Would someone remind me how dumb smoking is?

Last time I say my father alive he was on oxygen permanently. The last few years of his life he was in a wheelchair, unable to walk due to various side effects of having smoked 5 packs/day for almost 40 years of his life. Taking the oxygen mask off his face long enough to take one bite of a sandwich and chew it down would cause his blood-oxygen levels to drop almost 20 points. His doctor described his lungs as looking like cottage cheese with swiss holes in them, and the bottom thirds were rotted off. He was found dead at 5 am with his mask off on Memorial Day morning.

The irony is that at his funeral my wife and I were the only non-smokers in the entire family. I have 3 half-sisters by my father and they and all their children smoke. On a side note I'm also unique in that I'm the only one of my 4 half-sisters and one half-brother who hasn't gone through a divorce (some sisters are on their 3rd or 4th marriages). My father's last wife was his sixth.
well digi my parents smoke and they are both dead now(<60) so it's really not good for health

nugh said!
like anything, tobacco is just fine in moderation. granted the stuff is really addictive, so the moderation thing can be difficult to accomplish.
Thanks all, the temptation has passed....I got the kids bathed and in bed early and just came in from cleaning the pool (among other things
) and my perspective on life is muchly better.

I really do appreciate all the support. It might sound stupid, but it really helped just to post this up and be able to talk about the jonesing.

Me day has ended, the last load of wash just went in the dryer and I just started up the dishwasher and my freetime is upon me, LIFE IS GOOOOOOOD!!!! 8)

Thanks again for the help all, it really did help. :)
digitalwanderer said:
Too wasteful, I prefer bats from a dugout. ;)

Exercise has become my de-stresser. It's free, it gets me off my fat ass, and it might keep me around until Megan's 40th birthday.
Excercise doesn't de-stress me really, but I do like it. The bowflex has helped considerable, my upper-body is much better. :)

No, I think it's time for a bit-o-serious gaming....THAT always relaxes. 8)
I haven't found a lot of leg exercises I like on the bowflex, but for upper-body/arms it ROCKS!

My legs are in pretty decent shape, running around takes care of that. :rolleyes: (Speaking of which, my 4 year old little angelgirl has been the most undgodly demon about not going to bed....I think she just finally went down. <sigh> )
John Reynolds said:
Work those legs too, biatch.

Just increased the free weights I use for the pects and my man-boobies are killin' me.

I exploded into my workout today... Holy christ I was so pissed off and I was letting it all out doing my chest/bicep excercises today.

I'm actually doing an experiment now to test my genetics, recovery time. So far though I think it's working pretty good, I already feel stronger after a week, I think it's because I'm a Mesmorph, maybe this is what I need.

Hitting body parts 2X a week, taking in tons of Glutamine to help recover, though if I had steroids :p

But forget steroids, not worth it.

Basically this test split is the following.

Monday. Triceps, Deltoids, Back

Wednesday. Chest, Biceps, Legs

Friday. Triceps, Deltoids, Back

Sunday, Chest, Biceps, Legs.

Yes it's a shit load of work, though I dropped the volume down to two sets per excercise. Recovery time is pretty decent actually...
Call me a girly-man but I don't like mixing upper and lower muscle groups like that in my routine.

I just finally started taking 5 grams/day of creatine (powder) after months and months of consideration. I'm just not big into supplements.
I just finally started taking 5 grams/day of creatine (powder) after months and months of consideration. I'm just not big into supplements.


So I take it you didn't load but are just going the 5g a day route? That works, you'll just see the results a bit slower, but it's the same in the end whether you load or not. Make sure you take it with grape juice so you get the insulin spike which will make your body absorb it better though.
I smoke.

I smoke less than a pack a day.

I am a optimist.

It will not kill me.

More and more tax will kill me.

I do not want to live past 65 anyways.
digitalwanderer said:
Please remind me that it's stupid and that I'm playing around with me life here, I need to be reminded.
Couldn't find the pictures/ads I wanted so how about this description of them:

GRAPHIC anti-smoking ads showing gunk oozing out of arteries and blood clots in brains have had high success rates in turning teenagers off cigarettes, research shows.
Diplo said:
Watch this - an award winning UK anti-smoking advert (the one Simon F mentions above).

Then go to the website at http://www.bhf.org.uk/smoking/
Actually it was an Australian one I was referring to ... I found they were generally more frightening than the UK ones. Not that I've ever felt the urge to smoke.
Diplo said:
Watch this - an award winning UK anti-smoking advert (the one Simon F mentions above).

Then go to the website at http://www.bhf.org.uk/smoking/

that one is *really* gross.. . . though the interviews with the dying smokers are pretty harrowing as well :(

my only grandparent still alive , is the one who gave up smoking , two of the others died through direct smoking issues (cancer) , the other indirect ( heart ) . . .
Paul said:
I just finally started taking 5 grams/day of creatine (powder) after months and months of consideration. I'm just not big into supplements.


So I take it you didn't load but are just going the 5g a day route? That works, you'll just see the results a bit slower, but it's the same in the end whether you load or not. Make sure you take it with grape juice so you get the insulin spike which will make your body absorb it better though.

No, not loading According to a friend of mine who teaches chemistry at a local community college and is a fitness nut, recent studies show that loading doesn't give any additional benefits with creatine use. I'd prefer not taking 20 grams/day starting off in case I'm one of those few who run into gastro-intestinal issues with creatine.