Why are you a zealot?


Here's maybe the place to get the answer to a question I was wondering about during the console forum hiatus, but didn't receive any answer to.

Why do people take up such an enthusiastic position on a piece of hardware which doesn't exist and really doesn't affect them at all?

I only want to hear from people who have themselves taken strong attitudes behind non-existent product. In particular I don't want people to put up their theories about anyone except themselves.

I will consider said zealots not posting in this thread as chickening out, by the way :).
I miss sega. So many great games on my sega systems :(

But I'm not a huge zelot I'm now happy with my gamecube. I just get tired when people have that this company can never fail attitude. I don't care for it one bit.
I never did care for nintendo's systems. I was, more often then not, left to favor sega over Nity and the rest. I generally give my support to the new commer hoping to incourage useful competition in the market. This ideology was the basis for supporting the Playstation in the past and the Xbox currently. Over all I have found playstation and xbox's titles to be far more apealing then titles from their competition.

I am still rather irked by the fact Nintendo survived the N64 blunder only to turn out yet another system with limited support while sega was forced to withdrawl from the hardware market entirely. I view Nintendo as surviving by the skin of their teeth, milking as much as they can from their spent IP while receiving accolades from their devoted mind slaves.

My views on Nintendo's portables are much the same. I feel their presence in the market retards progress. Competition is necessary to unsettle the monopoly of the beast! Which brings me to the PSP... :devilish:
"Zealotry" is dumb, but it's easy to get excited about cool-looking hardware or software, and even getting wrapped up in speculation doesn't make you a zealot by more excited and... hopeful? "Zealotry" is also quite likely to be misrepresented on people who are arguementative by general nature or don't "let things slide" and go after folk who perpetuate common myths or believe wholeheartedly in one thing or another without really backing it up or explaining themselves. And, of course, they only seem like zealots to the "other side." ;)

True zealotry evokes a lot of closed-mindedness that I don't think anyone on here really has except for perhaps one... and his is "anti" in nature. :p
cthellis42 said:
"Zealotry" is also quite likely to be misrepresented on people who are arguementative by general nature or don't "let things slide" and go after folk who perpetuate common myths or believe wholeheartedly in one thing or another without really backing it up or explaining themselves.
Good point. You just described me :)
Legion said:
I am still rather irked by the fact Nintendo survived the N64 blunder only to turn out yet another system with limited support while sega was forced to withdrawl from the hardware market entirely. I view Nintendo as surviving by the skin of their teeth, milking as much as they can from their spent IP while receiving accolades from their devoted mind slaves.

My views on Nintendo's portables are much the same. I feel their presence in the market retards progress. Competition is necessary to unsettle the monopoly of the beast! Which brings me to the PSP... :devilish:

Totally insane comments like that are why I turn to zealotism.
I'm a zealot because I feel companies like Sega and Nintendo that design their own games deserve more respect.(and since they make a lot more and generally better than microsoft or sony, they get more respect) Plus, for some reason I think they may have a better idea of what makes a good console without outside input from 3rd parties. Oh yeah, and I like their games and generally I can pick any game made by them and come home with an enjoyable experience. Oh that, and I like consoles where the best games for it are games I can't get for the computer(and better), however if I had the time and money, I'd probably own all the consoles.(not sure if my next pick after gamecube and without a revival of dreamcast would be ps2 for the games, or xbox for sega games, halo coop, other sequels, at least in spirit, to dreamcast games, and for true HDTV res in games, though xbox has less games that I want than ps2)

Plus, for some reason, I always seem to gravitate to the underdog. While I started with a NES(or maybe it was a computer), I then moved onto the genesis. It was at a time when I still didn't care about graphics in games, and was furious nintendo was abandoning the nes, but more upset that super mario all stars featured the Japanese nes version of super mario bros 2, and nintendo never released it in America on the NES!(hey, I was like 4...or 7, my thinking wasn't much more rational than it is now, though I later found out the lost levels were nothing worth getting excited over) I also preferred IBM cpus to Intel(though I wonder if I even had an IBM 486), until I was forced to get an Intel cpu to play the latest games, then I got an AMD(and I've stayed with AMD since) and wanted to go pure cpu over having to own a video card....then when I finally got one I got a voodoo 3, and was steadfast to 3dfx until the day they went kaputt, despite only owning one card and considering the voodoo5 too expensive for its performance, in particular that while 4x FSAA looked great, it lowered framerates to less than what my voodoo 3 could do.
Oh, back to consoles, after genesis I went back to snes while it was the underdog. I bought a 32x, but returned it since I couldn't figure out how to install it(that or it was glitched, the game ran, but had lots of problems..in 98 I picked up a 32x again for $20, brand new). I wanted a nomad, but it was too expensive and disappeared from store shelves too quickly(I got one in 2000 for $80, brand new). Then I wanted a saturn, but chose to wait for the n64, and missed the saturn entirely due to its high price and quick disappearence from the market.(and lack of any real good games...well it didn't have sonic, which is what I mainly cared about, and nights was only a decent substitute...I hate time trials) Ok, I did get a psx(used for $20 after dreamcast came out) but that doesn't count cause who knew the psx would continue to outdo n64 and dc? Oh, and then I got a dreamcast, and then a gamecube.

Unfortunately, I'm sad to admit that I have owned the original gameboy(the clear play it loud edition), a gameboy color, and a gameboy advance, as well as an nvidia geforce 3 and an ati radeon 9700 pro. Then again, when it comes to video cards, performance matters more than brand loyalty, or I would have owned a voodoo 5.
OOh we have anew religion: zealotism

Diety: Any brand name/company/product
Belief: To defend your brand name/company/product to death if need be.
Rituals: If anyone shows any blasphemy to your brand name/company/product it is OK and recommended in fact to diss them cuss them, use big long words no one understands to support your argument, be totally irrational, use small short words that cause offence often intentionally, ruin the offenders character (with lies if need be), troll threads and post OT remarks at every instance if you are losing an argument.
Afterlife: Spend tons of money on your chosen brand name/company/product and in the mysterious Real World (TM) you have been promised an uber-babe with fake tits like the sumptuos Lara Croft. And you will get cookies and milk for supper if you are really really good.

Why am I a zealot? Cos I'm right dammit, always. My brand name/company/product is the bestestestestest in the world and you are jealous.
I don´t know if I should describe myself as a zealot, because when I´m not posting on Internet boards I´m really centered and I don´t mind different points of view. However, I do have a strong preference for PS2 and its games, while GCN is my secondary system.

When it comes to Nintendo though, I feel they have dissapointed me too much, while Sony has made everything right, too many times. Nintendo´s software doesn´t satisfy me anymore (Growing out of their target demographics had a bit to do with it:) ), and I´m just looking for other kinds of experiences now.
Almasy said:
, and I´m just looking for other kinds of experiences now.

I have five midgets stop by every thursday, cover me with Thousand Island dressing, then spank me for that very purpose!

But, uh... That's neither here nor there.
Interesting comments.

Pity that it seems that the pro/anti PS3 brigade are all in denial...
I don't really feel anything about non-existant pieces of hardware. Infact, generally I believe that speculation is a fruitless practice..

But I am somewhat of a Nintendo zealot.. but I can explain!

Its quite simplre really... the most inceredible gaming experiences I have had have been provided by Nintendo or on Nintendo system. I have not experienced their equals anywhere else. As such, I don't see how anyone with my experiences could not be a faithful Nintendo proponent.

I'm very logical though, so I don't hate non-nintendop things unreasonably, but to me no other company or their system can provide what Nintendo can.. so I keep my faith in them in the expectation that they will continue to provide such fine experiences.

They seem to be going through a refocusing pereiod right now, but inarguable masterpieces such a Metroid Prime etc. leave me with no reason to break this tryst.
Totally insane comments like that are why I turn to zealotism.

Perhaps you meant to say comments like those? Those is the plural form of "That" much like media is the plural for of medium. Being that you just quoted me though it would make a little more sense to use "these" (the pural of this).

I think you are putting effect before the cause. A more accurate explanation for your zealotry lies within your personal bias...Totally!

Are these the totally insane comments you are refering to


notAFanB said:
sure we do, cept change any to all and/or none. oh and don;t orget this

troll threads and post OT remarks at every instance if you are losing an argument.

How does that quote apply to anyone in this thread? How could a troll detract from a thread such as this?