The textures will be read from DDR3 though. A few inconsistent textures probably speaks more of time constraints or something else rather than memory bandwidth. I can't see how memory bandwidth would be the concern. The game is 60FPS though.
The design on top of the car looks softer because it's at a sharper angle. It seems fine at other times. Same texture, different angle and lighting.
I agree with you the bulk of textures would be read from DDR3, while textures reused every frame like those of your car might be stored in esram given the framebuffer would likely not be using the full 32MB. Perhaps a full 2kx2k set of textures could not fit in the remaining esram for this car model. Yeah you have to give the game a break on memorybandwidth since its running at 60fps.
No LOD just refers to polygon models, does not mean no mipmapping Yes in the prerace ingame cinematic you see various angles of the car, but come on thats one of the oldest developer tricks in the 3D rasterizing book. They could easily use a different set of textures given the gigs of memory int he system. Its similar to blendshapes the are rendered in the ingame Ryse cinematics creating incredibly realistic skin, and toned down during the actual gameplay. All one LOD for Marius also.
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