Finished playing Crysis for the first time. Didn't realise the game was actually pretty good. Plot, gameplay, AI were all above my expectations. I guess it was due to alot of people harping it as a "tech demo" hence my low expectations.
It did have some tedious moments but some parts were just glitch central. At the final showdown, I magically fell through the aircraft deck to the hanger/sea below several times..
Also played dawn of war 2 chaos rising. I dont know why they call this a RTS game. Its more like an RPG game with guns and tanks instead of melee weapons and magic. Making a FPS game using warhammer 40k fluff should be far more entertaining than this IMO. Bolters for instance are like mini rocket launchers fluff wise.
It's more of a tactical RTS with RPG elements than your traditional strategic RTS. More so when you start ramping up the difficulty levels. As such it more faithfully (as faithfully as a realtime computer game can) recreates the tabletop game while going a bit into heroic fantasy by having you slaugher multiple squads of enemies.
DoW II (WH40K squad based) and the Warhammer: Mark of Chaos (WHFB army based) series are definitely my favorite Warhammer based games on computer. The older series like Shadow of the Horned Rat was also pretty good.
Replaying DoW II again for the 4th time now.
PS - yeah Firewarrior was horrible.