What to get with B-Day money?

epicstruggle said:
And as long as he shares it with us, we all win!


Now, now. . I didn't say that --not everyone is as generous as Fallguy. :LOL: But twenty years from now he might like having them himself. :p

Edit: And where are our manners? Happy belated b-day, CMAN!
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geo said:
Happy belated b-day, CMAN!

Thanks! I believe I'm going to get Fear tomorrow no matter what I do.

And somehow I believe I'll be sleeping on the couch if I shared...:p
John Reynolds said:
Wow, you are bored if you're trying to twist an obvious joke around into an actual insult on Dave's wife like that. This is lower than your usual low--which is pretty damn low in its obvious pettiness and immaturity to begin with--when it comes to trying to stir up shit here.
Chill out John. The shit I always try to stir up are petty shit. Everyone who's seen Neva (or her photo) knows how much more classy she is compared to Dave. We both didn't insult Neva.
pax said:
Get xi-fi. Especially if you are still using a sblive class card... The diff is huge...
Don't get any lower X-Fi card than the Elite Pro. The cheaper versions have cheaper components too. Sucks but true.

Other than that you might get a Chaintech AV-710 7.1 sound card or a second display or input devices like a tablet pen or wheel or joystick. :D
I have an Audigy 2. The VRAM on the Xi-Fi does look nice though. I get out of class at 2 today, and then I'm depositng the B-Day money in the bank, then we'll see what damage I do. :devilish:
Ok, I ended up ordering a 30GB iPod today after looking at one of them yesterday. I must say, the video looks excellent for the small screen. I'll mostly use the video for South Park episodes and such.

I decided against the computer idea because I'd end up pouring $700-$1k to get what I want. I figure I could get a new Gateway for about $300 more and not have to worry about putting it together (and the Gateways has a BTX board and intakes!). I'll wait till I have a real job before spending that much money. I only had so much birthday money and all. Thanks for all the suggestions!

And pictures coming soon... :devilish:

Just kidding. :LOL: