Why is MS not supporting Media Centre with XB1? *spawn

And yes, it would be nice to know what the MS Feature-Set Roadmap is for the Xbox One
It's a shame no one from MS comes here the same way they go to GAF, redit and eurogamer :cry:

Maybe it needs people to actually raise it where they read, so they know how much of a big deal it is for some people, maybe we'll get an answer about where they plan to go.
They seem to be in a listening mood :smile:
The Xbox One TV Experience could have been great in the US, but now it's not so much.

I do hope that MS Xbox One has excellent support for the local network stored media on fileservers, such as BluRay MP4s or MKVs. I'd prefer to be able to play those items without the need of a DLNA server. Come on MS, give us some direct SAMBA and Media Player functionality with popular container and codec support. That would at least give some functionality and not be totally worthless as a media player. And as said numerous time, having a customizable XBMC-like experience would be great for that.
To be fair I was trying to record in HD before it was common place even in commercial DVR's, so it was a more difficult setup. Had I stayed with the more traditional ATI cards there were no real stability issues or hard installs. Now we have cable card tuners that are a breeze, and all my OTA cards were fine and easy to setup. So you could have avoided being an early adopter of the newest OS and had a solid stable easy setup, I choose to go bleeding edge and that made it hard.

My experience with the 360 MCE was always good and stable (except when I would grab the latest builds from MSDN and screw up my stable setup), by the time I had a full setup my PC setup was not considered experimental anymore. If X1 had gone this route or ends up supporting this route it will be a breeze for new customers to obtain. I can even stream unprotected content to my WP8 devices.
I agree BRiT.
I said it when this first kicked off.

If they want to be the centre of living room entertainment they need to cover the other ways people access media and live tv.
WMC may not have been big in the grand scheme of things in the past, but now they are going for this _input one_ thing big time.
Again, for all those who can't read the topic... Stop posting about your beloved XBMC or other non-live tv applications! Yes, we like the other apps too, but they do no good for TV Tuning in the US that Windows Media Center does.

Well actually XBMC does have potential for discussion on this thread since it now had a very robust TV interface front end to things like myth tv and many others. It's actually a very viable alternative now to WMC if you are only interested in copy-free TV sources.

Unfortunately there are providers out there that even flag normal channels and not just premium channels.
Well actually XBMC does have potential for discussion on this thread since it now had a very robust TV interface front end to things like myth tv and many others. It's actually a very viable alternative now to WMC if you are only interested in copy-free TV sources.

Unfortunately there are providers out there that even flag normal channels and not just premium channels.

the other problem is many of us in this thread use xbox 360 for extenders. XBMC doesn't work on xbox 360
The XMBC UI is not suported, but the shared media is displayed on the console.

so no live tv through an xbox 360 correct ?

But what about using a raspberry pi or other xmbc media extender on a tv like even a oyuo and plugging that into the xbox one. Will the xbox one be able to control it

Heck if I plug in my htpc into my xbox one , will it be controlled
so no live tv through an xbox 360 correct ?

But what about using a raspberry pi or other xmbc media extender on a tv like even a oyuo and plugging that into the xbox one. Will the xbox one be able to control it

Heck if I plug in my htpc into my xbox one , will it be controlled

I guess IR is needed.

EDIT: My TV tuning card has a software for streaming the signal to internet/network.
I would look to GoogleTV HDMI-Input set-top support as an indicator if it will work. I suspect they will support similar set-top boxes & IR blaster codes.

Tommy McClain
I do hope that MS Xbox One has excellent support for the local network stored media on fileservers, such as BluRay MP4s or MKVs. I'd prefer to be able to play those items without the need of a DLNA server.

If they did that I would definitely buy three Xb1's the next day. I never had luck with dlna, it always ran like crap when dealing with large files like my bluray dumps, or just crap in general really, it was always so slow. Ideally I'd like to plug my Directv receiver into the Xb1 so we can watch tv like normal, and if I could just say "Xbox play Running Man" and it could fire up my bluray rip of the movie off the raid unit automatically without me having to change tv inputs. I doubt it will allow that, but one can hope :) Regarding Media Center, I presume they are ditching that in favor of the XB1's hdmi in approach where it works in tandem with your existing box. Seems like that solves a million possible issues by leaving tv functionality to the people that make the box and provide the service, and Ms can just overlay their extra goodies on top of that. Seems like the smarter approach rather than having MS have to figure out how to get things working with every possible tv provider out there.
That would alienate the studios and networks, to facilitate playback of content which may have been pirated.

Even if you rip your own media, I don't think the studios and networks would be too happy with that.

MS probably hopes to cut deals with content owners. Isn't Windows on some road map to still lock down content?
I can only play the copy protected content on or from the machine that recorded it. I. Had to swap motherboards a few weeks ago and basically lost all that was protected. Un-protected content I can stream to my phone or another house, rip DVDs that work on other media center machines in the house, etc (take in the car for trips).

The copy protection flag is set by the providers on a per show basis, I hear Comcast is a bit easier. Twc just about everything is locked down, but you can get around it by using a component capture card.
Media Center could have worked if Microsoft itself made dedicated hardware, but because they were so partner focused, it never took off. Actually, scratch that, MS actually *did* take the DVR idea to cable companies back in the early 2000s and they got rebuffed (remember, this was when MS was at the height of their power).

Media Center is a great product, but at it's core, it's still a PC with all of the associated problems that that comes with. It never has nor never will be mainstream, especially when Netflix makes it drop dead simple to watch a show. People would rather wait for content to show up on Netflix or Hulu Plus than to deal with setting up a Media Center PC. The answer is pretty clear what won.
I am personally hoping that MS is going to support media center apps like on windows 8, etc. I used to use media center but when made it so that you had to pay for it with windows 8 I started using Plex instead. I have my HTPC streaming to Plex apps on 3 PC's, 1 Laptop, 1 smart phone, and my Samsung smart tv. I stream to two other TV's that have Xbox 360's but have to use the Xbox Video app as there isn't Plex app for the 360 which means you lose 90% of the functionality of Plex. Seeing how MS is looking to have apps just like any windows device Plex will port their app to it.
On the XB360 can't you just use the DLNA view of the Plex server(s)? Or is that what you mean with the Xbox Video Player?
Only reason we pay now is for the various licensing fees, before every windows buyer paid and did not have a choice.

How does plex handle the DRM?