Wii game - Cruisin'. Shocking visuals, and not the good kind! *

That has "will never make it into any of the team members' resume" written all over it.

Even the shadow is lighter than the road/car around it... When you can't get basic shadows right, I think it's time to call it quit for that project and restart from scratch. The car seem to use the good refelective enviromental mapping technique that was so appreciated in 1996, so I guess they're trying to imply that the car is reflective and thus cast light reflections on the ground... Except that it doesn't work that way, shadows are not turning into light sources no matter what coating your car, or any object, uses.
If they sell this for a low price, like USD10, this could become a cult hit. Collectors may want to own this little piece of videogame history. :D
Remember everyone, you should blame it on 3rd party games don't sell on a Nintendo system when this game is released. Nintendo doesn't deserve to be in the game industry if this masterpiece is ignored by it's fanbase. You guys better support this game, or we won't get more excellent games like this from Midway.
This goes a step beyond bad. It's like Midway is trying to get revenge on gamers for buying Wiis, or revenge on Nintendo for not making it more powerful. I just can't figure out why they'd deliberately make it look this awful, because we know they're not that incompetent. Are they just taking the 64 game and upgrading the car models? Maybe it's coming to N64 VC.
This goes a step beyond bad. It's like Midway is trying to get revenge on gamers for buying Wiis, or revenge on Nintendo for not making it more powerful. I just can't figure out why they'd deliberately make it look this awful, because we know they're not that incompetent. Are they just taking the 64 game and upgrading the car models? Maybe it's coming to N64 VC.

Maybe its just midway buying into the whole WII mantra? Graphics doesn't matter, all about gameplay. So maybe they spend their entire development budget on "gameplay" and just reused assets from a N64 game :p
I just want to remind you guys that Midway recently accused other magazines of slamming Mortal Kombat in the reviews while giving games like Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter high scores.

That I think is the most relevant issue being raised here. Assuming these screenshots are indicative of the game, what limits should the console companies have? Where should they end? Once upon a time Nintendo could be very heavy-handed, and it hurt them. Giving developers more free-reign is good for the company, and if they produce drivvel, isn't it their call and when the product doesn't sell, it's their loss? Especially if the console company get royalties regardless of whether the game sells or not. If Midway are fool enough to print 10,000 discs of this and pay Nintendo $100,000 in fees or whatever it is, and go on to sell 0 discs, that's good for Nintendo!

Its good for Nintendo in a very short sighted kind of way, but not long term. Not when the likes of Midway release complete and utter crap and then say "Look, proof 3rd party games don't sell on Nintendo systems". Which is exactly what they did with GC. Its bad for Nintendo's image and can further the idea in both consumers and publishers minds that Nintendo consoles are a place for Nintendo games only.

I understand your point, and its a good question. But there is quite a difference between being heavy handed with publishers and letting any old shit apear on your system. To me a Wii racing game that looks like it could possibly be released on DS is just taking the piss completely.
Maybe its just midway buying into the whole WII mantra? Graphics doesn't matter, all about gameplay. So maybe they spend their entire development budget on "gameplay" and just reused assets from a N64 game :p

But this goes overboard to the point of just being immature. Not even rendering the game in 640x480? That goes over the line. Perhaps what we're seeing is some programmers and artists who were hoping to work on the X360 and are so ticked at getting assigned to a Wii project that this is their version of throwing a tantrum.
This goes a step beyond bad. It's like Midway is trying to get revenge on gamers for buying Wiis, or revenge on Nintendo for not making it more powerful. I just can't figure out why they'd deliberately make it look this awful, because we know they're not that incompetent. Are they just taking the 64 game and upgrading the car models? Maybe it's coming to N64 VC.

Dream Team what? This is Nightmare's Team now :devilish: But hey, cheer up everyone, it is innovative because it uses the Wiimote.

/me thinks Midway is testing the theory about graphics not mattering :LOL:
Dream Team what? This is Nightmare's Team now :devilish: But hey, cheer up everyone, it is innovative because it uses the Wiimote.

/me thinks Midway is testing the theory about graphics not mattering :LOL:

what are you talking about, most people here dont even own a wii and have insulted it regardless :)! All this did was added insult to injury.

I still think it looks like Midnight Club 2.
/me thinks Midway is testing the theory about graphics not mattering :LOL:

If that's what they're doing, and I wouldn't be surprised, then they're just being childish. Or maybe they think this whole thing is a colossal joke. Or as I proposed before, someone's throwing a hissy fit. Having gone to nerd school, I can't say that computer programmers are necessarily the most mature people I've ever met. :rolleyes: