Who's the brightest of B3D?

Oh yeah? You're ready to post your dongsize, but not your IQ?
That tells something about you, doesn't it, more than any IQ test would :) ;)
oi said:
The 15, 16 and 24 is a variance measurement, I guess. My Danish isn't 100% perfect but as far as I understood it's basically different standards to how wide the bell curve is. The wider the curve the more spread out we'll all be (spredning = spread, sort of). 15 is the standard that Mensa Denmark uses, and then the Mensa level is at 140 IQ. When you pick a higher 'spread' you'll see that the Mensa requirement increases, as do your result.

edit: Which then of course means that you'll need to know what standard other tests uses to be able to compare them. They explained it like how we use centimeters in Europe and inches in the US, and that it's pretty worthless to just compare them without knowing what 'spread' they use.

Thanks for your explanation. I guess I am at the Mensa level on pattern matching :)
To be honest, I can't really figure out the answer of the last question. I just made a guess (not random guess, but still a guess).
rabidrabbit said:
Oh yeah? You're ready to post your dongsize, but not your IQ?
That tells something about you, doesn't it, more than any IQ test would :) ;)

OI!! You proposed the idea!! And no, i aint gonna post any size until someone else does. And that's not gonna happen... right... *(Waits for KILER...)* ;)
K.I.L.E.R's scores won't be accepted, because he's exaggareting, unless they are authenticated by jury's (lb) own hand.

Edit: I scored 124 in that danish test (with 15 spreading, with 16 the score is 126, @ 24 139) I did do the last 4 or so tests at random :)
One serious question:

Is it possible to score 0? And if it is, would that really mean that the person is utterly stupid?

Cause it could just mean he/she lives in another plane of existance (even psychologically) where the answers he gave are totally correct...

(WOAH where did that come from...)
Is it possible to score 0? And if it is, would that really mean that the person is utterly stupid?

In that case, the person could just pull a "George Costanza" and answer the total opposite of his gut reflex every time, rendering him a PERFECT IQ SPECIMINE!
Yeah, who says the answer they give us on those tests are the correct ones?
Often I've thought of many possible solutions in those tests, but marked the most obvious as my answer. The other answers might not have been logical, but to me they make perfect sense.

Edit: Seems like they've already thought of that
Finder man to mulige løsninger, er den rigtige løsning den mest simple af dem.

I tried that test by giving completely random answers, and got 79 points.
Like, for an autistic person it would be very interesting... I've always been fascinated by the "qualities" that seem to occur to some autistic people, i'd love to learn more about it, although this field is still in the dark scientifically...
That's why I don't like the tests such as "what number follows 1,2,3,4,5,6?" Why has it be 7? If I use "septimal" system it should be 10 right? Perhaps there is a strange sequence which begins with 1,2,3,4,5,6,100? (it's not hard to create a polynomial for this, for example).

Well, actually that's because I am bad at this kind of "number tests." That's why I don't like them :p
That's what i mean... Take an alien spieces with and intelligence level on another level from ours, and with Mathematical rules and orders that are just different from ours...

How would it be possible to test people universally? As in, one test for everyone in the universe?

(of course that is making the assumption that "we are not alone", which is another discussion. I'm justmaking an example based on that assumption)
london-boy said:
Like, for an autistic person it would be very interesting... I've always been fascinated by the "qualities" that seem to occur to some autistic people, i'd love to learn more about it, although this field is still in the dark scientifically...
Autism is one of the many fascinating things in humans/human brain.
Do they have those mental abilities because they have parts of their brains (like those that control emotions) sort of 'shut down' or in 'idle', while giving the parts of the brain that for example do memory calculations, the peace and ability to use resources close to max. Or are they in some sort of hyperconcentrated 'trance' state of mind, where most of the brain activity is consentrated in few tasks.

It's surprising that so little is really known of autism (or I just haven't read enough).
Well, this brings a deeper (but off topic :p ) question: are our math principles universal? Or are they just the results of human imagination? Although different cultures developed the same math principles, but we are all human, and share the same brain structures, after all.

On the other hand, physics are strongly tied to mathematics. Since it's assumed that physics laws are universal, this may provide some ground for the universality of our math principles. Is it possible to develope a completely math system which can describe the universe as well?
huh I tried the danish test too... I got 128 with"15" ; 16 gives me 130; and 24 gives me 145... good way how to spend 40 minutes :) - phhh I got really slow after 30th question... and last 5/6 just filled up as I ran out of time...
london-boy said:
That's what i mean... Take an alien spieces with and intelligence level on another level from ours, and with Mathematical rules and orders that are just different from ours...

How would it be possible to test people universally? As in, one test for everyone in the universe?

(of course that is making the assumption that "we are not alone", which is another discussion. I'm justmaking an example based on that assumption)
Well, we do select the 'Miss Universum' too, though the beauty she represents won't most likely be universally applicable.
These are just made up to reinforce the qualities that are currently most standard and benefical.
Druga Runda said:
huh I tried the danish test too... I got 128 with"15" ; 16 gives me 130; and 24 gives me 145... good way how to spend 40 minutes :) - phhh I got really slow after 30th question... and last 5/6 just filled up as I ran out of time...
hmph.. quess I could've scored a few poins more, but I am colour blind, so I cannot distinquish between blue and red.....
pcchen said:
On the other hand, physics are strongly tied to mathematics. Since it's assumed that physics laws are universal, this may provide some ground for the universality of our math principles. Is it possible to develope a completely math system which can describe the universe as well?

Heh, i think thats what scientists have been trying to do for centuries... ;)
pcchen said:
Well, this brings a deeper (but off topic :p ) question: are our math principles universal? Or are they just the results of human imagination? Although different cultures developed the same math principles, but we are all human, and share the same brain structures, after all.

On the other hand, physics are strongly tied to mathematics. Since it's assumed that physics laws are universal, this may provide some ground for the universality of our math principles. Is it possible to develope a completely math system which can describe the universe as well?

I'd assume that it is possible to use just a hexadecimal system and be perfectly happy with it... the principles would still be the same, just the description would be different. Essentially what we are doing is just using norms to describe what we see/experience and set "standards" for the same so we can understand each other... the standards can be different - like many languages we have... but what is being described is still one and the same.
I think it's one of the Hilbert's 23 problems, the sixth IIRC (axiomatize all of physics?)

Actually I missed one word in my last sentence... I meant to say "a completely different math system" :p