Commonly, LOD refers to having multiple resolution models that you then swap as needed, and that hardly takes any great computation power (except from the artist that must create mode models ).Grall said:Anyway, PS2 lends itself to such engines due to its powerful vector processors, but GCs T&L can't handle flexible polygon meshes, it would probably be a huge hit on the CPU to have it do that by itself.
Flipper also has a flexible display list format that naturally lends itself to this kind of use.
Well you might as well use a different term then, because I sure as heck have seen evaluation of complex equations per pixel without ever using normal map don't have a (per-pixel) normal map in the equation, so you don't have a pixel-level granularity (or near so) of the lighting on the surface side.
Or are you arguing that inputs or even just equation elements define the frequency of the evaluation?