I took the original numbers from May, took out 7 months of sales from the U.S and added them onto the original number to get the full 26 months (to make the U.S level with Japan). I did the same thing for Europe. Of course this takes into account how the U.S is selling faster, it takes what the U.S sold in only 19 months and expanded that to meet the 26 months that PS2 has been out in Japan. It doesn't allow the sales for the U.S or Europe to expand further compared to Japan over the original 19 months, but its just not possible to do that with the numbers available, its not even possible to do that accurately no matter what numbers you have because monthly sales do not go linearly.
Well, what you did certianly doesn't work. Console sales for the PS2 this year in north america are higher then what they were last year. It sounds to me like you divided the total sales number by the number of months, and then took 7 of those months and added it to the total to reach 26. This does NOT include the sales possibly increasing over the 7 months you added. Also, you can't divide the total sales by the number of months PS2 has been out in NA becuase certain month have increased sales over other months (like the months leading up to Christmas).
How can you do that?, how can you project sales from month to month, they fluctuate.
You can project them based on previous generations and how much larger the market increases with each console generation. Even still, it's not accurate since you're hoping that each new generation does better than the previous, although this isn't always the case. This is EXACTLY why I said you should "really" be basing this off the previous generation (PSX and N64).
You simply cannot do that accurately. But the numbers without growth after the first 19 months projected into 4 years show the U.S well behind. 28.6 million for the U.S vs 41.8 million for Europe + Japan. You really think that over those two extra years the U.S market would have grown so much more then Europe + Japan to get past that 13.2 million gap. Even if it grew enough to get that extra 13 million, Europe + Japan would have also grown by then too.
Teasy you're totally confused here. Of course doing this isn't completely accurate, that's why it's called a projection. What you've done however doesn't take anything into account. Yes, of course Europe and japan would have grown while North America has grown, but not at the same rate. Also, year 5 in japan would be year 4 in North america. To be able to project the sales of the consles falling off or growing in the last two years can only be done by looking at previous console generations over the last decade.
That's what I've done, that original number for the U.S shows the rate of sales so far for PS2. How can the total number of PS2 sales over 19 months not show the rate at which PS2 is selling? Yeah it doesn't show the rate of growth past 19 months, but that is not possible anyway.
No you haven't done that at all. The rate at which PS2 is selling IS the rate of growth! How can Sony sell consoles without the overall PS2 market growing? To show the rate of growth, you'll need to see the sales For EACH month in each region over the course of it's life time. It certianly is possible to show that and also show the rate of sales if you had the correct numbers to argue agianst what I've been saying.
Typical Quincy, you say this in every thread were proof for something is needed. Apparently you are exempt from proving anything to anybody and whenever proof is needed its someone elses responsibility to show it. Give me a logic reason why you see it as my responsibility to show these numbers?
Teasy, this is actually somehting YOU do on a constant basis. Someone in the know says something you don't like and the first thing you do is argue with them telling them to prove that YOU are wrong. Well here's some news for you dude, not all information is readily avaible for every silly little argument you feel like drumming up on the internet. The sales numbers for previous console generations aren't availible anywhere that I know for you to see. You'd have to pay lot's of dollars to view this information from a market research website/company. Websites like PC data and others that are better that I once had access to, have information dating back to the NES days. Also, if you want a logical reasons to see why it's YOUR responsibility to prove someone else wrong, well let's just say that you do NOT have the benefit of the doubt. If you want to know the "truth" then you should research it yourself instead of coming up with some answer that you THINK is the truth.
If you haven't actually tried to research your argument, then WHAT are you BASING postion on??
Well then do that, show me these numbers. Because I don't think the numbers your talking about even excist in the public domain and I think you know that.
Of course, they don't as far as I know. That's just the thing, it's the only way to prove that you are correct. from the number I've seen in the past, you are NOT correct. What, do you think I'm just making this up? What are YOU basing your opinion on? the math you did above? I certinaly hope not, since your way of making projections is far from being reasonable.
Also I don't even see what your suggesting as accurate anyway, yes it at least attempts to show growth, but how can you predict future numbers month to months, it doesn't work.
You've seen the weather fore cast on T.V I'm sure. Just how do they forcst the weather on a day to day or week to week basis? They look at current and previous weather patterns dating back years to try and provide an accurate forecast. If you want to predict these numbers you need all of the sales over the first months it's been sold, and you also need monthly sales nubmers from the previous generation. Without that you can't show anything that makes sense.
I honestly think your suggesting this because your safe in the knowledge that nobody can get that info anyway.
I'm simply telling you what you need to predict sales in a more accurate manner. If you don't believe me then fine, but i don't see any reason for you to doubt what I'm saying. I basically think you're arguing this becuase you live in Europe and there's "no way" the North American market can be larger than both Europe in Japan in your eyes,
even though you have SEEN zero information to base your opinion on.
I can't find that info, and apparently you can't either, even though somehow you know exactly what it'll show even though you don't have it.
I'm telling you what the market data showed from the previous console generation. That the north american market is larger than both europe and japan together. YOU on the other hand are trying to prove this is NOT the case with incomplete numbers and ONLY a single console. The last time I checked you need MORE data to accurate predict/forecast the sales over the course of this generation.
Then the most accurate info available to us is the info I posted, which shows you to be wrong. Is it perfect?.. no, but it is a very good indication and its all we have.
The data posted does NOT show me or anyone else to be wrong in this thread. What you've done with the data however is completely WRONG.
If I ever become this deliberately difficult someone please shoot me.
What logic is this?.. you tell me I should look at some numbers, but you won't even look for them because you've already seen them?
The burden is on you Teasy. You've ignored what we've said here for the most part. you don't have enough data to back up your opinion or even argue for that matter. This is very typical of you. If you want the information then you should get it on your own. After all, it's the only true way to back up your your assumption. I'm nto making any assumptions, I'm telling you what I've seen regarding market data for the previous consle generation. You on the other hand haven't seen anything. personally I think you'r eonly arguing becuase you really want to try and prove me wrong.
So what if you've already seen them, until there posting in this thread there nothing but here say. I posted some evidence that your wrong, now unless you post something better to prove yourself right then you've lost this argument.
You haven't posted ANY evidence Teasy. You havne't proved I'm wrong, you havne't proved you ar eright. All you posted is something ONLY you consider evidence. You didn't even listen to us when we said you need to add up the console sales for EACH consle in each region to get an accurate picture just how large the regions are. You also need monthly sales numbers to proper predict this generation. You obviously haven't seen console sales numbers from the previous generation to base your opinion on, so basically this is just you trying to argue over nothing!
So showing PSX numbers would do that?.. nope.
Stop being so dense. Showing the console sales of the previous generation is the best way to see how the currnet generation will be divided up. Yup.
Well to bad then, I've look for them and can't find them, neither on the Sony site nor on google using many different searches.
As we said before, you need MORE numbers to accurately prerdict the sales of this generation. The sales are split between three players this time, Not only Sony. We've been arguing about the ENTIRE market, not just the PS2.