I've seen the AC III youtube video, with minimum effort the devs put a map and weapon switching on the gamepad's screen. that's convincing for me.
I mean, if you look at an x360, it's just like an updated PS2 for me, but here we have a new input/output ability which makes the experience more PC-like.
you can touch an icon, no more lame bindings to d-pad or triggers, no need for a two-weapon limit. no need for scrolling between giant text menu options, with a d-pad or joystick, you now have a point-and-click approach to your inventory and game saves.
you will even use an onscreen keyboard rather than select characters with your d-pad, as if you were playing a SNES RPG. it's nice, really! :smile:
the CPU and GPU hardware really is current gen, but I have a feeling that the big edram and increased memory can help with the current problems : lack of AA and low res textures.