Woldwide PSP hardware sales?

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pixelbox said:
Do you realise how much powerful psp is to DS?! Main memory is 4 MB for versus 32 for the psp. EIGHT times the memory.
GB : 8 kb RAM
Lynx : 64 kb RAM
EIGHT times the memory.
333 clockspeed versus 67
DS has two processor., 66 and 33 MHz respectively, for 100 MHz 'total' (daft numbers game alert...). That's about 3x the clockspeed.

GB : 4 MHz processor
Lynx : 4 MHz CPU and 16 MHz GPU
That's FIVE times the clockspeed.

120,000 polygons versus 15 MILLION, nearly 15 times the DS's amount.
GB : colours = 4
Lynx : colours = 4096

GB : Colours Displayable = 4
Lynx : Colours Displayable = 16 per scanline, for as many as a thousand differnt colours per secreen
From FOUR to TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY times more colours on screen.

GB : Number of sampled audio channels = 0 (synth sounds only)
Lynx : Number of sampled audio channels = 4
That's INFINITY times more sampled audio channels

GB : Polygons a second = 0
Lynx : Polygons a second = hundreds


That's INFINITY times as much 3D rendering power!

And psp's upgrades were very useful upgrades if you cared to upgrade it. Browser, RSS, location free, and format upgrades are very big upgrades for free if you ask me.
Browser s quite cool, but not particularly useful. I don't know many people who browse on PSP often. Location Free isn't free as you need other Location Free devices to supply media. Should DS acquire a utility cart with browser and mail-service, it'll match PSPs functions. The fact that PSP may get some upgrades free isn't really an issue as the term 'future proof', as so far used, hasn't said that to be future proof, all upgrades have to be free.

This is a really dumb argument. I think I'll stop now.
Shifty Geezer said:
GB : 8 kb RAM
Lynx : 64 kb RAM
EIGHT times the memory.

DS has two processor., 66 and 33 MHz respectively, for 100 MHz 'total' (daft numbers game alert...). That's about 3x the clockspeed.

GB : 4 MHz processor
Lynx : 4 MHz CPU and 16 MHz GPU
That's FIVE times the clockspeed.

GB : colours = 4
Lynx : colours = 4096

GB : Colours Displayable = 4
Lynx : Colours Displayable = 16 per scanline, for as many as a thousand differnt colours per secreen
From FOUR to TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY times more colours on screen.

GB : Number of sampled audio channels = 0 (synth sounds only)
Lynx : Number of sampled audio channels = 4
That's INFINITY times more sampled audio channels

GB : Polygons a second = 0
Lynx : Polygons a second = hundreds


That's INFINITY times as much 3D rendering power!

Browser s quite cool, but not particularly useful. I don't know many people who browse on PSP often. Location Free isn't free as you need other Location Free devices to supply media. Should DS acquire a utility cart with browser and mail-service, it'll match PSPs functions. The fact that PSP may get some upgrades free isn't really an issue as the term 'future proof', as so far used, hasn't said that to be future proof, all upgrades have to be free.

This is a really dumb argument. I think I'll stop now.

Shame on you for comparing bad graphics with good ones(for those that love todays consoles)...of'course DS is TWO generations behind PSP......PSP needs the better screen because it would'nt look so superior without it. And if DS had the same screen as PSP you could see how ancient those DS game would be on it..Pixels and all the horrible graphics would be shown to light,much like the PSPs jaggy graphics.
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Shifty Geezer said:
This is a really dumb argument. I think I'll stop now.
Ignoring most of that crap,:rolleyes: rather you want to admit it or not, psp offers much more than just tech. And for the size, packs more tech than those handhelds in their timeframe. I think futureproof comes from beliefs that psp will still be active much longer than DS due to the tech it has. Not because it upgrades. Psp has the ablity to stay without the need to upgrade hardware. I believe as more devs get serious about psp games, the DS will have to cave into a upgrade to a DS2 to keep up. Soon the diffrenece in quality will be clear. Anywho, i'm done with this decussion.
pixelbox said:
No, i'm not. Since DS is a gen or so behind those numbers mean a lot. That is when clockspeeds were a good measurement. DS has to 2 CPUs for to screens. It's almost like to systems stick togather. I merely gave it the benefit. They don't work togather so they can't be counted togather, that is, the CPU's don't work togather on accelarating graphics.

The amount of ignorance packed in those comments is frankly amazing. Clockspeed has never been a good way to compare different architectures, no matter how many generations apart, and saying that the DS is "one CPU for one screen" is completely missing the point.

Remember, 130560 pixels pacted togather in a screen close in size of one of DS's screens.

That's pixel density, not resolution you want to discuss, then.

Back then it was obvious that color screens weren't important. Those graphics didn't need it as much.

That's a laughable attempt at revisiting history. The color graphics of the GG and the Lynx (even leaving out the very expensive and uber-powerful PC Engine GT) were simply amazing when compared to the GB. PSP vs DS is not the same order of difference.

Also the color screens were barely visible in the daytime inside a building.

BS. My Lynx II had a very bright display, which could be used indoors or outdoors without problems.
I am sorry, but the whole future proof argument is complete nonsense. Who buys a console or a computer because it's future proof? I didn't buy any of my consoles because of it. Hardware gets dated pretty quickly. The only thing that is important is to enjoy the games that run on it. You can't get any satisfaction from the foolish thought of your device being "future proof". Enjoy the games. Future proof lasts only 3 to 5 yrs.
Can we just get back to the subject at hand, PSP sales, and not some tired rehash of DS = n00b, PSP = sux.

Then again, if we do, I'm sure this topic would come to a quick close as there would be little to discuss. :)
mckmas8808 said:
Hold on solider. I agreed with your whole post until here. Not lots of games? I personnally think that the PSP has just as many good games as the DS has. It's the negative hype that people use to make it seem as if it doesn't.

I really dont see that much new titles for it that interests me, that could of course be a factor to count in. I guees in 06 there will be a flood of games hopefully.
overclocked said:
I really dont see that much new titles for it that interests me, that could of course be a factor to count in. I guees in 06 there will be a flood of games hopefully.
Well that's how i thought until i saw syphon filter. It's my most anticapated game right now. There is like 30 games coming to it for 06, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway i wonder is psp starting to pick up more or is it in the same place as it was in 05. Hopefully psp will last long.
Corwin_B said:
No, because all those handhelds were a lot more "future-proofed" than the original GB was (more RAM, much better graphics...). Of course, it would be lame to point at those systems and say that because less powerful systems failed in front of the original GB, the PSP will fail. But saying that the PSP will end selling better than the DS based on "future-proofing", while conveniently forgetting about the lessons of previous handhelds is equally lame.

Corwin_B said:
When everything else fails, call the other side a ******. There should be something akind to Godwin's law for that.
I called you a fan, not a ******. And btw, conveniently ignoring the points I made isn't subtle at all.

Corwin_B said:
Which I suppose must say something about the state of PSP software.
How does PS2 software equate to PSP software? It doesn't.

Shifty Geezer said:
Your saying future-proof means firmware updates, support, and improving graphics over launch? Doesn't that make DS future-proof too?

DS can add features through carts (web-browser cart , email cart, etc.), will see improvements in graphics versus launch titles over time, and has great support from Nintendo. By your definition DS seems future-proof too.
DS would be future-poofed if it wasn't already 10-year old technology, actually had an capable OS and an upgrade scheme. Does the DS even have the memory to hold such firmware updates that PSP is delivering?

Shifty Geezer said:
Why? Your argument is 'PSP is higher tech (and more full featured) then DS, ergo will outlive it', yes? (well, actually your argument is PSP is 'future proof' and DS isn't, without pointing out what PSP has making it future proof that DS doesn't...) There have been plenty of handhelds that satisfy those criteria (better tech, better graphics, better features) that failed to supercede Nintendo's handhelds, hence the premise that better technology = longer life is disproved.
Yeah, what didn't those platforms have = fantastic first and third-party support.

Oh, and PSP still has the clock upgrade. Just another example of future-proofing.

Shifty Geezer said:
If you don't feel PSP can be likened to those other failed platforms, and you still want to claim to be being logical, you'll have to explain why PSPs situation is different in ways other than 'the argument is lame'.
Support. Installed-base that already passes all of those (combined?). Better third-party software sales by far in the west. Stupid to say the least comparing them.
I had a Gameboy and a Game Gear, and the Gameboy got played a heap more simply because it required less batteries, lasted longer on fewer batteries, and had more/better games (most importantly, Tetris!).

PSP does not suffer from the same battery life issues these old consoles suffered from. Game Gear and Lynx were totally crippled from their shitty battery life. This was back in the days when rechargeables were really expensive, and took 14 hours to recharge anyway - for 2 to 3 hours battery life!

This argument is pretty silly. Both DS and PSP are absolute successes. Both have carved out a niche for themselves. I expect total sales for each console to roughly match each other at the end of their lifespan, even including all the Nintendo updates of the DS (expect at least another one or two, if the GBA is anything to go by :D)
Nicked said:

Ah, but the argument that you started was about "future-proofing", not "support". In case you forgot, DS has plenty of support, too, both 1st and 3d party. For you, "future-proofing" meant that the PSP would outsell the DS by Mid-2007 in Japan.

How does PS2 software equate to PSP software? It doesn't.

Software sales are a pretty good indicator of the strength of a platform in a given territory (for example, excellent tie-in ratio after launch + good UMD sales + strong HW sales all point toward the PSP being a big success in EU/US). I pointed that DS had a terrific year software-wise in JP since it managed to sell more software than the PS2 in Japan (with PS2 having a huge installed base), after which you went on damage control trying to explain that the reason DS sold so much SW was that PS2 had bad software sales because of the lack of compelling games. Since the PSP sold even less software in JP than the PS2, I suppose that means something about the appeal of PSP software in JP right now.

Yeah, what didn't those platforms have = fantastic first and third-party support.

But they were "future-proof", weren't they ? They had better graphics, higher memory... than the GB.

Support. Installed-base that already passes all of those (combined?). Better third-party software sales by far in the west. Stupid to say the least comparing them.

Once again, you try to shift the argument away from the stupid notion of "future-proofing". Had you said "I think the installed user base, strong technology, upcoming lineup and good developer support means PSP has a very bright future in front of it", you would have had no argument from me. But saying "Mid-2007 I can see the PSP outselling DS consistently in Japan. Its a hell of a lot more future-proofed." is not the same.
I'm getting rather bored going back and forth because I feel that you don't really have an argument against what I said and are complacent misinterpreting and responding to select points I make rather than the main thrust of my argument. Ergo this is my last post because its becoming inane.

Corwin_B said:
Ah, but the argument that you started was about "future-proofing", not "support". In case you forgot, DS has plenty of support, too, both 1st and 3d party. For you, "future-proofing" meant that the PSP would outsell the DS by Mid-2007 in Japan.
Actually you were trying to compare PSP to previous handhelds which has nothing to do with DS.

Corwin_B said:
I pointed that DS had a terrific year software-wise in JP since it managed to sell more software than the PS2 in Japan (with PS2 having a huge installed base), after which you went on damage control trying to explain that the reason DS sold so much SW was that PS2 had bad software sales because of the lack of compelling games. Since the PSP sold even less software in JP than the PS2, I suppose that means something about the appeal of PSP software in JP right now.
Facts != damage control. Of course PSP isn't as appealing to Japanese gamers right now.

Corwin_B said:
But they were "future-proof", weren't they ? They had better graphics, higher memory... than the GB.
Sorry you're trying to pidgeonhole my argument because yours is flawed.

Corwin_B said:
Once again, you try to shift the argument away from the stupid notion of "future-proofing". Had you said "I think the installed user base, strong technology, upcoming lineup and good developer support means PSP has a very bright future in front of it", you would have had no argument from me. But saying "Mid-2007 I can see the PSP outselling DS consistently in Japan. Its a hell of a lot more future-proofed." is not the same.
I wasn't shying away, you made this idiotic mistake in your first point, and here you make it again. I've shifted away from nothing. I'm saying why the PSP has in addition to all of the other platforms that were technically superior (which isn't the only point I made in the 'future-proofing' argument) because of the lame comparisons being made. Once again, stop trying to twist my argument whilst ignoring half my points because its convenient for you to debate that way.
pixelbox said:
Well that's how i thought until i saw syphon filter. It's my most anticapated game right now. There is like 30 games coming to it for 06, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway i wonder is psp starting to pick up more or is it in the same place as it was in 05. Hopefully psp will last long.

Ok but 30 isnt much imo(if like 10 is EA games as usual also). Maybe most of the big studios push their resources on PS3/360 now so thats why, maybe..
Anyway i hope that we will start to see more original titles as i think PSP would be a good plattform for the not so big devs.
Its been out for a short period but i would want more non-ports..
(And enough Brand X product A vs Brand Y product B; like whatever you want, and don't force your opinion on others.)
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