What are you playing now? (console edition) [2011 - 2017]

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Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's good. It's nicely polished. Level design in particular is just terrific. Story isn't particularly gripping, but as I'm in it for its intricate, interlocking gameplay systems this hardly bothers me. For some reason Human Revolution grabbed me a good deal more. Might very well be down to the setting. I don't think Deus Ex's rendition of Prague is particularly interesting, and unlike in Human Revolution, it's also the only big place in the game.

Also RE4. Again. It's exactly as sublime a piece of craftsmanship as I remembered. The bugger just refuses to age.
Finally playing my copy of Xenoblade chronicles on Wii. Very impressed by the game notably the combat and how dynamic, intuitive and simple it is. I love that game.
Going up and down the PSVR list. Right now it's Drive Club. It's a ton of fun once you get over the visual downgrade. It's a particular pleasure for lovers of virtual cockpits in VR. There's about 80 different ones to marvel at after all, and they are all gorgeous. It's considerably easier to play than the standard version of Driveclub too. It's also far and away the meatiest experience you can have with the HMD at this point. Thanks to 80 cars and more than a hundred tracks, it doesn't seem like the daylight robbery that is Battlezone, or Eve, or, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent, Rigs.

I'm also playing Windlands. It's a VR first person jumping/flying experience. It's an absolute delight if you have the stomach for it. Zipping around at breakneck speeds is tremendously fun in VR. Thanks to exemplary image quality it looks absolutely wonderful on the headset too. It definitely shows that far away things can be displayed convincingly on the headset. It's just a matter of image quality and, most likely, a fitting art direction. It's also another title where you get a decent bang for your buck.

Also tried out Robinson The Journey last week. Very pretty. Incredibly slow, though. Don't know what to make of it at this point.
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Still playing Overwatch, this game is extremely addicting, kind of a hate/love affair as well...can't play anything else right now...which means my backlog is filling and filling and filling (Gears, BF1, TF2, ...)
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Played roughly 2 hours of Robinson The Journey yesterday. Lovely experience. I'd place it somewhere in between a pure experience like Arkham VR and a traditional adventure game. Sure, it's a rather simple adventure game - you'll come across "puzzles" like fixing a broken wind turbine by finding and installing the blades scattered across the nearby environment - , but VR makes it all work. The sense of scale is absolutely phenomenal, and your first encounter with a longneck herbivore becomes quite magical as a result. Crytek has really worked its inhouse engine to deliver something that is truly visually special here, and it looks absolutely great running on the old PS4 hardware too. The big elephant in the room is that 70€ for a what's clearly a game made with a not-quite-indie, but still rather modest budget still seems like one hell of a big ask.
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Almost done with Robinson I think. Verdict thus far: try and rent it if you can. Or at least wait for a big-ass discount. It can be a pretty experience, but it's janky as all hell. Given its smallish scope and very limited interactivity, the lack of polish is really baffling. Baby T-Rex Laika literally bugged out on me once in every two occasions I needed her. Puzzles can be absolutely infuriating too. Not because they are in any way difficult - these are Telltale caliber puzzles at best-, but because the controls are incredibly fiddly. At one point I had to move a metal plank into a specific position. Super obvious puzzle, with the solution clearly highlighted right in the environment no less. Thanks to the jumpy physics system it took me no less than 50 attempts to get the bloody thing to where it needed to be. The checkpoint system is very weird as well. They aren't particularly far apart, but when you have to repeat a lengthy climbing sections due to control issues, they can get really annoying. Especially since just about every action you perform in Robinson is so painfully slow.
I bought Robinson 2 days ago and have played it for an hour or so. It is indeed quite pretty. I played with standard PS4 and it does look mych less jaggy and slightly higher res than other PSVR games I've tried. Though for some reason the sense of being there is not nearly as strong as for example in that Batman VR game. Maybe it's the fact that Batman is mostly a closed room spaced and the environments are more angled, thus the sense of perspective is more pronounced. On the other hand, I've not wandered much further than the area around the home "pod".
I've not yet had any major problems with the controls, also I haven't really yet done anything in the game that needs precise controls. Even climbing a short ladder seemed fine. Movement is a bit too slow and with free turning I do get a bit dizzy feeling.

Anyone played Dishonored 2 on PS4 or Pro yet? I preordered it and have it waiting on the store, still undecided whether I'll pick it up or not as I might not have the time to invest in it just now. Does it have bad performance issues on PS47Pro?
Anyone played Dishonored 2 on PS4 or Pro yet? I preordered it and have it waiting on the store, still undecided whether I'll pick it up or not as I might not have the time to invest in it just now. Does it have bad performance issues on PS47Pro?
Not yet. I pre-ordered it because Amazon UK had a promotion where you could get some games at below half-price because you ordered a Pro from them and Dishonoured 2 was one of those games. Then I realised I hadn't played the original Dishonoured despite buying the PS4 remaster. D'oh! So now I have Rise of the Tomb Raider and two Dishonoured games to play.
Anyone played Dishonored 2 on PS4 or Pro yet? I preordered it and have it waiting on the store, still undecided whether I'll pick it up or not as I might not have the time to invest in it just now. Does it have bad performance issues on PS47Pro?

I bought this at launch, its ok I'd probably give it a solid B-/C+ overall. The artwork is good, the level designs are decent but the core game play for me anyway has been a bit flat, as is the world. NPCs and enemies are very uninspiring in terms of your interaction with them. This is a game that in terms of the core game play could have been done on last gen hardware if not for the visuals.


I should probably add that I'm about 4 hours in, maybe it will pick up a bit.
Finished Robinson. It was alright. Sure, there's the occasional wow moment, but the awful puzzle design, the finnicky controls and the leaden pace drag the criminally short experience way the hell down. Despite being a mere one-hour long, Arkham VR feels like a moch more complete experience. You can also squeeze another 3 or 4 hours out of it doing riddler puzzles which are actually pretty damn good.
Got myself some Rigs Mechanized Combat. Loving it. Such a badass intro too. Your mileage may obviously vary, but I think it's super comfortable to play too. After spending hundreds of hours behind the goggles, I think all the first person games which try to combat nausea via annoyingly sluggish movement speeds and weird ways of turning around the z axis are actually exacerbating the issue. The speedy ones that just go balls-out feel great on the other hand. Really makes me wish for a VR version of the new Doom.
Actually i'm all for VR.....as it made a strange effect on me. I was expecting something like this since beginning 90s.....when i saw first arcade-coin up prototypes of VR....yes, those things that seemed like TAC machine with huge astronauts helmets 15 kgs weight.

At that time....graphics and models were SHIT....but was an experience so particular that i can clearly remember it in details as of today.

Finally VR is here....and Sony helped A LOT to bring it into consumer's houses as Playstation brand is already there and putting VR on shelves for the actual LESS expensive price on the market, is really a NICE idea and can be a boost for the whole VR project.

As soon as i bought it, tested it....and now using it regularly.....i found the PS VR really entertaining and i dont had any problem about sickness nor dizzyness using it. Actually i'm using it on my first fat PS4 500Gb model, a warrior that still works very fine.
After i started playing with this.......all other things became something boring......something a lot less immersive.....so i suggest everyone to finish the normal games before starting playing with this thing. :)

Actually i own and i'm playing (ONLY....PC included....): Driveclub VR, RIGS:Mechanized Combat League.......and the two Move controllers with Until Down: Rush of Blood are just arriving to me as my new purchase for black friday. This is all what i'm playing now....i almost stopped all others. :)
I finally got The Division ($10), at level 18. Not sure if I like it or not, it can be fun but frustrating and repetitive. I also got BF1 which I barely started. I'm waiting on Watch Dogs 2 in the mail. I finished Gears 4 (ho-hum) and Uncharted 4 (GOTY) recently.
Actually i just downloaded and enjoyed a lot the "Midnight Update" of the demo Beginning Hour of RE7 in VR (as the new update added VR and PRO functionalities)......what to say other than i'm reeeally expecting this for end of January..... :)
At the beginning of the demo now you can choose to start it in normal or VR mode........and i suggest everyone to give it an eye (as is for free :) )
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