Beefed-up R500? Haha. You guys seriously believe you need a BEEFED-UP chip like R500 to run a next-gen console at TV resolutions? Even HDTV res? HOW many times more powerful is the R360 compared to NV2A? Now add to that imaginary Deadmeat-constant to come up with R500 speed...
Dual cores, you guys are NUTS. LOL, with dual core you need dual memory buses, so twice the RAM chips! M$ skimped on the RAM LAST time, the XB had even less mem b/w than standard GF3... No way.
I do not foresee R500 in 04, simply for the reason it most likely won't be needed. NV most likely wants two cycles out of NV40 minimum (big R&D investment, likely far from finished with NV50 etc), I don't see why ATi should be delayed to any great extent at all by the M$ deal. They went into this willingly, knowing the issues NV had when they dealt with M$. They would not have done this unless they thought they could pull it off.
I don't see why ATi couldn't use the exact same die as in the PC space, the northbridge (which they make also these days) is the one that needs to be modified if M$ goes with a non-Intel CPU, but that's a less complicated task. Also, wondering who will do the sound this time... HMMMMMM...
Only XB had really impressive sound hardware this time 'round, though devs don't seem to use all those custom DSPs for much other than the bog-standard surround fare. Can you even program them directly if you want to or are you forced to go through DX API calls only? If so, why is that? What would they have to lose by allowing programmers to bang the hardware directly?
PS2 is the console with the most interesting sound development really, with DTS being offered (in all too few titles really) when it isn't even a hardware feature of the sound chip.

DPL2 support on the Cube's pretty good though, however I feel some titles implement it poorly.
Vince, regarding R420 vs NV40, don't forget 3dfx ran with the basic underlying Vooodoo architecture for friggin five years almost. I think the R300 still has mileage in it with that in mind...

After all, we don't know in what ways it is being tuned and modified to turn into R420.
So what if it lacks a PPP, you need application support for that anyway, how long you think before we see that? Where are all the DX9 titles anyway, we had the original R300 in august of LAST year for chrissakes! By the time we "need" a PPP, ATi will have a card featuring one.
Likely we won't "need" a PPP until Longhorn makes it out in what, 06 now is it? Maybe even Longhorn won't have PPP support, though would be cool if it did. The graphics market is getting more fragmented all the time, it's only relatively recently titles have begun to *demand* hardware T&L for cryin out loud (DX7 level featureset), by the time they *demand* DX9 I guess another two years have to pass and they probably still won't require, and likely barely support, a PPP, or even shaders version 3. In the titles that do support these things there would be fallback alternatives for straight DX9 cards...
There's no hurry. PPP will be nothing but a checkbox feature and something for the demo makers at graphics chip companies to earn their keep with for a LONG time.
This isn't really a console discussion though, is it?