But isn't this crazy? They say that they need this because of the all the piracy, i.e. they lose money. They say they need this because of all the used used game sales, i.e. they lose money.
And now your first reaction is: easy, no problem...I just don't buy that much games anymore. And I guess a lot of people will react that way. But as a consequence...they'll sell way less games. i.e. lose money.
Depends on your view of economic theory, if you assume that spending on games is fixed, redirecting that so it's focussed on games you get a return for is a win, even if the market doesn't expand.
If you assume the fixed pool of money is for "entertainment" then you potentially loose some portion of it because of opportunity.
I honestly think the bulk of MS' decisions here have nothing to do with piracy (excluding not creating easily exploited loop holes for it) or used games. I think it's probably down to how they believe the console should function i.e. not requiring disks, and equivalent functionality no matter the mode of purchase.
IME MS is usually a slave to their high level visions, often making unpopular decisions to see them through, this one I happen to think has merit, I think in the end the convenience will outweigh the cost (not talking monetary) for endusers.