epicstruggle said:
What the heck are you talking about, this is bad?
So ragged and endangered supply lines, and the lack of the support - anger and contempt might be better words - of the people we're "liberating" (more on that later) are okay with you?
Personally I think you(mize) have been using your head to inspect your waste production facility a bit too much.
Now there's a good argument.
Please answer this question for me
Ah yes, here's the part where you try to make it a black and white issue. Fine I'll play just so you can simplify things to your level.
mize, are you for or against this war.
I believe that war may have been inevitable but that this one was approached chaotically and ineptly. I believe we could have built a real coalition where the partners actually contributed something other than invoices. I believe a more competent president , one with some experience in foreign relations and diplomacy, could have done this just as Bush Sr. did.
I believe that, as it is being handled and the way it was initiated, this war is not in the best long-term interests of the US or the region. In this area I agree with both the CIA and the Dept. of State - that this approach will destabilize the region and increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks against US interests.
That said, we are at war. I don't like the way we got here, but I want it won quickly and decisively. In this area I feel that Rumsfeld has failed us. I believe he used too small a force with too little armor and that he should have waged an air war first.
are you for or against the liberation of the people of iraq?
This war isn't about the liberation of the Iraqi people. Don't be so naive. Originally this war was about WMDs. When that didn't stick it was about 911. When that didn't stick it was about liberating the Iraqi people. Don't kid yourself, this war is about resources and money and those are VALID reasons to go to war, but don't expect me to buy into the latest propaganda.
I *am* for liberating the Iraqi people, however. After all, we helped create the evil dictator that has oppressed them all these years - we ought to at least help get rid of him. Unfortunately we're going about this "liberation" in the wrong way...so much so that the people being liberated are turning against us rather than welcoming us as liberators.
My best friend grew up in Iraq (I'm godfather to his daughter) so I know a bit about how the Iraqi people feel about our approach. I'm sure you, however, know better, right?
do you believe that saddam has been torturing his people to stay in power. do you know that about 5000 were dying per month during the last 12 years of saddams regime, because he used the oil for food program to build his military and palaces?
My best friend, his two brothers, his parents, his cousins, aunts and uncles all fled Iraq - I know far better than you about Saddam. My buddy's parents only got out in '01 so I can tell you stories about life as a pharmacist in a sanctioned Iraq if you really want.
The sad fact is that Saddam was nowhere near the ruthless maniac he is today before the '91 war and sanctions. What fails to make me proud in all of this are the following:
1. We helped create Saddam while Bush Sr. headed the CIA. Both Rumsfeld and Bob Dole have met the man and patted his back.
2. We encouraged the Iraqi people to rise up against Saddam and then watched as they were mowed down, providing no help.
Yes, Saddam should be taken out and he's largely our responsability so we should certainly help. There are, however, better - much better - ways than this.
Thoughtfully yours,