I loaded up Unreal Tournament 3 again, recently. It's a lot better this time around, even though it feels like a console game at times. I was in the mood for blazing-fast deathmatches, and I got it. I want to beat Far Cry 2, but I'm waiting until after Christmas and the coming arrival of my new videocard, so I can start he game over and enjoy the DX10 features. The shadows look a little lackluster running DX9. I've also been playing The Witcher, too, but I'm also waiting for my new card to beat it. The Witcher is easily the best RPG made in a long time. Also, I've fooled around with GTAIV on PC, and it's aggrivating how high the damn requirements are. I'm pretty sure it stands next to Crysis in terms of hardware requirements, and looks 1/1000th as good, which really bugs me. For some odd reason, the ability to go on five star rampages has been relieving for me lately, I know that sounds odd. Having a swarm of police chasing me as I reap havoc with some type of gangsta rap blasting from my SUV, while Nico makes wisecracks, has made me chuckle. I've also come to the conclusion that the character "Little Jacob" is one of the best characters ever made in video game history. Provided you have some type of computer that's lightyears ahead of it's time, hardware wise, I'm sure the game is really fun. It's just I'm having a really difficult time thoroughly enjoying it when it crawls, at times. No game is meant to be played at 1024x768. Ever.
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