XBOX360 made it on Saturday Night Live...

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Nicked said:
Yes. At least, 1000 user profiles on forums. Also seen 100's of news articles (I watch gaming at and several RSS feeds).

lol, what a joke, this is your evidence for the vast majority?

100's of new articles? ALmost every single article I read referenced the SAME postes on, some guy posts a couple shots of his XBOX crashing, and all of a sudden there 100 news reports citing it.

Or maybe you're refering to the Detroit free press article who DIRECTLY quoted a POLL on TEAMXBOX citing that 16% had defective xbox's?

That's some top-notch journalism there, oh and the source? Forum posters. Round and round the circle goes eh?

Do you think MS is lying about 3%? Or is it more likely that posters are blowing this out of proportion?

The only reason this argument could go on for 10 pages is because you don't have an ounce of real evidence to back up your claim. 1000 user profiles?(let me just call bullshit on that BTW) That puts you at basically 0.33%, only about 64.77% more and you might have a case about the vast majority.
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Nicked said:
Yes. At least, 1000 user profiles on forums. Also seen 100's of news articles (I watch gaming at and several RSS feeds). And the vast majority, as you are so keen in mockery of my statement, of users who have said they own an X360, have in my view, relayed experiences of overheating.

Anyone, I've had enough of this argument, its one that could make a thread 10 pages long going in circles. Each believe what they want, what they percieve as truth.
3% of 450,000 is 13,500. Add in another 7,500 for the Europe launch. Roughly 20,000 pissed off people, the vast majority of which have access to the internet.

I am looking for the last thread, that one that matters. I scoured and got two threads on the x360. I just copied everything, good and bad. By the way, do you own a system alpha, im curious. Send me your e-mail addess, so i can send youthese two threads. the on that I initail was talking about, im still looking for that one, the others was labelled as x360. SO I think that why the last one is so hard to find, send your e-mail address, and lets squash this. Im not out to get MS, without them, there woudl be no cell. And their processor is a cell Jr, that was read by me somewhere, and yeah yeah, link. Will find it
AlphaWolf said:
You even suggested that all of them had problems which I can verify myself is a lie, just by turning on my console which in more than 40 hours of use has not experienced any issues.

40+ hours here as well, not one crash, nothing.

My only problem was when I didn't push the AV cable in far enough, it was flashing red, you gotta push that sucker pretty hard. I bet you 25% of the calls in day1 were for this problem.
I haven't had a single problem. Anyway, as always it's the people without the console doing the most chirping about defects or problems. I have no idea what Taly99 thinks he's doing in this thread and why he decided to bring PS3 into it, but all I can say him is "Bollocks"
You guys would love to truly believe I am trolling huh. If it is anything bad about MS the allmighty, it is alright. Look, I will say this again, ANYONE, who wants me to cut and paste everything from the threads im talking about, send me and e-mail link. Simple as that, I copied everytyhing, good and bad, not everything was bad. It seems ALOT of people got defective units, and not in isolated parts of the system. When that thing launced, I watched teh G4 special 3 times in a room while I surfed the net, was impressed in some places, but not all.

Last time I check Roachie, this was a GENERAL forum, Any game system enthusist allowed. Heck over at PS3land you have a moderator who worked fo MS, and takes up for MS lovers over there. I am entitled to my say, I never go to x-box forums and cube(which I also own) forums to start no mess. And I've posted a few times, so im no newbie here.
And I wonder if roach was spewing this troll logic I'm accused of saying, woudl he be attacked like you guys are attacking me.

Long story short, shut the hell up, and put up e-mail addresses. The guy LOVES hsi Ms, on the forum in question he and I got into it cause he was trolling the crappiest x-block ****** logic, how does it go again: SINCE X-BOX was more powerful this generation, it will be next generation.

That my friend is bollocks and UTTER nonsense based on what we know, most of you are in denial and apparently feel you own this damn forum. I am happy with my PS2, games I have and will look forward too getting. AND the PS3, which will kick ass. Only thing I am worried about, are the massive defects, that can go worng like the x360, it is what it is.
And I had to deal with the reality of the x-box when I read the specs, my heart dropped, but luckily the PS2 sold well. If X-box had gotten the same sales and had caught up, the story would have been different, I awill not deny that. SO roachie, what do you say about MGS4, guess that ain't real-time either huh.

No wonder this forum is desolate, not like it was when I first got here, cause of teh real damn bridgeless TROLLS like you guys, trying to sway innocent people who know no better into buying K-rap.

So send your e-mails or forever shut the hell up, simple
talyn99 said:
You guys would love to truly believe I am trolling huh. If it is anything bad about MS the allmighty, it is alright. Look, I will say this again, ANYONE, who wants me to cut and paste everything from the threads im talking about, send me and e-mail link. Simple as that, I copied everytyhing, good and bad, not everything was bad. It seems ALOT of people got defective units, and not in isolated parts of the system. When that thing launced, I watched teh G4 special 3 times in a room while I surfed the net, was impressed in some places, but not all.

Last time I check Roachie, this was a GENERAL forum, Any game system enthusist allowed. Heck over at PS3land you have a moderator who worked fo MS, and takes up for MS lovers over there. I am entitled to my say, I never go to x-box forums and cube(which I also own) forums to start no mess. And I've posted a few times, so im no newbie here.
And I wonder if roach was spewing this troll logic I'm accused of saying, woudl he be attacked like you guys are attacking me.

Long story short, shut the hell up, and put up e-mail addresses. The guy LOVES hsi Ms, on the forum in question he and I got into it cause he was trolling the crappiest x-block ****** logic, how does it go again: SINCE X-BOX was more powerful this generation, it will be next generation.

That my friend is bollocks and UTTER nonsense based on what we know, most of you are in denial and apparently feel you own this damn forum. I am happy with my PS2, games I have and will look forward too getting. AND the PS3, which will kick ass. Only thing I am worried about, are the massive defects, that can go worng like the x360, it is what it is.
And I had to deal with the reality of the x-box when I read the specs, my heart dropped, but luckily the PS2 sold well. If X-box had gotten the same sales and had caught up, the story would have been different, I awill not deny that. SO roachie, what do you say about MGS4, guess that ain't real-time either huh.

No wonder this forum is desolate, not like it was when I first got here, cause of teh real damn bridgeless TROLLS like you guys, trying to sway innocent people who know no better into buying K-rap.

So send your e-mails or forever shut the hell up, simple

Like I need my email box filled with spew, I think I will pass.
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Some people cannot discuss matters the way they should be. Anyway...
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