XB360 launch : updated stats

Well not according to the article, but according to Microsoft. It'll be interesting to see what the actual percentage is/was when the dust settles, and of course we may never know...
Like I said before on another forum, expect MS to chime in after the 90 day worldwide launch window has concluded and they've hit or exceeded their 2.7-3.0 million systems sold mark.
I'm not so sure as the last quote a saw from Peter Moore was 2.5-3 million, so the bar seems to be slipping a bit already.
kyleb said:
I'm not so sure as the last quote a saw from Peter Moore was 2.5-3 million, so the bar seems to be slipping a bit already.
So what third or 4th time posting this . You just copy and pasting your replys ?

Anyway there are two diffrent sources for this info . The first is a website , the second is a blog .

Not suprising that there is a mistake. Notice that the mistake is simple . 3.75 to 3.5 Notice just a 7 is missing .

Yea very simple .
jvd said:
So what third or 4th time posting this . You just copy and pasting your replys ?

Anyway there are two diffrent sources for this info . The first is a website , the second is a blog .

Not suprising that there is a mistake. Notice that the mistake is simple . 3.75 to 3.5 Notice just a 7 is missing .

Yea very simple .

Doni't you know everything Microsoft does is a evil conspiracy, geesh where have you been?
jvd said:
So what third or 4th time posting this . You just copy and pasting your replys ?

What do you think JVD; can you find 2-3 other places where I posted about the slipping estamates any anything that my comment in this thread would be a copy/paste from, or did my comment srike some emotion in you that is leading to overblown and irrational accusations? I'm pretty sure it is the latter as I only recall posting previously about the slipping estamate on one occasion, and my post here wasn't a copy of anything but rather a direct response to Alpha_Spartian's comment.

jvd said:
Anyway there are two diffrent sources for this info . The first is a website , the second is a blog .

Not suprising that there is a mistake. Notice that the mistake is simple . 3.75 to 3.5 Notice just a 7 is missing .

Yea very simple .
There is a lot more than two sorces for the info, and there are many reports of 2.75-3 that came before any of the the more recent 2.5-3 talk, and there are plenty of reports that claim a striaght up 3 million going back even further. So this is hardly as simple a a case of two sources and a possible typeo.
My questions is:

How many X360 units shipped/sold will be considered enuff for MS to withstand the Sony PS3 launch hype and remain competitive for #1?

Considering the PS3 will have BR/BD, 3 mil will unlike do if non-gamers will pick it up to play BR movies.

Note: I dont want another debate on the success of BR, just like your guesimate of the number of X360 in userland before the PS3 comes out and why.
I think it is pretty obvious that they are bound to have well more 360s in homes than Sony will have PS3s to launch with by the time that comes, so there can hardly be any issue of "remain competitive for #1" in the face of PS3 launch hype. After that both will be out and avalable so it will be anybody's game and will come down to whichever is more appealing to the consumers. Yeah, BluRay will obviously play a part in that, but then so will Halo3 or whatever; and a vast number of other factors that can't rightly be pinned down yet.
kyleb said:
I think it is pretty obvious that they are bound to have well more 360s in homes than Sony will have PS3s to launch with by the time that comes, so there can hardly be any issue of "remain competitive for #1" in the face of PS3 launch hype. After that both will be out and avalable so it will be anybody's game and will come down to whichever is more appealing to the consumers. Yeah, BluRay will obviously play a part in that, but then so will Halo3 or whatever; and a vast number of other factors that can't rightly be pinned down yet.

Ok let me be more specific, and considering the PS2 on average sells ~20 mil/yr, what X360 figure *should* be in userland after the 1st year of PS3 made available worldwide for MS to be competitive for this generation?

This would make it ~Q4 2007 time frame. The obvious answer is 20+ mil by then, but I expect the momentum will drop when the PS3 comes out, thus the largest lead possible is best.

Is it likely MS could shift 10+mil by by Q4 2006 and another 10 mil by Q4 2007?
scooby_dooby said:
If they are at 400,000 after 1 week, it looks like they are well on their way to smash that #
Yeah, with the 5 consoles delivered to jvd's store next week, that'll surely break the estimate.
Except not one analyst has pegged the PS3 at 20million/year, so not sure where you're getting that info from. PS2 started off much slower than that...

Estimates are in the range of ~10million/year starting 2007.

I would think if the 360 can get ~8million installed before PS3 hits worldwide they're lookin good. That leavs about a 6-7mill gap (counting japan) to close after PS3's worlwdie launch.

One estimate I read said 360's momentum slows a little, and sells ~8million/year from 2007, ps3 sells ~10million,and will take until 2009 for sony to pass MS.

I think there's no doubt the ps3 will be the hot item in holiday 2006, the really interesing question is, who will have the big Mo going at the end of 2007?
Guden Oden said:
Yeah, with the 5 consoles delivered to jvd's store next week, that'll surely break the estimate.

4000 stores = 20,000 consoles. And according to MS the 2nd round of real shipments is arriving this Friday...
scooby_dooby said:
4000 stores = 20,000 consoles. And according to MS the 2nd round of real shipments is arriving this Friday...

4000 stores for the US? 20,000 units per week for the whole of the USA - which is where they're supposed to sell the most - is not much if they want to sell millions...
No 4000 Gamespot locations. These are gamespot man, they're just little guys, bestbuy is te #1 retailer for X360, not to mention a little store called wal-mart, and probably another 20 or 30 retail chains across the nation.

I was referring to the 5 units remark, 5 units isn't much but spread over the entire chain it adds up, and that's just ONE retail chain, one of the smallest ones as well.

If they can get 150k/week from here on out they'll meet expectations, I guess we can just wait and see.
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Not to be a MS sychophant, but they'll probably just say, "The system launch is still in progress and we'll announce launch numbers when the launch is over." The launch will officially end when the Japanese launch ended.