Who's going to see Star Wars at midnight?

Saw it last night, to my surprise I found it very good, and a lot better than Episode I and II!
Saw it

We have a 16 screen movie thearter . 2 screens are digital . All 16 are sold out .

There were 4 thousand people there

I don't want to ruin to much but let me just say the cgi was breath takening .

No movie has ever come close to the beauty that was on the screen. They should have sent a poet

As for the rest . Right now before its all sunk in i place it on par with jedi . Some worse some best

So for me its

Eps 5
eps 4
eps 6/3 tied
then whatever it don't matter haha

Oh btw if you think lord of the rings had alot of endings yuo haven't seen anything yet
Just got back. One of the best of the series. Definately up there with Empire and A New Hope IMO.

Things I liked:
-Some decent humor in the begininng that reminded me of the OT.
-Best CG so far in any movie.
-Decent resonance (something missing in 1 & 2
-Action...of course....

Things that could be improved:
-Quick transition (won't elaborate for those who haven't seen)
While there was very good tendancies before hand, he should have had
more indecision until the end and he was in the suit...
-While the Emperor was played very well, he seemed weak....
-More Kashyyk...I had heard so much about how this was going to be a
Saving Private Ryan esque scene so I looked forward to it (cut for time
reasons obviously)
-Could have finished after decided what to do with kiddies, but I
understand there would be massive complaining if those scenes were
NOT in there.

Overall, it is definately the best one of the prequel, and equal to those in the original series. Also, we see the choice for Anakin was actually good (or so I think). Everyone should see it, even if the first two have dissappointed you, this one won't.
i already saw it on the night between tuesday and wednesday.

i believe its the first time we could see a major movie before the USA (and aparently england also?)

fel asleep somewhere. in the middle for half an hour :)

but i will go see it again. you cant have enough starwars
My dad, brother, and I saw the midnight show. In a town of ~12,000, the theater was close to sold out. Mainly college aged kids from the local community college.

I liked it, definately much better then the other two prequels. I'm sure if people want to find stuff to gripe about, they can find them. But overall it was a good film.

CMAN said:
While the Emperor was played very well, he seemed weak....
That was an act! When fighting Mace Windu, Palpatine pretended to be weak and dying so he could force Anakin to make a crisis decision. The Emperor could've wiped Mace out at any moment.
When fighting Yoda, won the Emperor did although either way it could've gone. Yoda and Obi-Wan should've stayed together.

Also, we see the choice for Anakin was actually good (or so I think).
There's no fricking way Anakin made the "good" choice. They certainly did well at showing us why Anakin could think it was the right thing to do. But at certain points (the exact moment should be clear to anyone who sees the film), his conscience should've told him he was on the wrong path.
I'm going this afternoon...there's finally a digital theater within about 40 mins of my house. First time I'll be seeing digital projection in a theatre...
ZoinKs! said:
Also, we see the choice for Anakin was actually good (or so I think).
There's no fricking way Anakin made the "good" choice. They certainly did well at showing us why Anakin could think it was the right thing to do. But at certain points (the exact moment should be clear to anyone who sees the film), his conscience should've told him he was on the wrong path.

No No No....

Let me clarify. I was referring to the actor. Sorry :LOL:
Quite a fine flic, i must say (not that i expected much after Lucas' last attempts). Now the star wars saga came full circle and the three next gen consoles have been unveiled ... definite geek week of my life so far
Yeah I really liked it.

The Emperor and Darth transforming into what they are in the following Episodes was great.

The digital effect shots are superb and it must be the most technically laden flick ever.

That being said the "human" performances tend to take a back seat to all the amazing shots.

Games will be like this one day and then we will never need George. :D
It's definitely the best of the prequels, which isn't saying a lot, but it's also quite the diamond in the rough. I really missed that there was no 'birth' of the rebellion, a handful of senators from various systems meeting in seclusion to start organizing against Palpatine's power grab. Some of the obvious allusions to current American politics were unnecessary and heavy-handed. A lot of the duel choreography was either poorly captured on film (for example, where exactly did Sidious strike down the three masters who accompanied Windu) or had so much background noise in terms of color or motion or clutter (Lucas' visuals are like an interior decorator on crack-cocaine) that you couldn't enjoy the foreground action as well as you would've otherwise; sometimes, less is more.

Also, the geek in me wants action that rigidly allows you to deconstruct who the most powerful force user really is, a sort of pecking order among the major players, and the fight scenes were just too unsatisfying for that. I'm already seeing wild conspiracies about how Sidious simply held back on Windu, ignoring the fact that he couldn't have been 100% certain that Anakin would arrive or arrive in time, and that before Anakin entered the office Palpatine was disarmed and kicked to the floor (not a tenable strategy for that point in time, particularly after years of deft political and personal manipulations on Sidious' part). And why the Yoda-Sidious fight ended the way it did left me scratching my head; with the stakes so high for billions of people across the galaxy, a supposedly selfless jedi would've given more, risked personal life and limb, to end the coming tyranny. Yoda = pussy.

Visually gorgeous film, though as usual Lucas has no idea how to marry those visuals with a narrative that elicits an emotional buy-in from the viewers that would heighten the impact of the onscreen action. The end of the Obi-Anakin fight was an annoyingly obvious plot ploy ("it's over, I have the high ground now!" Umm, what_the_f*ck is that supposed to mean for people who can leap dozens of feet up into the air) and very unsatisfying on several levels. Meh. And Vader's temper tantrum was a wee-bit too much of a James Whale rip-off.

Best scene of the film: Yoda fighting outside the jedi temple and jumping up onto a trooper's chest and spiking him with his saber.
digitalwanderer said:
How was the digital theatre, did it live up to the hype or was it about the same?

I was disappointed. Still lots of aliasing that was noticeable to me with a digital projector, though I was in the very front row.

I dont think Yoda was a pussy at all - he tried to hang on and fell from a great height after being blasted against a wall at full force and huge battle with Mr P. Considering he's 800+ years old he did quite well. :D

Basically it was a major fight / power struggle and he couldn't win at the time and decided the best option was the defensive one of exile.

Counselling Obiwan about training / communing with Qui-Gon to secretly train Luke as a Jedi and strike back at the Emperor and Darth was a good one considering Sidious had basically won.

"I love my little green friend"