
rabidrabbit said:
Please note that at least one of those two links is not work safe!!!.
What's IHV by the way?

Probably best to say both aren't work safe.

Unless, of course, your work involves graphic sex scenes!
Before asking that for forums, why not asking that for news websites? They have a lot more reasons to stay neutrals and objectives and yet ....
John Reynolds said:
Well, if I start writing "I conjure" or "I aim" just realize it's because I've seen Serenity a second time. :p

Us too! :D And I feel a third one coming on! :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
That reminds me of one of my fave jokes: what does an agnostic dyslexic with insomnia do?

Sits up all night and wonders if there is a dog. ;)

You're just happy about the ogl tweak.. thanks for sharing though..