preach on!

The thing about the White Album is that it's hard to get behind a bloated double-album of mostly experimental... less listenable stuff, when they had albums like Revolver that were nothing but goodness front to back. Not to take anything away from TWA, it's great. It's just maybe a few songs too long, IMO.

As for OKC, I didn't really get into the album (or this group) until fairly recently... but retroactively I agree. Not to say that Radiohead's earlier work (or the Beatles' for that matter) was devoid of substance, though I suppose Pablo Honey could be seen as "candy pop" in the alternative genre. And, until Help!, the Fab Four were straight pop.

My father (a 50-year-old rock fan and guitarist) has been showing some interest in Radiohead recently, and wonders why they bothered to change their style from The Bends to OK Computer to Kid A to even HTTT when The Bends sounds great for a rock album. I responded to his inquiries that IMO the change was probably the reason so many fans enjoy Radiohead. They're versatile, and proved it by striking gold with 2 albums and then proceeding to throw out the sound that made them famous.

Insane, or brilliant? All in the eye of the beholder.
Mintmaster said:
Problem is that I haven't found much that's come even close to this album, and it's tough to find this kind of music due to the lack of exposure. I found a few artists like Tortoise, Spring Heel Jack, μ-ziq, Orbital, Thievery Corporation, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Autechre, and a few others that put out creative instrumental music, but not enough for a decent music collection.

Can anyone make suggestions along these lines?

BTW, I've also really enjoyed several on MuFu's list...

Mintmaster, I've really enjoyed Hrvatski and Venetian Squares, as more groundbreaking electronic stuff, but maybe they're a bit frenetic for you. You seem to prefer the grooves... have you tried Tosca, Jamie Lidell, Cornelius, Susumu Yokota, Nobukazu Takemura (briefly of Tortoise fame), older dj Food, Pram, or (inconsistent, but creative) Cylob? Some of my preferred creative electronics in there, along with stuff you mentioned.

rabidrabbit said:
Edit: I don't listen to heavy rock, I hate most of it. "london-boyically" inclined people don't listen to heavy rock.

I do believe rabid is professing to be of the Scissor Sisters persuasion... ^_~
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