No my friend, you are imagining nothing. I go to a non gaming forum, and there is an ANYTHING GOES part. One guy stated he paid over $100 for the X360 and various games. It woudl not come on, all this is not hidden mud-slinging by Sony. the thing really should have come with complimentary LEMONade. Because this guy's box woudl not work, and when he called customer service steamin, they told him there were already over 60, 00 calls. keep in mind this was the day after launch. Anything you read stating these are rumors is flase. All real, plus a few others guys on the same thread where highly pissed at the some thing. Paid all that money for a defective unit. I do not recall PS2 having nowhere near as much defects launch day. I walked out of Toys'R Us with 3 of them, and mine to this day is still working 5 years later. No disc read errors, NOTHING.
And does anyone go to PCvsCONSOLEs site, whew, what a bunch of X-box ass kissers. I mean you have a few guys that HATE SOny, but on the x-box part of the, you have nothing bad really. i will join just to irk their collective arses(teeheehee)
I want to post later about the Q-man's rumor mill , inside EGM he stated something about the killzone demo being pre-rendered. I've read it again and again, and I think he was being sarcastic really. The graphics are a little bit better than MGS4(which used filters to make it look less real), but grainier, I KNOW IT CAN BE DONE. When I truly see motorstorm in real-time, it's all over, lol. I am sorry, the x360 games will look better, and I can get one for the heck of it, but if I do, they have to deal with all the defect problems.
But from what I see, i am now planning on getting an HDTV, hell I do not care if PS3 only has 10 games in it's lifetime, it will be worth it, way more than x360. Lets face, it, if devs had final kits for awhile and the XNA environment makes it easy to get power out of the system. i am WOE-fully NOT impressed. in my EGM magazine, if you read all the x360 reviews, those guys were not impressed with teh graphical aspects of the system. They had tidbits scattered throughout the magazine and ONLY GoW and PGR3's graphics they were impressed with.
Besides GoW, the only other game I woudl say, that woudl sell the system is the new burnout for the x360. NOW that looks damn good.