XB360 launch : updated stats

scooby_dooby said:
No 4000 Gamespot locations. These are gamespot man, they're just little guys, bestbuy is te #1 retailer for X360, not to mention a little store called wal-mart, and probably another 20 or 30 retail chains across the nation.
So have you seen reports of many Best Buy's going though any since launch? Being the #1 retail it seems like that would be the best place to start.
Guden Oden said:
Yeah, with the 5 consoles delivered to jvd's store next week, that'll surely break the estimate.

Oh high and mighty Guden , what a stupid comment to make .

My store is but one . There are thousands of gamestops across the land .

More and more stores are getting shipments in . Even my local bestbuy is now expecting a shipment on tuesday .

Wonder what will happen if sony has another misshap like they did with the ps2. Will all the same faces be crying that the sky is falling ? Or will they hush up becaue its sony ?
scooby_dooby said:
Mexico? I wonder how many pesos this bad boy is going for down there, must be ridiculously expensive to your average mexican.

Dunno the one costco i was at was sold out.
kyleb said:
So have you seen reports of many Best Buy's going though any since launch? Being the #1 retail it seems like that would be the best place to start.

If you would listen to what MS is saying, the warehouses will get new shipments by tomorrow, they will distribute them to their stores per their own policy. Each retail chain manages it's own inventory, and as JVD said his local bestbuy is expectng some from the warehouse on Tuesday.
I don't have reading comprension issues here, I got all that just fine the first time. My question is not about what Best Buy will have two weeks after launch, it is a question of how much if any has gone though them after the inital launch and up until now.
kyleb said:
I don't have reading comprension issues here, I got all that just fine the first time. My question is not about what Best Buy will have two weeks after launch, it is a question of how much if any has gone though them after the inital launch and up until now.

You seem to have reading problems as it has been explained to you that ms doesn't beam things to the stores.

There are shipping times and delays and there was a holiday weekend .

I spent a good hour explaining this to you the other day on ims and you still don't seem to have the first clue as to how retail works and how shipping scheduals are . Things don't magicly appear .
jvd said:
You seem to have reading problems as it has been explained to you that ms doesn't beam things to the stores.

There are shipping times and delays and there was a holiday weekend .

I spent a good hour explaining this to you the other day on ims and you still don't seem to have the first clue as to how retail works and how shipping scheduals are . Things don't magicly appear .

You spent an hour that came down to you posting links to articles about the Dreamcast and PS2 shortages that were due to hardware/manufacturing problems; and I'm not even going to bother asking you again how you think that explains away anything here.
kyleb said:
You spent an hour that came down to you posting links to articles about the Dreamcast and PS2 shortages that were due to hardware/manufacturing problems; and I'm not even going to bother asking you again how you think that explains away anything here.

I spent an hour explaining how shipping works

For gamestop (here is the example again incase u weren't paying attention)

The units are shipped from china . They arrive in the usa x amount of days later. They then have to go through customs that takes x amount of time.

Then after customs they are shipped to an ms or third party company to be shipped to the proper chains . They are then sent to gamestop warehouses that are around the world. Then from there gamestop ships them ups to each store depending on the amount of units and who gets what .

Once it hits gamestops warehouses that is it , its no longer up to ms . Gamestops warehouses could take a few days to ship to each store .

It normaly takes us a full week to get restock in on anything .

I gave the example of mario kart in another thread. We got in x amount of copys and sold through them . It then took a week for nintendo to make more . The same happend with gta for the psp .

That is how retail works . Ms doesn't magicly beam them to stores. There is alot of time between them hitting this country and them hitting the store for someone to buy them .

Its not hard to grasp and its not hard if you spent anytime in retail . But as you said you only spent 6 months .

As for your comments about me pointing out things form other launches . IT was to catch you in a bold face lie in which you told me your friend claimed his target got in 200 ps2s at launch and one of the ign links proved u wrong showing that the target by them got in 4 units . Now i can believe a 10-20 unit diffrence in stores . But not a 196 unit diffrence.

You keep telling me each time we talk taht you own no sony systems . And that is fine i believe u . But I still believe your just trolling against ms as you repeat the same things over and over and over again
I don't have anything agaisnt MS, your apparently just jumbling things together and geting all sorts of stuff mixed up and jumping to the wrong conclusions. Case in point, you just claimed:

jvd said:
IT was to catch you in a bold face lie in which you told me your friend claimed his target got in 200 ps2s at launch and one of the ign links proved u wrong showing that the target by them got in 4 units .

While, from the log of the conversation:

[23:00] r33f3rkill5: one unit a week eh? a firend of mine worked at target then and they went though 200 in the first month
[23:00] gl jvd: Sure they did
[23:00] r33f3rkill5: same target got 12 360s
[23:00] gl jvd: Sure

Note the discrepancy between your account and what actually happened? I get the feeling that there are a lot of such discrepancies which are driving your problem with me here.
I swear to fucking gawd the folks at Target get dumber as the day goes on. Now supposedly MS isn't releasing any more Xbox 360's until March. Apparently they've been "pushed back" from February. :rolleyes:

You know what, I'll show up tomorrow just so that if they have 360's in stock I'll say something smartass like, "Damn, I guess Microsoft changed their mind."
Alpha_Spartan said:
I swear to fucking gawd the folks at Target get dumber as the day goes on. Now supposedly MS isn't releasing any more Xbox 360's until March. Apparently they've been "pushed back" from February. :rolleyes:

You know what, I'll show up tomorrow just so that if they have 360's in stock I'll say something smartass like, "Damn, I guess Microsoft changed their mind."

Are there any stores besides Target in your area?
kyleb said:
While, from the log of the conversation:

[23:00] r33f3rkill5: one unit a week eh? a firend of mine worked at target then and they went though 200 in the first month
[23:00] gl jvd: Sure they did
[23:00] r33f3rkill5: same target got 12 360s
[23:00] gl jvd: Sure

Context, please. If you're going to post four lines from the log, then please post up a link to the entire, unedited log. (And, of course, we have to believe you about the unedited part.... unless jvd has a log of it as well.)