What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Yes I remember I was quite disappointed with it in relation to Homm IV (although most think IV is poor compared to III....) Anyways it's been awhile since I played Homm IV. Guess I got to give V a fresh look. It's ok for now, although I do believe a lacking of maps and balancing issues is making it poorer than it should be. The campaigns is good. But of course... none of them can hold a candle to the seminal II :LOL:
Warcraft III - I'm on the Undead campaign now. Just replaying all the SP stuff.

The wife and I have been moving rooms around after I finally relinquished the master bedroom as my study. So the study went upstairs to the loft and while moving all my shit I looked the WC3 collector's edition I bought in 2002 and thought about replaying it. Can't imagine it supports WS resolutions or even looks decent today, though.
I spend way more hours than I planned on Starscape. Its repetive, has some of the worst UIs possible but I still feel the urge to constantly upgrade my ship :oops:

That and Forged Alliance
I let my World of Warcraft account time expire on the first and I don't really feel like playing. It's rather shocking though that when I set down to play a game I still just click on the icon. To me that is a sign that I was addicted. It's not out of "this will be fun to play" but out of nature. So, I've reinstalled The Orange Box and playing some Team Fortress 2 since the various updates and I must say it's a nice break and I don't really care so much about being the best on the server as I do with other games.
Went out and bought Titan Quest Gold Edition, playing right now. seen some of you talking about it so decided to give it a try.
Finished Mass Effect as a level 40 female Paragon-heavy Vanguard lesbian. Immediately restarted as a tough-as-nails male Infiltrator with a Renegade-ish attitude (which translates into choosing all responses from the bottom of the dialogue wheel). He won't, however, go after Kaiden as a romance option. :D

I just replayed Titan Quest and its expansion last winter and also toyed with the idea of having another go after the Diablo 3 announcement.
I let my World of Warcraft account time expire on the first and I don't really feel like playing. It's rather shocking though that when I set down to play a game I still just click on the icon. To me that is a sign that I was addicted. It's not out of "this will be fun to play" but out of nature.
I was addicted to MUDs. :oops: Now I am very careful when I play MMORPGs, Had to quit a few after getting way to involved.
oi john how do i play as a lesbian ?

/Davros relives bloodlines and the infamous jeanette sequence....

Helps if you're a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Mass Effect even has a sex scene between the two women, which surprised me. I tried for a 3-some with Kaiden but the prude wasn't up for it.
Helps if you're a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Mass Effect even has a sex scene between the two women, which surprised me. I tried for a 3-some with Kaiden but the prude wasn't up for it.
Well, technically, it's sex between a female (your character) and a unisex alien that looks/sounds like a female.

P.S. Oh, and by the way, Kaidan doesn't do guys.
Replaying Half-Life 2. I just recover my original steam account, so now I have to start all over again(I don't mind though, I love this game).

I just played the demo of fear which was on a disc that came with my SB X-fi I got last summer. I really like it...so I'm going pick up the full game.
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