Wanted to try out Wolfenstein Old Blood today, immediately hit the snag where the game never goes above 22fps, and frequently drops even lower than that - I've seen as low as 14fps. Even during the intro video clips and in the menus it runs at the same terrible framerate, so it's clearly not a hardware deficiency. Some casual web sleuthing shows this isn't an unheard of problem - a bunch of threads on Steam forums, other forums as well, for both AMD and Nvidia users, so it's not one vendor having a driver issue. Lots of supposed fixes, none of which works for me, and of course NONE which involve goddamn Bethesda!
Bethsoft... worst piece of shit publisher in PC marketspace. Absolutely zero morals, ethics or concern for their own paying customers. Fucking bunch of greedy, uncaring evil bastards they are. Calling them worthless mangy dogs would be an insult to mangy dogs everywhere.
You think I exaggerate? I can assure you I am not. Been buying their games since Morrowind, stupid as I am, so I'm well versed in their pattern of still sucking money out of people after having abandoned their own titles with gamebreaking bugs still present in them. Morrowind's issues were legio, and many never fixed, including stuff like randomly falling through the world and quests bugging out making the game unplayable. Would installing an expansion which sics almost unbeatable assassins on you as a level 1 player when you sleep count as a bug, or is it just faulty game design and nonexistent quality control?
Oblivion I did not play much, but there was the graphical effects that were shown off before release and then pulled for no stated reason. Fallout 3 I did not play (much), but a mate of mine sunk 100+ hours into it and can talk literally for hours about all the crazy shit he encountered - including tons of core meltdown-level bugs which Beth is well aware of but still remain in the game to this day. Several of these games have an 'unofficial community patch' which fixes many but not all problems, but as installing it required nuking your existing save files I never bothered with any of that.
Fallout New Vegas I bought but never played because I never finished the previous game. Same mate played that one too a lot but tossed it in frustration due to the insane amount of game-corrupting bugs which would render the game unplayable.
Skyrim I spent 80+ hours in and my mate over 100 - encountered loads of bugs, and again, Beth knows all about them and does absolutely fuckall about it. As you know, they even re-issued a HD updated version the other year with the very same bugs still in there, so there's another community patch for it, separate from the original version's... *sigh*
Fallout 4 I refused to buy because I knew it would be a bug-ridden piece of shit, and it was, and they're not fixing it. Community patch to the rescue again, but it can't fix everything of course since they can't patch the binary itself. Bethsoft is swimming in money after selling multiple millions of multiple games, but spending even a single nickel on patching a bug which the community has found for them and can tell them exactly how to fix? Nope. Not doing it!
Performance in New Order was bad but not so awful that it prevented me from playing, but you can't play a PC action title which constantly runs at less than 23fps, it's not possible. At least N64 FPS games had the terrible framerate built into the design of the game; id Tech 5 is inherently designed to run at 60 and lags something fierce if it doesn't.
Fuck these fucking people.