Would someone remind me how dumb smoking is?

John Reynolds said:
Paul said:
I just finally started taking 5 grams/day of creatine (powder) after months and months of consideration. I'm just not big into supplements.


So I take it you didn't load but are just going the 5g a day route? That works, you'll just see the results a bit slower, but it's the same in the end whether you load or not. Make sure you take it with grape juice so you get the insulin spike which will make your body absorb it better though.

No, not loading According to a friend of mine who teaches chemistry at a local community college and is a fitness nut, recent studies show that loading doesn't give any additional benefits with creatine use. I'd prefer not taking 20 grams/day starting off in case I'm one of those few who run into gastro-intestinal issues with creatine.

It doesn't, just fills the creatine pool in your body quicker.
Don't go overboard with creatine intake. Remember that creatine is not fat-soluble, so it isn't easily "stored" in the body. Your body won't absorb much more than about 6 grams of creatine monohydrate or about 12 grams of creatine citrate daily. If you take more, it's not particularly dangerous, but you're just flushing good money down the toilet, so to speak.
- http://www.hussman.org/fitness/index.htm
digitalwanderer said:
Because me kids are driving me nuts and I almost ran out and bought a pack to sneak a smoke outside to relieve my frustrations again, but I abstained.

I'm just afraid it ain't gonna be enough, I still got 4-5 hours to deal with 2 VERY overly tired and disagreeable children and I'm afraid I'm gonna have a few more "almost gonna slip" moments.

Please remind me that it's stupid and that I'm playing around with me life here, I need to be reminded.

U need to buy more games, possibly frustration-free games (frustration would push u to smoke), and keep on playing those. Forget about the kids, forget about the laundry, the dishes, the dust settling on ur furniture. Just have some YOU-time.

Have a wank, i don't know.
AAlcHemY said:
And creatine is good for .. ?
It's like protein milkshakes and "sports drinks" - they are just ways of exploting money out of people. If you eat a balanced diet and train sensibly they are not needed.
Diplo said:
Don't go overboard with creatine intake. Remember that creatine is not fat-soluble, so it isn't easily "stored" in the body. Your body won't absorb much more than about 6 grams of creatine monohydrate or about 12 grams of creatine citrate daily. If you take more, it's not particularly dangerous, but you're just flushing good money down the toilet, so to speak.
- http://www.hussman.org/fitness/index.htm

It depends on how much muscle mass you have, as that's where it gets stored.

The creatine supply in your muscles is not limitless. The average human has between 3.5 and 4 grams of creatine per kilogram of muscle. Once you use up the creatine in your muscle you have to rest your muscles and wait a while before you can exercise the muscle again. Studies have shown that the human muscle can store up to 5 grams of creatine per kilogram. So, by taking a creatine supplement you can raise your levels from 3.5 to 5 grams of creatine - and thus enjoy more of the benefits of creatine.

I've read all the independent studies on Creatine before I decided to load on it, I'm a walking Creatine encyclopedia.

Once you fill your muscles with as much creatine as they can(loading phase), you do a 5 gram a day maintenance phase to keep that pool(i'll call it a pool) filled because you do piss some of it out each day. It doesn't matter if you load or not though, because your going to fill the pool up eventually, just slower if you go 5G a day.

This all being said, Creatine works, and I know first hand. It basically acts like steroids.

But this is a smoking thread and this is all I'm gonna talk about Creatine here.
Paul said:
But this is a smoking thread and this is all I'm gonna talk about Creatine here.
And, presumably, it's a bit hard to put in a roll up :) **

Disclaimer: I'm against all forms of smoking - it's a stupid way to b&gger up your body. I also don't like backyard bonfires because they are also V. bad for you.
Nah Digi, it's just not worth it in the long run, or in the short run for that matter.

Plus, we need you around here, don't even give us the chance to think we might lose our most entertaining commentator. Not to mention the village idiot benefits we get out of the deal.