Witcher 2

Just finished it! Wow a great game. My playtime was about 38h. You really have to make a lot of big decisions in this game and their concequences are pretty big, chapter 2 being of course the biggest example of this, but there were plenty of other big moments as well. Excellent stuff.

Edit: oops didn't notice that it's past 3am over here already hehe, the sun is coming up soon and it's already quite bright out there. You lose track of time with such a great game :)

You finished both paths?
You finished both paths?

No I've played only the dwarf town path. Definately have to play again and see some other outcomes. The replay value is very good. I kind of stormed through the last chapter, but liked it also.

I used your settings BTW. Those helped a bit, but only to a point. The textures, pop in and LOD changes really don't look so hot on a 100" screen. I also saw my friend play this on his 24" monitor and it looked so much better on a small display. Probably should have kept my 52" tv "sad"
3 days later and 1.2 is finally being pushed on Steam.

And yep, it's another 9 GB download.
There are 16 endings, I wonder if someone will have the will to play all of them :p

I had no idea, I'll have to play around with that.

The 2 main branches are chosing between Vernon and Iorveth in Act I, right? I ended up going with the latter, as I suspect most would. Despite his voice. I reckon they're both assholes, really, but there was probably this generic 'elves must be the good guys, right?' instinct at work here for me here.
Yeah that is both the fault of CDP for not splitting resources into smaller chunks and Steam for not having a bit more robust and capable updating system (imo 80/20 CDP's stupid mistake)
I had no idea, I'll have to play around with that.

The 2 main branches are chosing between Vernon and Iorveth in Act I, right? I ended up going with the latter, as I suspect most would. Despite his voice. I reckon they're both assholes, really, but there was probably this generic 'elves must be the good guys, right?' instinct at work here for me here.

Well, I did the opposite and went with Blue Stripes party :D. Had a lovely glass of wine with Ves :devilish:. So nice I forgot to press F12 for snapshots :oops:
About the Witcher 2's updates on Steam. I'm wondering why they are not just overriding the individual files instead of that one big file? The system seems to work so that if you have an individual file in your Witcher's folder which matches the file path of a file inside that one big file, it uses that one file.

Well, it's hard to explain. But there's already some "mods" out there which are just copied into a particular file path. When the game starts, it locates and loads those smaller files and uses them.
I spent yesterday playing, since I was home sick. Whoever wrote this storyline needs a goddamn Nobel Peace Prize. I'm relatively certain the magnitude of the choice/consequence system of TW2 transcends even the original. Whenever I make decisions, I tend to lean towards the Scoia'tael side of things.
I decided to work with Iorveth towards the finale of the Flotsam quests, which resulted on an attack on the Flotsam guards. Besides, Iorveth is more awesome than Roche.

Graphics are stunning, unfortunately I need a better card to enable Ubersampling and some of the lighting options like SSAO. I was considering a GTX 580, but I assume details on the 600 series will be arriving shortly.
You can forget about ubersampling with a single 580. I have 570 and the game runs flawlessly with maxed settings as long as I uncheck ubersampling. If I turn it on, the framerate comes crashing down from 50-60 fps to 10-15 fps. It's a huge sacrifice for a rather insubstantial boost in IQ. I think the built-in MLAA solution does a fairly good job already.
Still $80 US for me o_O

Not that I want weekly 9GB downloads..waiting until a reasonably prices disc version.
Just had my first crash, right as I was escaping from the dungeon. No error messages or anything, just instantly blown back to the desktop.

Otherwise it has been smooth sailing at all max settings save for ubersampling and LOD distance on normal, GTX260 and E6750 at 1440x900.

I wasn't really expecting to be impressed by the graphics, but man this game looks great!
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Heh I bought myself a 42" LG flatscreen for gaming as it was pretty cheap 469€ and is also pretty good. It won a review in one large Finnish magazine. It doesn't have any special bells or whistles, but the panel is good for monitor/gaming use. Super happy with it. I sold my almost new 27" LG for 199€, so it wasn't a bad upgrade for 270€. 40-42" TV's are the sweet spot as far as pricing goes over here. I also have lot's of flexibility to move things around in my living room, so I can vary the viewing distance how I want. Currently it's about 1.5 meters away.

Well anyway I thought I'll start my second playthrough of Witcher 2 then, only to see that it's downloading a 9GB patch again lol... It wouldn't be so bad if Steam actually could support decent downloading speeds, but over longer periods I don't seem to get over 800Kb/s and with that speed 9GBs takes ages. I've tried countless different download locations.