I'm not sure what people go bonkers about here (probably some sort of self-prepetuating mass delusion / Nintendo = religion fan boy-dom).
Tell me your joking...
I am fairly horrified by how god-awful CoD3, GT racing, and Far Cry look. There is no way I'm putting down $50 on those games, especially since they don't even look/sound fun (ports).
Not great looking, definitely, but not fun, completely the opposite. According to IGN Far Cry's controls are easily the best they've played so far and make it a very fun game.
And I'm not going to sit here and pretend it is entirely because the devs had absolutely no clue what the real hardware would be. That is extremely unlikely IMO.
I doubt anyone believes that. Though for whatever reason these games certainly are nowhere close to what Wii can achieve, since they look no better and a lot of them even worse then GC games.
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