What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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I was checking out Titan Quest and considered giving it a go. Sacred 2 is another good opinion, I like the idea of mounts. Which of the two seems to have a better general consensus? I read the reviews for both and they appear quite similarly rated.
just running through the eve 21 day trial. Not going to subscribe as school starts in 4 days. However I am waiting to see if Darkfall does get released on the 22nd.
I recently got a hankerin' for some old-school Baldur's Gate action. So I went back and played through Baldur's Gate with the bg1tutu mod that allows you to play under BG2. Beat that a couple of days ago, and now I'm playing through Baldur's Gate 2. This stuff is quite fun after not playing it in a long time :)
What about NWN 2? I keep reading about that and it's becoming increasingly more interesting.
Game had some games priced at 3 for £10 and when i got to the till the guy said that games been reduced to £1.89 - result..

so i bought
dungeon lords
flatout 2

Thats about 3 more gigabyte towards fulfilling my holy quest of completing The Sacred Terrabyte Of Gaming Goodness
Game had some games priced at 3 for £10 and when i got to the till the guy said that games been reduced to £1.89 - result..

so i bought
dungeon lords
flatout 2

Thats about 3 more gigabyte towards fulfilling my holy quest of completing The Sacred Terrabyte Of Gaming Goodness

What manual had had the best smell?

I rate manuals from games I buy regarding smell, papper quality, thickness and coating.
gun had the best smell - quality glossy paper

for sheer manual awesomeness you should try and get hold of falcon 4 (not falcon 4 allied force)

Behold the Majesty
Falcon 4.0 was quite a game too...I still have it in a box around here somewhere. Does it run on a modern OS/rig? What about those old glide helicopter games...can't even remember the name...
What about NWN 2? I keep reading about that and it's becoming increasingly more interesting.
Well, I'll probably snatch myself Storm of Zehir before too long. We'll see. I've heard some crappy things about the camera, so I think I'll wait until a patch is released.

There's a lot that I like about NWN2. Unfortunately, there's also a lot I don't like so much. Primarily the slow pace of the game and the long load times. I still enjoy it enough that I've beaten it a number of times, mind you, but I don't like it quite as much as some other modern RPG's (like Oblivion). Maybe I'll find the game more enjoyable after my next computer upgrade...
Falcon 4.0 was quite a game too...I still have it in a box around here somewhere. Does it run on a modern OS/rig? What about those old glide helicopter games...can't even remember the name...
There's a project out there somewhere to update Falcon 4.0's engine, part of the result of which is so that it can run on newer PC's. It's been a long time since I looked it up, but I think this is it:
Well, I'll probably snatch myself Storm of Zehir before too long. We'll see. I've heard some crappy things about the camera, so I think I'll wait until a patch is released.

I haven't played the expansion, but vanilla NWN2 had camera issues. Was it never fixed, or did they actually release an expansion that reintroduces problems from earlier games?
I haven't played the expansion, but vanilla NWN2 had camera issues. Was it never fixed, or did they actually release an expansion that reintroduces problems from earlier games?

It was never really fixed IIRC. They tried a few times but no cigar. Once I got used to it it was okay.
I haven't played the expansion, but vanilla NWN2 had camera issues. Was it never fixed, or did they actually release an expansion that reintroduces problems from earlier games?
They changed it significantly with the release of the first expansion, and I rather came to like that new camera. Or rather, pair of cameras: you get a choice between a more personal behind-the-character view (whose name escapes me at the moment) and something more akin to isometric (strategy mode). There's quite a bit of customization available, too.

So I dunno. Like I said, I'll probably get it, but not right away. I've got other things on my plate at the moment...
Character Mode and Strategy Mode. Strategy Mode is purely top down and plays sorta like an RTS. You can select multiple party member with click and drag to issue orders and you never 'embody' any one particular member. In Character Mode you can move the camera freely around the character you're currently controlling and you only directly control one party member at a time. I liked Character Mode from a top down perspective.
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Falcon 4.0 was quite a game too...I still have it in a box around here somewhere. Does it run on a modern OS/rig? What about those old glide helicopter games...can't even remember the name...

yes it does you need freefalcon

FreeFalcon is a dedicated group of 3d modellers, skin artists, programmers, campaign builders, tweakers and just plain old enthusiasts.Our diverse group includes people from North America, Europe and Asia. We range from seventeen to sixty-something years old, with former Army and Naval Aviators, computer programmers, lawyers, students, engineers, skilled laborors and educators. The one thing we all have in common: The love of a Simulation that was released almost 10 years ago. Over those years, we have seen improvement after improvement as different groups have released add-ons. The add-ons we have produced were made with a goal to continue the free development of FALCON 4.

or you can use superpatch 4 and bms
there is a guide here :

ps: old glide helicopter game is probably janes longbow2 or digital integrations hind (with the glide patch)
both work with wrappers btw
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How close are you? Does this include just installs or do you rip the discs to HD too?

I have 2 500gb drives both partitioned into 3 xp on the primary partition of one and vista on the primary partition of the other
so far
Games 1 - 16.4gb free
Games 2 - 10.6gb free
Games 3 - 9.55gb free
Games 4 - 102gb free

total 138.55 gb to go
thats installs only no cd's/dvd's ripped to the hdd
239 games
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