XBOX360 made it on Saturday Night Live...

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It was in the fake news segment because they were making fun of 360's supposed hardware defects. Is this bad news for MS or is this just really a couple of cases blown out of proportion. If this is making its way into mass media prime time comedy, I think that 3% statistic has got to be incorrect...thoughts?
Depends how you look at it. Only a small percentage seem to have had X360s which are dead/malfunctioning, but the vast majority (all?) appear to have had problems with overheating at some stage (game resetting, disc not loading, console freezing etc.). So depending on what you want to call a 'hardware defect'...
Nicked said:
Depends how you look at it. Only a small percentage seem to have had X360s which are dead/malfunctioning, but the vast majority (all?) appear to have had problems with overheating at some stage (game resetting, disc not loading, console freezing etc.). So depending on what you want to call a 'hardware defect'...

Majority? I hope you have some facts to back that up.
Nicked said:
Depends how you look at it. Only a small percentage seem to have had X360s which are dead/malfunctioning, but the vast majority (all?) appear to have had problems with overheating at some stage (game resetting, disc not loading, console freezing etc.). So depending on what you want to call a 'hardware defect'...
Are you suggesting that ALL Xbox 360 owners have problems with overheating?

I think the jury's still out on the overall defect rate, but to base any kind of statistical value on the number of forum posts and/or number of news reports is just not valid. There's been many occassions that I've personally witnessed where someone takes a story relayed to them and turns it into a personal anecdote, primarily because that's more immediate and interesting than saying, "I know a guy whose friend said...".


EDIT: Alpha, we must be in synch with our thread postings :)
No my friend, you are imagining nothing. I go to a non gaming forum, and there is an ANYTHING GOES part. One guy stated he paid over $100 for the X360 and various games. It woudl not come on, all this is not hidden mud-slinging by Sony. the thing really should have come with complimentary LEMONade. Because this guy's box woudl not work, and when he called customer service steamin, they told him there were already over 60, 00 calls. keep in mind this was the day after launch. Anything you read stating these are rumors is flase. All real, plus a few others guys on the same thread where highly pissed at the some thing. Paid all that money for a defective unit. I do not recall PS2 having nowhere near as much defects launch day. I walked out of Toys'R Us with 3 of them, and mine to this day is still working 5 years later. No disc read errors, NOTHING.

And does anyone go to PCvsCONSOLEs site, whew, what a bunch of X-box ass kissers. I mean you have a few guys that HATE SOny, but on the x-box part of the, you have nothing bad really. i will join just to irk their collective arses(teeheehee)

I want to post later about the Q-man's rumor mill , inside EGM he stated something about the killzone demo being pre-rendered. I've read it again and again, and I think he was being sarcastic really. The graphics are a little bit better than MGS4(which used filters to make it look less real), but grainier, I KNOW IT CAN BE DONE. When I truly see motorstorm in real-time, it's all over, lol. I am sorry, the x360 games will look better, and I can get one for the heck of it, but if I do, they have to deal with all the defect problems.
But from what I see, i am now planning on getting an HDTV, hell I do not care if PS3 only has 10 games in it's lifetime, it will be worth it, way more than x360. Lets face, it, if devs had final kits for awhile and the XNA environment makes it easy to get power out of the system. i am WOE-fully NOT impressed. in my EGM magazine, if you read all the x360 reviews, those guys were not impressed with teh graphical aspects of the system. They had tidbits scattered throughout the magazine and ONLY GoW and PGR3's graphics they were impressed with.

Besides GoW, the only other game I woudl say, that woudl sell the system is the new burnout for the x360. NOW that looks damn good.
talyn99 said:
No my friend, you are imagining nothing. I go to a non gaming forum, and there is an ANYTHING GOES part. One guy stated he paid over $100 for the X360 and various games. It woudl not come on, all this is not hidden mud-slinging by Sony. the thing really should have come with complimentary LEMONade. Because this guy's box woudl not work, and when he called customer service steamin, they told him there were already over 60, 00 calls. keep in mind this was the day after launch. Anything you read stating these are rumors is flase. All real, plus a few others guys on the same thread where highly pissed at the some thing. Paid all that money for a defective unit. I do not recall PS2 having nowhere near as much defects launch day. I walked out of Toys'R Us with 3 of them, and mine to this day is still working 5 years later. No disc read errors, NOTHING.

And does anyone go to PCvsCONSOLEs site, whew, what a bunch of X-box ass kissers. I mean you have a few guys that HATE SOny, but on the x-box part of the, you have nothing bad really. i will join just to irk their collective arses(teeheehee)

I want to post later about the Q-man's rumor mill , inside EGM he stated something about the killzone demo being pre-rendered. I've read it again and again, and I think he was being sarcastic really. The graphics are a little bit better than MGS4(which used filters to make it look less real), but grainier, I KNOW IT CAN BE DONE. When I truly see motorstorm in real-time, it's all over, lol. I am sorry, the x360 games will look better, and I can get one for the heck of it, but if I do, they have to deal with all the defect problems.
But from what I see, i am now planning on getting an HDTV, hell I do not care if PS3 only has 10 games in it's lifetime, it will be worth it, way more than x360. Lets face, it, if devs had final kits for awhile and the XNA environment makes it easy to get power out of the system. i am WOE-fully NOT impressed. in my EGM magazine, if you read all the x360 reviews, those guys were not impressed with teh graphical aspects of the system. They had tidbits scattered throughout the magazine and ONLY GoW and PGR3's graphics they were impressed with.

Besides GoW, the only other game I woudl say, that woudl sell the system is the new burnout for the x360. NOW that looks damn good.

Where's the gong? cuz I got as far as where you say that tech support told him that there were thousands of calls. At that point i have to call bullshit and I stopped reading your post.
AlphaWolf said:
Where's the gong? cuz I got as far as where you say that tech support told him that there were thousands of calls. At that point i have to call bullshit and I stopped reading your post.

well then you missed the funniest parts :LOL:

AlphaWolf said:
Majority? I hope you have some facts to back that up.
Going to any major forum, everyone complains about it. From TXB's most vehement fans, to SA's longtime members and GAF's users which work on Xbox360 games. Its all anecdotal, and I really don't care too much to debate it when you probably have experienced the same thing. Every major news site has ran an article on the problem, you won't accept that though, and there will never be a definitive survey taken on the issue. There are major problems with overheating. Its not crippling but I think trying to pretend there aren't is asinine.
Nicked said:
Going to any major forum, everyone complains about it. From TXB's most vehement fans, to SA's longtime members and GAF's users which work on Xbox360 games. Its all anecdotal, and I really don't care too much to debate it when you probably have experienced the same thing. Every major news site has ran an article on the problem, you won't accept that though, and there will never be a definitive survey taken on the issue. There are major problems with overheating. Its not crippling but I think trying to pretend there aren't is asinine.

so gaf and txb , next your going to tell us that its on opa ages and want us to take you seriously .

The xbox 360 rating is under 3% . If all these reports were true then they would have a higher %
jvd said:
so gaf and txb , next your going to tell us that its on opa ages and want us to take you seriously .

The xbox 360 rating is under 3% . If all these reports were true then they would have a higher %
jvd, way to neglect mentioning GAF developers and SomethingAwful's long-term members. These are trusted people.
Anyone, like I said, theres never going to be a definitive survey, and even if there was it probably wouldn't satisfy certain people. Each believe what they want, it must be all scare-mongering, Sony moneyhats or stupid PSFans. ;)
Nicked said:
Going to any major forum, everyone complains about it. From TXB's most vehement fans, to SA's longtime members and GAF's users which work on Xbox360 games. Its all anecdotal, and I really don't care too much to debate it when you probably have experienced the same thing. Every major news site has ran an article on the problem, you won't accept that though, and there will never be a definitive survey taken on the issue. There are major problems with overheating. Its not crippling but I think trying to pretend there aren't is asinine.

So you've seen more than 500,000 people post about problems with it? More than 10,000? More than 1000? I doubt all of the above. No doubt there are some factual accounts but saying that some people at some forums post about problems in no way indicates that a vast majority of users have problems, because the vast majority of xbox360 owners probably aren't posting on any forums anywhere.
AlphaWolf said:
More than 1000?
Yes. At least, 1000 user profiles on forums. Also seen 100's of news articles (I watch gaming at and several RSS feeds). And the vast majority, as you are so keen in mockery of my statement, of users who have said they own an X360, have in my view, relayed experiences of overheating.

Anyone, I've had enough of this argument, its one that could make a thread 10 pages long going in circles. Each believe what they want, what they percieve as truth.
05-Dec-2005, 01:18 #8
Specious Misanthrope

Where's the gong? cuz I got as far as where you say that tech support told him that there were thousands of calls. At that point i have to call bullshit and I stopped reading your post.

The gong is swearly in your dumb(bleep). It is what it is , even if I did direct you to the forum and let you read for yourself. Your feeble mind would probably conjure up an 'IT's A LIE' scenario. fact of the matter is, peopel will enjoy their x360, or did you not read the part where I said I was considering getting one. If only for the few game that really has me impressed. The guy stated that the customer eservice rep was borderline frnatic, cause they were getting angry call all day. Hell, if the PS3 has the same problem, i bet you ass would be all over them. (darn, one in every forum i swear)
talyn99 said:
The gong is swearly in your dumb(bleep). It is what it is , even if I did direct you to the forum and let you read for yourself. Your feeble mind would probably conjure up an 'IT's A LIE' scenario. fact of the matter is, peopel will enjoy their x360, or did you not read the part where I said I was considering getting one. If only for the few game that really has me impressed. The guy stated that the customer eservice rep was borderline frnatic, cause they were getting angry call all day. Hell, if the PS3 has the same problem, i bet you ass would be all over them. (darn, one in every forum i swear)

I'm sure the guys post was full of all kinds of things. The fact is, it was bullshit. Some guy making things up to make his story more plausible and/or interesting. No tech support guy anywhere is passing on information like that to clients about his companies products.

And I am sure you're gonna buy an xbox360 as soon as they get over the problem that all of them are bursting into balls of fire. That doesn't make any of the information in your anecdotal account which you read on some forum any more compelling.
I was at Best Buy today playing around with a demo x360 and it was constantly freezing and crashing. One of the employees claimed a 50% recall, so it seems like it may be a bigger problem then MS wants let known, which I'm sure it is.
ANova said:
I was at Best Buy today playing around with a demo x360 and it was constantly freezing and crashing. One of the employees claimed a 50% recall, so it seems like it may be a bigger problem then MS wants let known, which I'm sure it is.

You didn't think it was a system that was in a case in a store that was on for a good 12 hours a day or longer ?

My local bestbuy is open 9am to 12pm from now till the 24th .

That is a long time for a system to be on each day with poor air flow .

Anyway there is no recall . IF there was a recall it would have to be published so that the systems that are being recalled and are in the customers hands can be sent back. That is what a recall does .
Nicked said:
Yes. At least, 1000 user profiles on forums. Also seen 100's of news articles (I watch gaming at and several RSS feeds). And the vast majority, as you are so keen in mockery of my statement, of users who have said they own an X360, have in my view, relayed experiences of overheating.

Anyone, I've had enough of this argument, its one that could make a thread 10 pages long going in circles. Each believe what they want, what they percieve as truth.

I'm sure you have, because you can't provide any facts you may as well move on. I saw 100's of newstories about airplanes slamming into the world trade center, but it still only happened twice.

No one is questioning that some people have had issues of overheating, we are questioning the size of the problem. When you make statements like the vast majority my initial reaction is that you are just someone spreading FUD because it suggests an enormous problem. Others have provided much lower numbers you should expect something like you posted to be challenged. You even suggested that all of them had problems which I can verify myself is a lie, just by turning on my console which in more than 40 hours of use has not experienced any issues.
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