Whats the point?

Dave Baumann

Gamerscore Wh...
OK, whats the point of this forum you may ask?

The popular complaint/concern on B3D of present is the noise to signal ratio. As the site grows in popularity theres not much we can do to stem the level of noise other than attempt to channel the signal from the noise.

I'm going to trial this forum as an area for technical discussion and coding practices for modern PC 3D hardware. While the 3D technology forum will be the popular discussion area for new and upcoming 3D hardware this is intended to be slightly more indepth closer to B3D of old and hopefully also an area for developers to discuss current hardware and best coding practices.

We'll give it a go for a while and if it works then great, if it doesn't we can always channel posts backk into other forums. There'sd not really any strict posting rules at the moment so I'll have to make them up as we go for the time being!
How about a slightly better name for the old forum then? So the names cover the content. You only have to look at Ace's to see how poor naming of the forums will get you plenty of off topic posts.

How about calling the the first one "3D hardware" and this one "3D technology and coding" or "3D architecture and coding"?
This forum should have its own login/password, with Wavey studying the submissions properly prior to approval. If I want to read typedef_enum or Hellbinder or Matt Burris (as examples) posts, I go to the other forum. If I want to read Fenney or MfA or SA (again, examples) posts, I am likely to find more relevant posts by them here.

No intention to insult or praise anyone (esp. the names mentioned above), just the way I would like it personally. I know developers that find this to be a good forum/site but for the type of posts in the only forum that matters. I have suggested just what I described above to developers, they like it although there is no assurance they'll participate much due to lack of time but it sure would be encouraging.

Doesn't mean this site will be a "specialist" site... just a site with one "specialist" forum.

[edit]Oh and of course, Wavey can reject my submission![/edit]
MfA said:
How about calling the the first one "3D hardware" and this one "3D technology and coding" or "3D architecture and coding"?

I like that last one which is why I've already changed this forum name. I'm still contemplating about changing the other forum name though.

Reverend said:
]This forum should have its own login/password, with Wavey studying the submissions properly prior to approval.

I understnad what you are saying, and why you are saying it but in truh I hink its the opposite way that I want to go, and its actually a little difficult to do. there is an argument to say that this forum should be open to anyone even. I think for the time being strict moderation/policing should get the message across (asuming the board takes off - although it needs a little promotion!)
Can I post questions in this forum? I can understand why you wouldn't want me commenting on other people's posts, but I would like to know certain things that maybe someone hasn't brought up yet. Or would it be ok to ask/talk about things that may be rudimentary to other people?

I am trying to get an idea of the techno level you want this board to be, so there is less of a chance for me to screw things up.

Thanks as always.
Reverend said:
This forum should have its own login/password, with Wavey studying the submissions properly prior to approval. If I want to read typedef_enum or Hellbinder or Matt Burris (as examples) posts, I go to the other forum. If I want to read Fenney or MfA or SA (again, examples) posts, I am likely to find more relevant posts by them here.

I agree completely, i follow this board since 3/4 years ago, i never posted before but i pretty know who's around there, i dont even understand why u dont simply ban them, if u fear to be considered some dictator i wouldnt care much, that critic would come from some 13 year old kid and not from the rest of ppl.

Oh and of course, Wavey can reject my submission!

Brilliant touch! :)

I will be a lurker here, but hopes that it'll be okay with a question or two down the line? I would really like to see strict posting rules. Oh, and maybe you should mail the big guys (SA etc.) and tell them about this new forum.
Very good idea this forum, could help split up the crowd somewhat. :)

I think a completely restricted aproach contradicts the purpose of this board and site however, which is IMO not only to provide a place for discussion by professionals, but also to be a place for others to learn about 3D! That's the main reason many people are here (including me), and if access to a main place of interest would suddenly be restriced to only a handfull of people, I think it'd be pretty much against the point.

Now one possible solution might be to make the forum read-only for the general public, then allow a group of selected people posting rights to begin with. This group shoudl be mostly consisting of those long-time member who we know are knowledgable about 3D technology and coding. If it works posting rights could be granted to a few other people (newer members who appear to know their stuff, maybe some not so technically inclined are eager to learn or at least have shown a tendency not to spam) over time. Since posting rights can be taken away, folks should behave... ;)

Just an idea.

edit: I can live without posting rights as long as its possible to lurk and learn here, hehe
But what if someone, not on the write enabled group, wanted to ask a sensible question? How would that be managed?
I think its far easier to allow people to post to let them come to the board and then manage thing through moderation, hopefully people will learn that way.
Dave> you're probably right, just trying to point out that there would be other possibilities than a completely private forum like Reverand asked for, that would still enable more the "focused" folks to discuss without all the latest fuzz...

Simon> there'd be several ways IMO. 1) everyone registered with the boards could out start with posting rights, but they could be removed for this forum once someone repeatedly spams threads, or 2) everyone who wants to post a valid question would have to PM a mod for posting rights first (like in point 1 they could be removed again if a person starts spamming). The 1st possibility should mean less work for the mods than the 2nd though and is more liberal...

Of course the best thing that could happen, would be if everybody would just behave sensible and none of this were needed, we'll see. :D
If you give free posting rights to anybody, then banning people won't stop them. They'll just make a new account and continue being a nuisance.

I think if the moderators stepped in more often and moved threads to appropriate forums or broke up squabbles things might clear up.

Also, though it might hurt some feelings, if more people spoke honestly about how idiotic some of their fellow posters were, some folks might get a clue and listen more. Of course, that might quash debate as people fear for having their egos bruised.
RussSchultz said:
If you give free posting rights to anybody, then banning people won't stop them. They'll just make a new account and continue being a nuisance.

Okay, against these kind of trolls nothing can help except a fully private forum, but thank heaven, I can't remember many such extreme mental cases ever joining these boards until today. ;)

Anyway, I don't think Dave wants any of these restrictions, so lets just play along and be happy campers...
I think this a great idea and will work famously, as long as it is made clear from the outset that this forum will be heavily and mercilessly moderated. No need for separate password/logins, you can always take away access privileges to THIS forum from the offenders.
Geeforcer, it won't work, you already got through. Seriously now, I wonder what kept Dim3D so clean? The visible email addys?

B3D has taken something of a nose dive in the S/N ratio department in the last 3-4 years (I've lurked/posted), but I guess that's par for the course for any HW site, especially now since 3dfxgamers passed away...

I'm actually for the restricted posting rights. I won't be able to post, but what the heck. The reading will be that and more much better. [Go figure that one.]