Who's going to see Star Wars at midnight?

They are saying it took in 16.5 million midnight showings which is twice what rotk did (8 million) in that time


If you read the book yoda thinks tohimself how he was training all this time to face an enemy that no longer existed all the while the sith were getting stronger and changing . He knew he couldn't beat him and left to train with obi wan under qugon (sp?) about the new way to acess the force . Which is what they teach look and is finaly fully realised in the extended novels in which jacen solo becomes one with the force while still alive and is able to leave that place

Interesting stuff that'd be nice to see on the tv series... Ep3 left me with some questions I hope will be taken on in the live tv show. Stuff thats besides the obvious setup for the tv show near the end of ep3...


The changing the communication codes so that the sith cant track surviving jedi... I always thought only obi wan and yoda were the only survivors...

I wonder if the tv show will take on the idea of anakin trying to resurrect padme. I could see him take over padme's body (whose to stop the top honcho in the empire?) put her in stasis and then work with the emp to try and find the old lost power... Id thought anakin would be pissed at the emp lying to him on that...
Somehow I cant see 100 episodes and no vader. I know they wont be regulars but I thought the end of ep3 made it obvious we'll occasionally see yoda at least...

I say we'll get to see vader, yoda and the emp in 10-12 eps... sprinkled across the bunch of them... like a large story arc spanning the series.

The series will have huge budgets... Im sure they can afford the occasional sir ian and a few voice overs by frank oz and james earl jones.
Spoilers, of course:

Why does General Greiveous, a droid, have a persistant cough? Or eyes. Or a heart?

What happens to all the clones in the 18-ish years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope? The droid army?

Why does Annakin never bother to go check his uncle on Tatooine for his son?

How does the all seeing Sith Emperor not notice that Senator Organa has a new baby that is related to Annakin? Or vader never notice his daughter in the senate?

Annakins decent to the dark side was pretty poorly scripted. Lucas tried too hard to make it seem like something anybody could fall into. I fail to accept, however, that anybody who really thinks he's doing right could be sent to kill children as his first mission.

How could nobody not notice Padme and Annakin engaging in a little making the dark sided beast with two backs?

And, for the money quotes:
"Its over. I have the high ground!".

"She lost the will to live"

Both of those got a laugh out loud from me in the theater.
Some of these question were answered in the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars.
RussSchultz said:
Spoilers, of course:

Why does General Greiveous, a droid, have a persistant cough? Or eyes. Or a heart?
SW:CW, the rebellion towards the end of the series comes up with a plan to kidnap the emperor during an ambush of coruscant. At this point in the war its going pretty bad for the rebellion. Anyways, Samuel L Jacksons' Mace Windu uses the force to injure the general just as the general and the kidnapped emperor lift off the ground and fly off.
What happens to all the clones in the 18-ish years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope? The droid army?
SW:CW, many, many battles.
Why does Annakin never bother to go check his uncle on Tatooine for his son?
Maybe he just assumes that the babies died during childbirth? Or maybe he is so disgusted with what he did to his wife that he just doesnt care about the kids.
How does the all seeing Sith Emperor not notice that Senator Organa has a new baby that is related to Annakin? Or vader never notice his daughter in the senate?
Ultimate power might have corrupted him. The profecy gave the emperor vader, maybe that was enough? not sure
Annakins decent to the dark side was pretty poorly scripted. Lucas tried too hard to make it seem like something anybody could fall into. I fail to accept, however, that anybody who really thinks he's doing right could be sent to kill children as his first mission.
the transformation kinda started in SW:CW's. Here is a short quote from tvtome.com:
The short cave movie was a refrence to what is happening and what will happen to Anakin Skywalker. The black thing is the dark side and the warrior is Anakin. Anakin fights off the dark side. But the he gets too confident, and he is affected by and accepts the dark side. At first, he can control the power, but then it overwelms him and comsumes him and everyone he cares about is destroyed. Then when the warrior is transforming, right before Anakin wakes up, the black thing is in the shape of Darth Vader.
How could nobody not notice Padme and Annakin engaging in a little making the dark sided beast with two backs?
no idea.
And, for the money quotes:
"Its over. I have the high ground!".

"She lost the will to live"

Both of those got a laugh out loud from me in the theater.
:) hehe, yeah me too.

hope that answeres a few of your questions. here is a link to a summary of the 25 short episodes of SW:CW

RussSchultz said:
Spoilers, of course:

Why does General Greiveous, a droid, have a persistant cough? Or eyes. Or a heart?

That's because he is a cyborg. I believe something may have happened to him like what happened to Anakin (i.e. critical wounded but turned into a cyborg to keep him alive).

RussSchultz said:
What happens to all the clones in the 18-ish years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope? The droid army?

The clones are the Storm Troopers in a New Hope I believe. Since Darth Sidious no longer needs the war to go on he does tell Anakin to send the codes out to disable the droids. Presumably they just then get dismantled for scrap.

RussSchultz said:
Why does Annakin never bother to go check his uncle on Tatooine for his son?

RussSchultz said:
How does the all seeing Sith Emperor not notice that Senator Organa has a new baby that is related to Annakin? Or vader never notice his daughter in the senate?

The only assumption I can make is that since he knows Padme is dead, he may believe that his children are dead too. It would be IMO the only thing that would stop him from looking for his son and daughter. Perhaps that's something the TV series may answer.

RussSchultz said:
Annakins decent to the dark side was pretty poorly scripted. Lucas tried too hard to make it seem like something anybody could fall into. I fail to accept, however, that anybody who really thinks he's doing right could be sent to kill children as his first mission.

I agree with you, killing another Jedi is one thing, killing "younglings" (couldn't they just called them children?) is another.
I might buy the cyborg angle, though it seems that Grevious was called a droid. Minor quibble, I suppose. He had a heart and eyeballs. Not sure why he had a persistant cough, though. You'd think if all you were was a cyborg with a heart and eyes, you'd get rid off the cough and the slouch.

You'd think the clones would be the storm troopers in A New Hope, but in ANH, they're not clones--they have different voices, and I'm pretty sure they were different heights, etc. I can't remember if you see any of the storm troopers sans helmets or not, but the Storm Troopers being clones seems to be something that was an afterthought.

Personally, I think Lucas created a back story ("The Clone Wars") and then tried to weave it into the story line after the fact without really thinking it through.
Spoilor's ahoy:

RussSchultz said:
I might buy the cyborg angle, though it seems that Grevious was called a droid. Minor quibble, I suppose. He had a heart and eyeballs. Not sure why he had a persistant cough, though. You'd think if all you were was a cyborg with a heart and eyes, you'd get rid off the cough and the slouch.
Obi-wan looked surprised when he saw the beating heart so apparently it wasn't widely known that he's a cyborg. I'd read that Grievious was from a reptile race but thought that was wrong because he looked like a droid. But after hearing his wheezing I knew there must be something biological in there.

You'd think the clones would be the storm troopers in A New Hope, but in ANH, they're not clones--they have different voices, and I'm pretty sure they were different heights, etc. I can't remember if you see any of the storm troopers sans helmets or not
Rumor has it future dvds of ep. 4-6 will dub over the stormtroopers voices. But another rumor says some stormtroopers are clones and some aren't, so all bases are covered... sort of.

but the Storm Troopers being clones seems to be something that was an afterthought.

Personally, I think Lucas created a back story ("The Clone Wars") and then tried to weave it into the story line after the fact without really thinking it through.
WHA-!?! Are you implying Lucas is making it up as he goes? :oops: ;)

How does the all seeing Sith Emperor not notice that Senator Organa has a new baby that is related to Annakin? Or vader never notice his daughter in the senate?
The all seeing Sith Emperor isn't all seeing except in his own conceited imagination. He's good at what he does but not quite perfect. And Vader didn't know Luke had a sister until he read Luke's mind. iirc, Vader said something about how it was wise for Obi-wan to hide her from him.

As for why Vader didn't find his own son, who still used his own last name, among his relatives on his home planet... I guess he never looked. He must've assumed he died along with Padme and not figured it out until after Luke nuked the Deathstar. Someone mentioned that they thought Padme still looked pregnant as she lay in her coffin. If true, that'd mean they faked it to create a cover story-- no one will look for children if everyone knows they're dead. I'll have to watch for that scene the next time I see RotS.
Maybe after shutting down the droids they used them as scrap metal in the death star... I mean that thing was big...you need lots of metal...you have a de-activated droid army thats made of metal...not doing anything... :)
What I didn't quite get is that in the beginning she just said she was pregnant and just a couple of "real-life" weeks later she gave birth to the babies. Quite a fast development, I'd say...
_xxx_ said:
What I didn't quite get is that in the beginning she just said she was pregnant and just a couple of "real-life" weeks later she gave birth to the babies. Quite a fast development, I'd say...

the force is strong in that family.... :LOL:
RussSchultz said:
Personally, I think Lucas created a back story ("The Clone Wars") and then tried to weave it into the story line after the fact without really thinking it through.

In ROTJ, Leia tells Luke that she remembers her mother from when she was young. Can't see how thats possible now after ROTS....

Though I hear that when Mr Lucus released the original films on DVD he chopped that part of the scene out, so the new film would make sense.
McElvis said:
RussSchultz said:
Personally, I think Lucas created a back story ("The Clone Wars") and then tried to weave it into the story line after the fact without really thinking it through.

In ROTJ, Leia tells Luke that she remembers her mother from when she was young. Can't see how thats possible now after ROTS....
Hmm, i dont think she realized that her real parents include vader and padme. Her adopted parent might have died ealry in her childhood giving us that part of the scene you bring up.

The whole film drives me nuts really.

B/c it hinted at the enormous potential squandered through 2 and a half films.

The last 45 minutes are excellent (aside from a few cheesy parts like Padme's little whine at the end).

The plot is fine.. But the casting still really sucks. Anakin is fine (I felt he was fine in part 2) everyonce and awhile his acting is spotty, but then he is ok in most of the important parts and everyonce and awhile catches on fire (the last fight is awesome as is the temple scene). Padme is terrible, and always has been.. She ruins the whole love affair. Samuel Jackson is out of place. ObiWan lacks some punch (though he gets better at the end), even though he really has an eerie resemblance with the beard. I felt his character was used too much as a foil to Anakin.

But it all begs the question. Why not have one and a half films dedicated to the end of the clone wars, and the flight and destruction of the Jedi. 20 minutes is just not enough, and doesn't do justice to the tragedy that it should have represented. Still its a good film (with amusingly eerie Anti US politics, even though it existed in conception long before 9/11/Iraq/Bush) and its definitely better than Return of the Jedi/ep1,2.

Overall, what can I say, its still Star Wars and I am a Geek. Two thumbs up.
Possible Spoilers-----------------------

The idiots in the movie theater that I was in clapped every time Yoda killed someone, or did anything for that matter. It really pissed me off. So when Yoda fell in the Senate room thing, my friend started clapping. That got a few laughs out of the non-idiots in the audience that hated the nerds clapping as much as we did.

Overall though, it was pretty good. Like everyone else said, the acting sucked, but the lines were terrible. Better acting than the other two, but that doesn't say much. Natalie Portman actually has gotten worse at acting, thanks to Lucas sucking so much at writing dialogue and directing actors. Most scenes that involved acting were edited and directed like crap. Some scenes went on way longer than they should have. Their love was unconvincing and it seemed like he turned to the dark side a little too easily.

The potential was so great for it to be an amazing movie (the story was great) but it was made poorly. In the end, the story made up for it, but it could have been something much better. Lucas sucks, but it's worth watching.

Ep 1: Sucked except for the Darth Maul fight.
Ep 2: Sucked
Ep 3: Was pretty good
Ep 4: Was really good
Ep 5: Was really good
Ep 6: The first half sucked, but the second half was good.