Wii game - Cruisin'. Shocking visuals, and not the good kind! *

Oh no, its just Midway releasing one of their epic games called cruis'n.



Yes apparently this really is a wii title. We've seen some pretty ugly wii games, but im sure it actually takes more effort to create a ''game'' this ugly than it would take to create a normal looking game. What the ... is midway thinking? you cant possibly want to sell something like this. Also how do the people that made this garbage feel? I'd be more happy homeless without a job than going true the humiliation of having my name in the credits of this creation. Not that anyone is ever going to see the credits...

It looks like they made this game in 1997 but decided it sucked to much and not release it but release it now to make some cash.
Yes apparently this really is a wii title.

It looks like they made this game in 1997 but decided it sucked to much and not release it but release it now to make some cash.
What's your source on this? As Natoma says, it looks like a VC title of an N64 game, and if so, your post is antagonistic. If your original source suggests this is a proper Wii-specific title I'll let you off (and please link to it). Otherwise consider this a warning, either to be less antagonistic, or to be more careful - whichever your fault here is. There's retro titles aplenty these days, for all platforms. Don't confuse them with proper titles, and don't hold them up as poor-graphics showcases.

For now, I'll edit the title to reflect what I think to be the reality of the situation - this is a VC title. If you can link to evidence it's a Wii specific title, I'll revert it back to a 'what in the blazes are Nintendo allowing on their machine?!' thread.
Well :oops:. These pics are August 22nd this year, and IGN says it's a Wii title with 'upgraded graphics from the original'. It boggles the mind! Why render at lower than SD res? Wii's way more capable.
It'll look much better on the Wii HD with AA cranked up. :yep2:
It's not that. It's the fact it's rendered at lower than SD res. That's the most obvious flaw. It's actually more like a diabolical upsample from a thumbnail. Every other line is doubled up. According to Kotaku, this is what Midway sent out as promo material. Perhaps it's a blunder and the wrong images were released? That'd make more sense than anything else. It's crazy to think Midway are developing a Wii game that looks like this.
What are you guys complaining about? These shots are quite obviously from the DS version ... ;)
If I were Nintendo I wouldn't let this game through quality control.. I'd tell Midway to sling there hook full stop actually. Seriously, weren't Midway the same developer who quit making GC games after making some of the poorest excuses for games possible on the system, releasing them months late, and then claiming third party games obviously can't sell on GC?
If I were Nintendo I wouldn't let this game through quality control.
That I think is the most relevant issue being raised here. Assuming these screenshots are indicative of the game, what limits should the console companies have? Where should they end? Once upon a time Nintendo could be very heavy-handed, and it hurt them. Giving developers more free-reign is good for the company, and if they produce drivvel, isn't it their call and when the product doesn't sell, it's their loss? Especially if the console company get royalties regardless of whether the game sells or not. If Midway are fool enough to print 10,000 discs of this and pay Nintendo $100,000 in fees or whatever it is, and go on to sell 0 discs, that's good for Nintendo!

How much control should the parent companies exert to manage platform reputation? There's been many a turkey sold before, and some have done well. There's also the question of controversial titles too. I wouldn't like a game looking like this appearing on my current-gen system, but then I'm not a great businessman...
i made a tank shooting game (worms meet semi realtime combat) that looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than this. In 1999.

this looks bad
Looks like midnight club 2 to me. I think some of you are exaggerating badly comparing it to 2D racers from a decade ago. Cant see anything in those compressed little shots to come to a dead conclusion yet. If their goal was to create a low budget title to appeal to the oldschool i'd say they are succeeding.
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