Who's the brightest of B3D?

sytaylor said:
These things are designed to flatter, the 100 is supposed to be a composite average of all humans, and the chances of everyone getting at least 130 just because they're online is pretty low. This is marketing, nothing more, lets move on..

Well, you got to take into account all the people who can't read or write in the world, so they'd get 0...
And there are tons of drugged, drunk or simply retarded people in the world taking these tests...

So I'd say it might be fair ;)
You also have to consider that your average B3D message board contributor isn't exactly your "average bear" either...
Yeah I got 136 on that test. I think the idea is that they make it easy enough to score that high you will sign in too register. Unless of course we are all above average IQ. SPAM ALERT!!
Heathen said:
Your IQ score is 135

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

Well my intellect type is pretty accurate based on previous tests at any rate.
Same exact score and type for me. Too bad they don't give out the answers. What good is a test if you can't learn from your mistakes? I think my score is fairly inline with what I remember from grade school.
I suggest taking the Mensa test for something a little more... realistic.

Real IQ tests are hard to do on the internet of course, but keep in mind theres about 5 or 6 different ones that are all used by psychologists. Scores and normalizations vary per test in general.
Uttar said:
Well, you got to take into account all the people who can't read or write in the world, so they'd get 0...
And there are tons of drugged, drunk or simply retarded people in the world taking these tests...

So I'd say it might be fair ;)

Not at all. IQ is not about literacy, at least not all about. IQ includes the ability of language, math, pattern finding, etc. No people get 0 IQ.

IQ tests are not accurate, because they are seriously affected by education levels. It's apparent that higher education level will give better IQ test results. Furthermore, when IQ tests were considered important in Taiwan, many parents gave their children many different kinds of IQ tests to "practice." These children will get better result from IQ tests, but they are not necessarily smarter.
Congratulations, Pierre!
Your IQ score is 135

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

We must be clones :oops:
I got the highest 3dmark... er IQ test score. :LOL:

Remember kids, the bigger your 3dmark score the bigger your penis. :LOL:
This is a test-test for Mensa in Denmark.


You should get the gist of it without having to read the instructions after you've done the first five or so, but it's basically to just select one of the alternatives that belongs.

And it's also not meant to be representative of your IQ, but more as an appetizer. At least that's what they said hehe.

Edit: And for whoever it was that asked for some harder stuff, well, lets just say that some of the last ones are pretty hard.
pcchen said:
IQ tests are not accurate, because they are seriously affected by education levels. It's apparent that higher education level will give better IQ test results. Furthermore, when IQ tests were considered important in Taiwan, many parents gave their children many different kinds of IQ tests to "practice." These children will get better result from IQ tests, but they are not necessarily smarter.

This is interesting because these comment are analogous to those concerning the Flynn Effect. I'd be tempted to say that if the IQ test is properly made, such as the Mensa one Fred mentioned or the ones which will make you look like a total idiot such as the Hoeflin tests or TFG, are pretty accurate in gauging ones capabilities in abstract, low-level thinking which has some loose/casual connection to intelligence. Which is reflected in the near static IQ of an individual over the age of 10 or culture free tests.

Getting better from practicing on IQ tests is curious though. I'd think one could make a case that if intelligence is defined as your ability to absorb and integrate concepts, which is dependant on the plasticity/neurological capacity of an individual - Kinda like the dynamics behind habituation, sensitization, conditioning to stimulii by either chemical or structural means and the biological bounds on them - that intelligence has an upperbound described by the volume of (non)myelinated matter in the brain and subsequently the possible connections/integrative ability. Under this theoretical bound would then be your actual level of ability based on the molecular biology underling the stimulii-formed connections by the methods I mentioned earlier. So, it would like be influenced by many things in nonlinear (I say that too much) and complex ways - which explains the Flynn Effect to a large degree - but the problem is that I attribute the limit to genetics which means some asshole can accuse me of being a racist vis-a-vis that whole Bell Curve controversy which has been stigmatised forever. This is a cool topic and there are alot of ways to approach it, although I don't think this thread is up for such a debate anymore.

These things are designed to flatter, the 100 is supposed to be a composite average of all humans, and the chances of everyone getting at least 130 just because they're online is pretty low. This is marketing, nothing more, lets move on..

Flynn Effect would seem to say it's pretty high, what's it upto nowadays, like 120-130? ;)
london-boy said:
rabidrabbit said:
My penis is 3850 3DMarks (2003)
Overclocked I can stretch it to 3900+

You stretch your penis? :LOL:
'cos this IQ test thread went ridiculous, maybe I should just start a new thread, where we measure the thing that really matters. :LOL:

Here are the 'IQ' results so far (from worst to best):

londonboy - system overheat, infinite loop, divide by zero error.
Heathen - 135
3dcgi - 135
pax - 135
Humus - 136
MuFu - 136
Druga Runda - 136
Sabastian - 136
V3 - 140
akira888 - 140
Teasy - 140
Thwolly - 144
Paul - 183
K.I.L.E.R - 236 (highly questionable)
oi said:
This is a test-test for Mensa in Denmark.


You should get the gist of it without having to read the instructions after you've done the first five or so, but it's basically to just select one of the alternatives that belongs.

And it's also not meant to be representative of your IQ, but more as an appetizer. At least that's what they said hehe.

Edit: And for whoever it was that asked for some harder stuff, well, lets just say that some of the last ones are pretty hard.

Ahh.. I've done this before, on iqtest.dk. But this one is more "colorful." :p
Of course it focuses on pattern matching.

By the way, when the test ends, there are three buttons 15, 16, and 24. Could you tell me what do they mean?
The 15, 16 and 24 is a variance measurement, I guess. My Danish isn't 100% perfect but as far as I understood it's basically different standards to how wide the bell curve is. The wider the curve the more spread out we'll all be (spredning = spread, sort of). 15 is the standard that Mensa Denmark uses, and then the Mensa level is at 140 IQ. When you pick a higher 'spread' you'll see that the Mensa requirement increases, as do your result.

edit: Which then of course means that you'll need to know what standard other tests uses to be able to compare them. They explained it like how we use centimeters in Europe and inches in the US, and that it's pretty worthless to just compare them without knowing what 'spread' they use.