45 in 2005? I'm 99% sure that this will not happen. Do you have any infos I don't have?
No, unless they're really lucky. What I mean is that unlike other companies sony can design an architecture that might have lower than desired yield at 65nm because they know their product will be there for when they'll be able to scale down to 45nm... In other words since they don't have a six month cycle they can take the luxury of lossing 200+$ on initial h/w, and pushing a process to it's limits.
Something like CELL requires a totally different way of thinking to properly utilize, which doesn't come easy.
You do know that people have access to the project, don't you? The top brass at sony is as confident as ever, the only logical reason that could be is if.... EVERYTHING IS GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN, and they're getting what THEY EXPECTED TO GET...
PS2 graphics are a step back from even Dreamcast graphics, and that is inexcusable considering the PS2 is 50% more expensive and 15 months newer.
Wow, since when are Zoe2, and SH3 Less impressive than DC games... some of the models used for the ingame portions of many ps2 games feature more polys than ENTIRE DC games, even those in the top portion like Soul Calibur.... To my knowledge there is no xbox, gamecube game that uses what the ps2 uses for a game(200K+) in a single ingame model.
...Tw3o c5me....Ye3 mo2e s5rprises a5e co6ing....
Coupling that along with its incompatibility to superior displays like VGA and HDTV in all but a few games, I'm simply not able to display PS2 games as attractively as I can with all my Dreamcast and Xbox titles, and many GameCube games.
Oh, you mean the past ps2 titles, now a days most high profile titles feature progressive out of the box, you know the wants people normaly would buy.... and some have HIGHER THAN DC rez while in progressive....
The ps2 supports higher rez progressive than DC, and surround sound.
VGA/HDTV is a global effect that only comes from better output.
PS2 supports ALL HDTV standards in the specs, and even if games can't run at the highest of the standards... it supports many of them, many that the DC does not.
HDTV video has also been showcased.
something similar to CELL but soon realized it wasn't workable and moved on.
Investment in cell continues after years of research... so it is workable... mass manufacturing will begin in the near future...
Funny isn't it ? it couldn't be more true So I don't think that proves anything about the need of a tricky architecture because DC was an exemple of using of the shelves components in a standard architecture.
The ps2 was capped by manufacturing tech, it's release was also hastened, and it was released with poor documentation, as has been said. Next time it appears all of these factors will be addressed, and won't be a problem.
many games that look far better than anything on PS2
Far better for me is stuff like the fairy demo for the GFFX, even games like Doom 3, and Everquest 2, from what I've seen are not that far ahead... Although I do consider them significantly better looking than many of the cough current cough ps2 titles... Most current xbox games only feature a little better lighting here, and a little sharper texture there, or a little shader effect here that isn't saying much... even IQ doesn't appear to be better than the top stuff in ps2.
Amazing top games in the ps2 use several fold the geometry of dc, feature higher rez support, feature better textures, better IQ, better sound, multiple textures, more particles, significantly improved lighting and more animations per models... and it is considered inferior to the DC..
Yet the xbox pushes better textures, higher rez, better lighting, slightly higher polycounts in some games, some more shader effects, about the same IQ, and yet.... IT is considered Miles upon miles better than the ps2...
Hmmm, I smell double standard somewhere....
We do know that it was not the best design available at the time.
I'd say it is, I dunno about naomi2 specs, but I doubt it can top the EE when it comes to physics, The meat and bone of gameplay, if I wanted to do a 1k poly game and leave the rest to physics calculations, I'd tend to believe the ps2 would be more faithfull... Not to mention the fact that IIRC the first GSs were manufactured in .25m, not the intended .18m, If they had had a good .18process manufacturing abilitiy both EE and GS would have likely been more buffed as the designers probably intended. Yes, and let's not forget the secret untapped power hype it caused even when newer h/w was on the way... not to mention the manufacturing cost benefits later on, as previously mentioned here. The ps2 was also hastened in response to the DC, that affected the look of the final specs, let's not forget that won't likely happen again.
I believe the theoretical potential that was there was worth the risk, even if they didn't achieve it...
Just go look at VF4 in the arcade and you'll see that it's very capable.
Again had the design fullfilled it's possibilities it would certainly be superior to naomi2... As for VF4 I don't think many would consider it above many of the top upcomming games like halo 2...
IF it was only going to be such a small difference... it was not worth going the standard route...and missing the possibility the custom design could've brought...