Why are you a zealot?

It doesn't. So far everyone's views are perfectly understandable. The reason for this thread was to get an insight into 'why' from the people I don't understand :)

(I am not trying to be judgemental; just because I don't understand a view doesn't necessarily make it any less valid. Of course, it doesn't necessarily make it valid either ;) )
Dio said:
It doesn't. So far everyone's views are perfectly understandable. The reason for this thread was to get an insight into 'why' from the people I don't understand :)

(I am not trying to be judgemental; just because I don't understand a view doesn't necessarily make it any less valid. Of course, it doesn't necessarily make it valid either ;) )

I am still interested in knowing what he was implying by his quote.

I agree with you entirely with your view points on the matter.
I am still interested in knowing what he was implying by his quote.

one, lame attempt at humour.

two, what I believe to be the sole requirement for zealotry

and to answer your original question

what about the PS3 moderates? WHo are they and what do they believe?

the moderates (I'm not restricting this to any particular platform here) don't believe strongly one way or the other, ergo they don't care enough to look into the details to even have what amounts to an informed opinion.

well that's my 2 cents.
and to answer your original question

which was?

the moderates (I'm not restricting this to any particular platform here) don't believe strongly one way or the other, ergo they don't care enough to look into the details to even have what amounts to an informed opinion.

We don't have to many moderates here do we? :LOL:
notAFanB said:
what about the PS3 moderates? WHo are they and what do they believe?

the moderates (I'm not restricting this to any particular platform here) don't believe strongly one way or the other, ergo they don't care enough to look into the details to even have what amounts to an informed opinion.

*raises hand* :D
Thousands of years ago people worshipped what essentially amounted to rocks. Sure they were often large and occasionally anthropomorhic but they were basically rocks. A videogame console is way cooler than a rock so why not worship it. As far as worshipping things that don't exist, I'm gonna leave that one to the theologians ;-) Kierkegaard would say it takes a leap of faith.
Legion: What makes me a zealot? (of Nintendo)

Consistent releases of top-rung quality games, and lovable franchises. Good philosophy of games, especially from Miyamoto.. and I like their console designs. (controllers/hardware/aesthetic)

I'd consider myself something of a moderate though, not a fanboy. While I am a big fan and backer of the Big N, they only make up a portion of my gaming library. What I'm trying to say is, I don't put all of my eggs in one basket. Nintendo might suit me, but unfortunately they don't cover all of the genres and themes I like, and their functionality in today's gaming world is not up to par. For example, amazingly fun multiplayer games but no online plan. I'm going to grab a BB adapter and use the Warp Pipe to play Mario Kart with inconsistent connection speeds, when they could have every one of their games wired into a NintendoNet (ala Sega) where everybody plays games like Mario Kart and SSBM at high-speed.

http://users.ign.com/collection/blade343 = my game collection, BTW. These are the types of games I like. Notice the high amount of Nintendo, Sega, and FPS's on 'dere. ;)
what about the PS3 moderates? WHo are they and what do they believe?

There are no such thing as PS3 moderates yet, only those with visions. The technology of PS3: A vision not yet embedded in Silicon; however it's a vision many share of a common opinion to be the future of computing.
Paul said:
what about the PS3 moderates? WHo are they and what do they believe?

There are no such thing as PS3 moderates yet, only those with visions. The technology of PS3: A vision not yet embedded in Silicon; however it's a vision many share of a common opinion to be the future of computing.

That would render Dio's statement a rather self-defeating paradox.
...depends what people mean for "moderates"... Guess we (or you, since i'm moderate enough to not-care about this thread) should clear it up before continuing the discussions, since one might have a different idea of what a moderate is.
Which brings me to the question:
Are moderators moderate? ;)
i own a xbox but play like 0.5hour /2 weeks

i love Sony cause i think they are "cool" and what Neo is VS MS Anderson.. ;)

i don't like nintendo in general cause their hard./soft doesn't interest me a bit..
Lazy8s said:

Wow that face at the end is disturbing.
Funny how they directly use the PSX in the commercial, that kind of dirty play just doesn't happen anymore.
Also funny how they tout the saturn's screwy architecture as an advantage(3 processors versus 1!), though I suppose is nights made heavy use of 2d(I believe it did) then maybe the psx couldn't do it.
ps1 would have had no problem with nights ( Streetfighter games were more problematical due to the extra 512k on the saturn though.... ) I think it would have looked nicer as lots of places in nights suffered from the dreaded crosshatch pseudo transparencies....
To the Saturn's processing strengths, NiGHTS employs many custom-programmed special effects that wouldn't be fully covered by accelerated fixed functionality on PSX. Naka felt PSX wouldn't be able to handle an exact translation. I never really saw any other game with such impressive graphics move as fast as NiGHTS.

While certain effects like real transparencies took extra effort to get out of the Saturn, several other top developers felt the system provided more flexibility and performance than PSX if properly harnessed. Gamearts said RAM gave the SEGA's machine the advantage for pulling off Grandia and Grandia Digital Museum. Lobotomy Software, the core of which now makes up Snowblind Studios of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance fame, said the Saturn allowed them to go farther with their engine when they created custom-made versions of Powerslave for both machines. You can also see that SEGA's console rendered things like water better from games like Panzer Dragoon Zwei and comparing PSX Tomb Raider versus Saturn Tomb Raider.
I'm a huge N fan. When you are 33 years old and been gaming a long time it's hard not to love Nintendo. Sure they've shot themselves in the foot several times but man they just can still make a game like nobody else can. Besides a few hiccups, they just keep turning out AAA titles on GCN and GBA. And now thier 2nd parties are to be dealt with ie (Retro's MP and SK).

Plus I hate bandwaggoners. I was in the store the other day and I mentioned "I prefer Turok controls over Goldeneye style controls" and only one guy knew what I was speaking of. Everyone else had'nt been gaming that long to know. Once I replaced Halo and Metroid Prime with the former two they knew what I was trying to say. It's not thier fault. I mean we were all 'new' gamers at one time. It's just funny seeing the mainstream causals get into gaming and suddenly become "gamers". It's all good though..the ignorance is fun to watch though. Buy that shovelware boys..buy it. "Pac Man? Is that a new game?"
depends what people mean for "moderates"... Guess we (or you, since i'm moderate enough to not-care about this thread) should clear it up before continuing the discussions, since one might have a different idea of what a moderate is.

I believe i let the other individual define what moderate was.

Which brings me to the question:
Are moderators moderate? ;)

In this forum? Some are some appear not to be moderate. But then these facts may be our collective fault :LOL: :oops: