Why is Al-Quada bombing Turkey?

Wasn't there a movie about Patton a while back?
Was he the General who forgot to thank the Russians at a Women's Function in England where he was 'undercover' following his escapades in Sicily?
Ya god only knows why Patton thought he could take stalin out with a few divisions... Probly thought theyd roll over like they initially did when the nazi operation barbarossa started. I think the russians wouldve taken france and italy had that happened tho... at least until the nukes started flying east...
Just to put my $0.02 in, remember that Kamal Ataturk really went after religon when he came to power in his modernization drive, just as Congress did in India, though Ataturk was quite a bit more 'adamant'. The rise of Islamic parties, or the BJP in India, and both groups linked to ethnic and religous violence isn't exactly suprising.
pax said:
Ya god only knows why Patton thought he could take stalin out with a few divisions... Probly thought theyd roll over like they initially did when the nazi operation barbarossa started. I think the russians wouldve taken france and italy had that happened tho... at least until the nukes started flying east...

Uh, the Russians didn't have the A-bomb until 1949, and then the H-bomb in 1953. Would have been awhile after WWII ended in 1945. :D
Yeah the russians would have backed down at that time b/c they had no atom bomb, and they knew we could rout them, this is really why they were complacent with what they got and did not pressure for even more.
ByteMe said:
Heathen said:
Was it McArthur or Patton who wanted a few divisions to take out Stalin

If Patton had got his way the Russians would have walked all over the allied armies.

Liar. Patton would have kicked them in the nads hard.
Liar is a strange word for somebody who comes to a different conclusion than you do.
CosmoKramer, even though we rarely agree on politics, I am glad to see you stand up for right and wrong.

JohnR, is it "elitist" to wish not to associate with a nation that denies Holocausts? Or that commits ethnic cleansings (in Cyprus)? Or is a center of regional instability (in the Aegean, Southern Kurdistan)? How would you feel about our nation if we killed 30000 of our Hispanic citizens in a war to keep Spanish illegal? (which Turkey basically did to its Kurds)

viscount said:
Turkish civilians are currently dying, for British and American policies (not to mention interests), frankly, Europe better embrace Turkey, or soon Nelson's statue on Trafalgar will be as soot and cinder covered as the HSBC bank in Istanbul.

You mean like how our government (Clinton and Bush) foolishly made our citizens PKK targets by its pro-Turk policies? Don't complain, our stupid CIA spent a fortune finding Ocalan when they could have been finding bin Laden. Had our govt had a bit of sense they would have let Ocalan romp.

And would you care to explain your childish threat?

Nor do I need a tabloid to read about Turkey. I much prefer Amnesty International reports.
so far everyone that has atacked Russia has underestimated two things- Russian peoples ability to die by the millions and just fight harder; the Russian winter. Russia has been atacked several times but the only time she has been beaten was by the mongols who bred with the indigenous people and creating the modern Russian who has never lost a war. Patton probably assumed that the Russians would crumble like the Japs did when the A-bombs were dropped, but it would have only served to piss them off more. The only way to beat the Russians is to kill them all before they kill you, which is not easy. You can't break the spirit of Russia. Look at The Battle of Stalingrad for proof.
Your fabricated evidences, and false claims don't merit answers akira888, I believe I made that clear in your other post.

Go read some more manga, maybe it'll help you come up with more "facts".

so far everyone that has atacked Russia has underestimated two things- Russian peoples ability to die by the millions and just fight harder; the Russian winter. Russia has been atacked several times but the only time she has been beaten was by the mongols who bred with the indigenous people and creating the modern Russian who has never lost a war. Patton probably assumed that the Russians would crumble like the Japs did when the A-bombs were dropped, but it would have only served to piss them off more. The only way to beat the Russians is to kill them all before they kill you, which is not easy. You can't break the spirit of Russia. Look at The Battle of Stalingrad for proof.

Not only russians, I would presume that most steppe people tend to be stalwart. Those who come from unforgiving climates and regions, tend to be that much persistent.

Communism created the Russian war-machine which won the eastern front of World War II. I would have to say that without the vast (though often brutally enforced) industrial output that Russia had at the time, they wouldn't have been able to defeat the technically superior German army.

I think that while they might not have defeated ther Nazis they would not have lost. The Nazis would have never really had controll of Russia sort of like the US is still not in controll of Iraq, althought it would have been worse for the Nazi's especially having to be so spread out they couldn't really controll Russia, only occupy it.
viscount said:
Your fabricated evidences, and false claims don't merit answers akira888, I believe I made that clear in your other post

Typical of kemalists - you refer to my "fabrications" and my "lies."

What you lack the balls to do little cocuk is come out and actually deny the Armenian Genocide as a "tall armenian tale" or as a "crazy story."

So put or shut up. Either come out and say how you feel about (as you put it) the "sozde ermenileri soykirim" or say what other statement of mine you feel is a lie or exageration?

I'm waiting.
viscount said:
Communism created the Russian war-machine which won the eastern front of World War II. I would have to say that without the vast (though often brutally enforced) industrial output that Russia had at the time, they wouldn't have been able to defeat the technically superior German army.

Not trying to be argumentative, but the US supplied much of the material to Russia to keep the war machine going. And being tough and hardy won't protect you against an atom bomb I am sorry. The thing is we would not have to occupy Russia if we wanted to kick them out of eastern europe, they retreat and we let them problem solved.

It is all academic now, the cold war ended and they left eastern europe anyway... soon no one will know what people are talking about when you say eastern europe.

Oh BTW the Japanese had never really lost b4 we beat them either, they beat russia in the Russo-Japanese war, and everyone thought they were really tough b/c they did not surrender. When one man can kill 50,000 it tends to put a damper on the most brave and curageous souls...(or misguided for that matter)
viscount said:
I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant kids slandering how Turkey is governed.

Seems like you're the only kid here. Kidding yourself that is.

Have you ever been to Turkey?

God, no.

Have you ever actually researched how the country is run? Until then, quit reading your world affairs from your Leeds Tabloid.

Of course I have.

The National Security Council in Turkey CANNOT overrule the government's decisions, what kind of idiot are you to proclaim that it is otherwise? What is your proof?

Seems like you're the idiot since you're clueless when it comes to your own country:

Civitas Reserach said:
The significant role of the Turkish military in politics has long been a source of friction between Turkey and the European Union. Quite apart from the three coups that have taken place since 1960 (four if one includes the intervention that forced out an Islamist-led government in 1997), the General Staff also exerts considerable influence over the day-to-day policies of the country. Every month the National Security Council (MGK), a constitutionally mandated body chaired by the president, brings senior government ministers before the heads of the various branches of the armed forces, giving the generals a chance to present their views on a whole range of issues - views that the government ignores at its peril.

While it has long been known that Turkey could not join the European Union as long as the military held such power, the generals had always been hesitant about allowing any changes to the system. However, the December 2002 decision of the European Union to review Turkey's application for membership in late 2004, with a view to starting formal membership negotiations by 2005, seems to have given the generals a spur to accept the need for reform. At the end of July, the parliament finally passed a series of reforms that will reduce the role of the military in Turkish life. From now on the MGK will cease to be an executive body, becoming purely advisory in nature, political representation on the Council will be increased and the administration of the body, the secretariat, will be handed over to civilian administration.

But, The Turkish military didn't accept the parliament's decision to limit its power...

Civitas Research said:
Needless to say, fears of a military coup are already being raised. However, one must caution against reaching such a conclusion too easily. It would require a lot more intense provocation to push the General Staff in this direction. The military hierarchy in Turkey is all too aware of the enormous ramifications such a step could have, especially if it were to amount to full-blown coup of the type staged in 1980. However, a coup of this nature would be very unlikely. Instead it would be more probable that the military would stage a quasi-coup of the type seen in 1997 when the General Staff issued a proclamation that rendered the government almost powerless, again prompted by fears of a growth of Islamic sentiment in the government. The danger is that even this would seriously damage any remaining hopes that Turkey could join the European Union. Quite apart from the reaction from the EU, which would regard such a step as being proof of the failure of Turkey to democratise, a move along these lines could well lead to the formation of a new government that would take a less welcoming attitude towards EU accession.

Turkey (currently) is a model democracy which is NOT ruled by the military.


The most substantial proof for this is the fact that there is an Islamist government in power. The military has been utterly neutral whatsoever about this right wing movement in Turkish politics.

It hasn't been exactly neutral since it has refused to implement the limitations of its powers as ruled by the parliament...

P.S. Turkish civilians are currently dying, for British and American policies (not to mention interests), frankly, Europe better embrace Turkey, or soon Nelson's statue on Trafalgar will be as soot and cinder covered as the HSBC bank in Istanbul.

Wow, sounds like it's an even better idea to keep Turkey out of the EU than I thought.
I know natoma... key word flying east... I shoulda emphasized 'our' nukes flying east as soon as more could have been built assuming the war against was imporatnt enough to have the US use its 2 only nukes right away ...At least mightve taken a while tween may and august 45 giving the huge russian army a good few months to grab western europe...

When did Patton make his offer to take out Stalin tho? I also wonder how important a role US made equipement played. It was important at the outset Im sure but after 43-44 Russia had huge industrial output of its own... They saved a lot of their industry moving it east of the Urals.
sure, it's easy to drop a few nukes and say "we dont have to occupy the country" but do you realize how many nukes you would have to drop in order to really put a hurt on the russians back then? They'd turn into cockroaches (not in a bad way) and as soon as you go to drop a nuke in one place they scatter and you kill maybe a few thousand if you're lucky. I'm telling you- Napolean and Hitler both met their ends because they tried to take on Russia- it can't be done, not until you find a way to kill every living thing on the whole continent.
Sage said:
sure, it's easy to drop a few nukes and say "we dont have to occupy the country" but do you realize how many nukes you would have to drop in order to really put a hurt on the russians back then? They'd turn into cockroaches (not in a bad way) and as soon as you go to drop a nuke in one place they scatter and you kill maybe a few thousand if you're lucky. I'm telling you- Napolean and Hitler both met their ends because they tried to take on Russia- it can't be done, not until you find a way to kill every living thing on the whole continent.
Of course now the nukes can do a ton of damage and they can be built to have radation spread far away from ground zero killing everything including livestock and whatever farming stuff they have in russia .
jvd said:
Of course now the nukes can do a ton of damage and they can be built to have radation spread far away from ground zero killing everything including livestock and whatever farming stuff they have in russia .

yes, now nukes are much more powerful. but even if it kills everything in a 50 mile radius do you realize how many it would take to cover the majority of the country? (and I'm not speaking strictly modern Russia, but rather cold-war Russia)