Woldwide PSP hardware sales?

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overclocked said:
I think nicked is right. This is afterall a handheld system. Take the videocapabilites you dont get better than it is right there.
I would expect PSP holding as long as PS2 and thats six years and counting.

You cant compare PSP to any other handheld or even DS imo cause they are playing in different leagues, with that in mind i think PSP sales are great. I see this as variation not doom spelling on either company as many like to predict.
About the graphic, isnt one of the "main" selling points of DS backwards compability?.
To bring up gfx as something that would sink the PSP for being future proof is moot and quite frankly silly when i think that most agrees that is more than great for that screensize.

Oh please guys. The PSP will more than likely NEVER catch the DS in Japan. It's pretty much over now. Just look at EU and NA to see if and when the PSP can past the DS.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh please guys. The PSP will more than likely NEVER catch the DS in Japan. It's pretty much over now. Just look at EU and NA to see if and when the PSP can past the DS.
Never say never. Not that i think it will catch up but things change. At the moment, most japanese see no future in psp in terms of games. They like the system but hate the games, and software sells in japan shows this. But if developers want their games to sell, they have to work for it. Now, i had no interest in psp games until i saw syphon filter. They worked hard on that game and it shows. I will buy a good game and not some crap with a popular name slapped on it. And that same thing is true for the japanese, they got crap because developers thought it will sell based on the playstation's name, easy money huh? So now you have this great handheld with nothing to show for it. Hardware sells well, crappy games don't. I think IMO that ds sells will drop hard when ps3 comes around, giving psp's good software (when it comes) time to grow on people. That's when that "futureproof" word comes in, psp does what no rival handheld can do, which is upgrade. Psp won't need a predecessor anytime soon because of the power it has. When DS is said and done psp will still be there and hopefully during that time devs will start to make some good games, because sale prove great games sell(monster hunter).

And BTW, DS doesn't do anything new with that touch screen. Remember gamedotcom? There's got to be another reason it sells...oh yeah just good games!
pixelbox said:
And BTW, DS doesn't do anything new with that touch screen. Remember gamedotcom? There's got to be another reason it sells...oh yeah just good games!

It's the screen that makes the game even more fun though. So to me the screen helps alot.
mckmas8808 said:
It's the screen that makes the game even more fun though. So to me the screen helps alot.
Gamedotcom had the same screen potenial and it flopped. It's all about how fun the game is, not a touchscreen.
pixelbox said:
Gamedotcom had the same screen potenial and it flopped. It's all about how fun the game is, not a touchscreen.
Gamedotcom had the potential but maybe not the right games. Nintendogs wouldn't be half as much fun without the touchscreen so one might argue a touchscreen contributes to the fun.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh please guys. The PSP will more than likely NEVER catch the DS in Japan. It's pretty much over now. Just look at EU and NA to see if and when the PSP can past the DS.

And i dont care about that! All im saying is that PSP IS selling great. I really dont see the need to compare it to the DS cause right now they are in so different segments even though they are handheld. Still if we would the difference isnt that big that i thought it would be so im very positively suprised about the adaption ratio.
Sure there not lots of games and UMD is expensive but this will improve hopefully so the future seems bright for this gem.
Nicked said:
Actually useful firmware updates with great support from Sony + great leaps in graphical quality (from first gen to whats right around the corner) = future proofed.
Your saying future-proof means firmware updates, support, and improving graphics over launch? Doesn't that make DS future-proof too?

DS can add features through carts (web-browser cart , email cart, etc.), will see improvements in graphics versus launch titles over time, and has great support from Nintendo. By your definition DS seems future-proof too.

And trying to compare the PSP to handhelds that "didn't survive" is lame.
Why? Your argument is 'PSP is higher tech (and more full featured) then DS, ergo will outlive it', yes? (well, actually your argument is PSP is 'future proof' and DS isn't, without pointing out what PSP has making it future proof that DS doesn't...) There have been plenty of handhelds that satisfy those criteria (better tech, better graphics, better features) that failed to supercede Nintendo's handhelds, hence the premise that better technology = longer life is disproved.

If you don't feel PSP can be likened to those other failed platforms, and you still want to claim to be being logical, you'll have to explain why PSPs situation is different in ways other than 'the argument is lame'.
Psp won't need a predecessor anytime soon because of the power it has. When DS is said and done psp will still be there and hopefully during that time devs will start to make some good games, because sale prove great games sell(monster hunter).

If only life were that simple.

Most people didn't have a problem "upgrading" from GB to GBC to GBA to GBA SP to NDS to GB micro. In fact most people don't mind "upgrading" from DS to DS Lite with zero processing power inprovements. Oh and finally when your PSP's optical drive dies and needs replacing you'll have to "sidegrade" to another PSP anyway. How long does a UMD drive last?
Moonblade said:
Gamedotcom had the potential but maybe not the right games. Nintendogs wouldn't be half as much fun without the touchscreen so one might argue a touchscreen contributes to the fun.
I know, but to say DS is sells because of it "innovative" features is just not correct. At the moment DS has more fun games and that's what's doing it for the system. That and it's predecessors fanbase. Gamedotcom had those same features(touchscreen) and looked beter but still flopped. So, what i'm saying is that fun games are what sells. Sure DS has a touchscreen to make games fun, but psp has power to enhance the enjoyment of games and DS can't touch that. Nor can psp touch the extra attributes of the DS.
Shifty Geezer said:
Your saying future-proof means firmware updates, support, and improving graphics over launch? Doesn't that make DS future-proof too?

DS can add features through carts (web-browser cart , email cart, etc.), will see improvements in graphics versus launch titles over time, and has great support from Nintendo. By your definition DS seems future-proof too.

Why? Your argument is 'PSP is higher tech (and more full featured) then DS, ergo will outlive it', yes? (well, actually your argument is PSP is 'future proof' and DS isn't, without pointing out what PSP has making it future proof that DS doesn't...) There have been plenty of handhelds that satisfy those criteria (better tech, better graphics, better features) that failed to supercede Nintendo's handhelds, hence the premise that better technology = longer life is disproved.

If you don't feel PSP can be likened to those other failed platforms, and you still want to claim to be being logical, you'll have to explain why PSPs situation is different in ways other than 'the argument is lame'.

Ok, we're not talking about extra color output or more sprites a second. Psp is a huge leap over the rivals. So much that it's not in the same league, so psp doesn't fit well in those situations. And two, there are things DS really can't do because of the tech it has. And most importantly, the upgrades are free with psp. So yes, DS is future prove, but psp so more to a greater extent, enough to make the future upgrades of DS irrelevant.
If only life were that simple.

Most people didn't have a problem "upgrading" from GB to GBC to GBA to GBA SP to NDS to GB micro. In fact most people don't mind "upgrading" from DS to DS Lite with zero processing power inprovements. Oh and finally when your PSP's optical drive dies and needs replacing you'll have to "sidegrade" to another PSP anyway. How long does a UMD drive last?
If the drives last as long as the walkmans/minidisk players then we all are in great shape. And see, upgrade involves improving on what's there or to replace (a hardware/software) with one that provides better performance. DS lite doesn't do that. And again i reiterate upgrades cost nothing on the psp, people do still care about money.:???:
pixelbox said:
Ok, we're not talking about extra color output or more sprites a second. Psp is a huge leap over the rivals. So much that it's not in the same league, so psp doesn't fit well in those situations. And two, there are things DS really can't do because of the tech it has. And most importantly, the upgrades are free with psp. So yes, DS is future prove, but psp so more to a greater extent, enough to make the future upgrades of DS irrelevant.

The technological gap between, for example, Lynx or Gamegear and the original Gameboy was much, much wider than the gap between PSP and DS... I mean, the screen on the PSP is a lot better than the screens of the DS, but the difference between the bright color screen of the Lynx/GG and the small non-lit black&white screen of the GB was a true order of magnitude. The Lynx also had sprite deformations/rotations/zooms features... Ever seen Slime World, Blue Lightning or California Games on the Lynx ? Home consoles could have choked on some of those effects back then (IIRC, Slime World was ported on home consoles and it suffered from absolutely horrible framerate).

Saying the PSP makes a larger jump over its competition than what existed in previous generations is simply not true.

Where I see a difference between the PSP and previous technologically superior handhelds is that the PSP has an easily rechargeable battery. Thus, the superior battery life of Nintendo handhelds is a much less compelling argument than it was in previous generations although it still exists.
pixelbox said:
And see, upgrade involves improving on what's there or to replace (a hardware/software) with one that provides better performance. DS lite doesn't do that.

DS Lite provides an upgrade in size (and ergonomy), battery life, screen brightness. That's a pretty decent upgrade, actually, although not necessary by any mean for existing DS owners. If Sony started selling a new model of PSP with improved battery life, it would be considered an excellent upgrade my many people (myself included).

You use an extremely narrow definition of "upgrade" to prove your point.

And again i reiterate upgrades cost nothing on the psp, people do still care about money.:???:

Most firmware updates on PSP don't provide better performance, but additional features. Which means that by your definition they are not "upgrades" as such. People caring about money may explain part of the DS success, since it's significantly cheaper than the PSP...
Conwin's right where I am. Lynx was further beyond GB than PSP is to DS. Where PSP is a generation in 3D performance over DS, Lynx was better than GB in every way (except battery-life!). Colour, sampled audio, features... GG too was leaps and bounds beyond GB and had all sorts of extras like the TV tuner. And these were early systems. Since then there's been lots of alternatives to GB, none of which got anywhere. Historical precedent for technology beng the key deciding factor is actually to the contrary. Any argument saying better tech is the deciding factor will have to argue the point not only in terms of logical consideration but also against a 20 year history where that never proved to be the case.
overclocked said:
And i dont care about that! All im saying is that PSP IS selling great. I really dont see the need to compare it to the DS cause right now they are in so different segments even though they are handheld. Still if we would the difference isnt that big that i thought it would be so im very positively suprised about the adaption ratio.
Sure there not lots of games and UMD is expensive but this will improve hopefully so the future seems bright for this gem.

Hold on solider. I agreed with your whole post until here. Not lots of games? I personnally think that the PSP has just as many good games as the DS has. It's the negative hype that people use to make it seem as if it doesn't.
Corwin_B said:
The technological gap between, for example, Lynx or Gamegear and the original Gameboy was much, much wider than the gap between PSP and DS... I mean, the screen on the PSP is a lot better than the screens of the DS, but the difference between the bright color screen of the Lynx/GG and the small non-lit black&white screen of the GB was a true order of magnitude. The Lynx also had sprite deformations/rotations/zooms features... Ever seen Slime World, Blue Lightning or California Games on the Lynx ? Home consoles could have choked on some of those effects back then (IIRC, Slime World was ported on home consoles and it suffered from absolutely horrible framerate).

Saying the PSP makes a larger jump over its competition than what existed in previous generations is simply not true.

Where I see a difference between the PSP and previous technologically superior handhelds is that the PSP has an easily rechargeable battery. Thus, the superior battery life of Nintendo handhelds is a much less compelling argument than it was in previous generations although it still exists.
Do you realise how much powerful psp is to DS?! Main memory is 4 MB for versus 32 for the psp. EIGHT times the memory. 333 clockspeed versus 67. 120,000 polygons versus 15 MILLION, nearly 15 times the DS's amount. That's what i call a leap. And let's not mention screen rez on top. Having a color screen is just not important to me, after all, games matter most and new tech can drive it.
Again, you have to pay(not saying thay people won't) for the upgrade versus FREE. And psp's upgrades were very useful upgrades if you cared to upgrade it(for all who are illegally gaming). Browser, RSS, location free, and format upgrades are very big upgrades for free if you ask me.
Shifty Geezer said:
Conwin's right where I am. Lynx was further beyond GB than PSP is to DS. Where PSP is a generation in 3D performance over DS, Lynx was better than GB in every way (except battery-life!). Colour, sampled audio, features... GG too was leaps and bounds beyond GB and had all sorts of extras like the TV tuner. And these were early systems. Since then there's been lots of alternatives to GB, none of which got anywhere. Historical precedent for technology beng the key deciding factor is actually to the contrary. Any argument saying better tech is the deciding factor will have to argue the point not only in terms of logical consideration but also against a 20 year history where that never proved to be the case.
You are not considering what psp has to offer over the competion. It's doesn't just stop at graphics, just the ablity to upgrade itself it a whole nother entity in itself. Throw in the fact that it's a convergent handheld really drives that in. Tv tuner ha! None of those systems were that advanced. Most of them just had color screens to hold it's weight.
pixelbox said:
Do you realise how much powerful psp is to DS?! Main memory is 4 MB for versus 32 for the psp. EIGHT times the memory. 333 clockspeed versus 67. 120,000 polygons versus 15 MILLION, nearly 15 times the DS's amount.

The Lynx had similarly impressive numbers when compared to the GB and its lowly Z80. Didn't help it. BTW, you are comparing apples to oranges with your specs (comparing clock speeds without taking architecture into account, without mentioning that the DS has 2 CPUs...).

That's what i call a leap. And let's not mention screen rez on top.

PSP is 480x272 = 130560 pixels
DS is 2x 256x192 = 98304 pixels

Not that much of a difference...

Having a color screen is just not important to me, after all, games matter most and new tech can drive it.

Ok, so you would be sold on a black&white, unlit handheld provided it pushed enough polygons ?

Again, you have to pay(not saying thay people won't) for the upgrade versus FREE. And psp's upgrades were very useful upgrades if you cared to upgrade it(for all who are illegally gaming). Browser, RSS, location free, and format upgrades are very big upgrades for free if you ask me.

I don't disagree that the firmware updates provide useful and nice features, my point was that earlier you narrowly defined an upgrade (either software or hardware) as providing solely better performance in order to trash the DS Lite :
And see, upgrade involves improving on what's there or to replace (a hardware/software) with one that provides better performance.

Which the PSP firmware updates don't provide.
pixelbox said:
None of those systems were that advanced. Most of them just had color screens to hold it's weight.

I guess you have never seen a Lynx or a PC-Engine GT compared to a GB, then... :rolleyes:
Corwin_B said:
The Lynx had similarly impressive numbers when compared to the GB and its lowly Z80. Didn't help it. BTW, you are comparing apples to oranges with your specs (comparing clock speeds without taking architecture into account, without mentioning that the DS has 2 CPUs...).
No, i'm not. Since DS is a gen or so behind those numbers mean a lot. That is when clockspeeds were a good measurement. DS has to 2 CPUs for to screens. It's almost like to systems stick togather. I merely gave it the benefit. They don't work togather so they can't be counted togather, that is, the CPU's don't work togather on accelarating graphics.

Corwin_B said:
PSP is 480x272 = 130560 pixels
DS is 2x 256x192 = 98304 pixels

Not that much of a difference...
Remember, 130560 pixels pacted togather in a screen close in size of one of DS's screens.

Corwin_B said:
Ok, so you would be sold on a black&white, unlit handheld provided it pushed enough polygons ?

Back then it was obvious that color screens weren't important. Those graphics didn't need it as much. Also the color screens were barely visible in the daytime inside a building. The tradeoff for color in the color screens back then were too great.

Corwin_B said:
I don't disagree that the firmware updates provide useful and nice features, my point was that earlier you narrowly defined an upgrade (either software or hardware) as providing solely better performance in order to trash the DS Lite

I'm not trashing it! It's a good handheld...but it's not as amazing as psp.;)
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