Wii version of Zelda: Twilight Princess reviews coming in

The inevitable. You know what I mean. It has happened.

The graphics of Zelda: Twilight Princess have been compared to Gears of War by the 1up crew. You couldn't make this stuff up :LOL:


Start at 10:40
Jeremy: I haven't actually seen a game on the 360 that I think makes effective use of the high-definition graphics. Like you see games like Dead Rising, Gears Of War, they're very detailed, there's a lot going on, they've really put a lot of effort in the graphics but you still got that uncanny-valley thing going on where everything looks kinda puppet-like and it's all awkward. In Gears Of War everyone looks like they're made of a big grey tree trunk with veins. That's just not appealing visually. I would much rather have something that's a little lower-resolution, maybe has some kinda crappy textured [sic] graphics, but overall just fits together and works organically, and Twilight Princess really does.

Almost the whole 20+ minute episode is about Zelda. It's a review ;)
Minor spoilers (lots of area graphics, a new gadget, some dialog, some enemies, a mini-boss'es intro sequence, a garden-variety wolf transformation) ahead.
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<Quick reply before the OSU and UM game starts>

How is this surprising to anybody? This is a gamecube game that was ported to the Wii and the Wiimote controls were slapped onto this game.

The game wasn't developed with the Wiimote in mind. It was developed to be released on the Gamecube.

Of course this game should have Gamecube graphics and the controls should feel as if they were just "mapped" from the normal controller to the Wiimote.

This is a last generation game. There's no way to get around that. It's like releasing Halo2 for the 360 and expecting something different than Halo2 on the Xbox.

Honestly I completly disagree with you-

Because I bought red steel and thats a Next gen game supposedly yet zelda looks 10 times better, also some of the lighting that is done on zelda im sure cannot be done on Gamecube- tho its just bloom it is there and it looks pretty nice. Also i negate the fact that this game wasnt developed with the wiimote in hand- do you have confirmation it wasnt? because im sure nintendo knew all along....Nintendo is def not the type of mess around like that. The game plays wonderfully with the wiimote- and I really dont care what Gamespot said- If the reviewer wants different gameplay- maybe he shouldnt play zelda. I want to play Zelda because it is ZELDA. I get so sick sometimes of everyone wanting new- when im still probably playing playstation 1. boo