What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Ha ive just installed it
ps: dos it still have that bug where you cant move on to the next level - the level with the big missle in it ?

not sure i've encountered that one (i've played this title probably 2-4 times). i DID experience the bug in the office bldg lobby where the keycard you appropriate disappears from your available inventory and you can't get to the next step. had to restart the level. everything went fine after that. i stopped playing at the penthouse level of that office building. it was one of my fave places. looking out over the cityscape imagining what it might be like to enjoy such fabulous digs.. i enjoy doing that in titles that have cityscape views and fabulous places (offices, apartments, etc) ! anyway, i'll pick it up again, when i get in the mood. it's one of my favorites.

thaks for the info on oblivion mod and existing games chalnoth!
Sins of A Solar Empire MP with friends. Finally a succesor to HW2 but with CIV campaign mode feel as well.
i am playing Crysis finally. i need to benchmark it and i got pulled in

with rig in sig, i am playing it at "Very High" - everything completely maxed on the Dx10 pathway - except "shadows - high" and No/AA ... i am getting FPS just above 30 and it is quite playable ...

at 10x7 ... i had to drag my 19" CRT out of the closet . . . but even at low resolution, it is beautiful and i like the many ways to complete an objective - even if it is linear.
Picked up UT3 and Sins of a Solar Empire off of Amazon and while I haven't dug into the latter yet, I'm not exactly digging the former. Epic dropped the ball so badly with this iteration it's hard to believe the game was produced by the same company.
I hany played it online yet, but why is everyone so dissapointed by ut3, i cant see any prob with it (apart fom maybe lack of maps)
I rarely get through a 20-kill DM against bots without the game crashing regardless of the map, and the lack of maps compared to 2003/2004 is appalling. Some of my favs are missing and that hurts. Wish I'd paid $20 for it instead of $33 because it's not worth that. Just feels unfinished.
I think Face (Facing Worlds?) is in the bonus pack from Epic. I really want Magma, the CTF map with the two castles and the volcano in the middle.
I'm still playing Heroes III, although last week I had a good run at X-com UFO Defense again. I don't play it very often, but that classic game a friend of mine introduced to me is growing on me every time I play it. And I think I'm getting better each time too, hehe.
Right now only playing consoles GTA4, GT5P (rented) and Iron Man (rented).

Waiting for a decent release on PC to come along, sporadically playing: Quake Wars and Crysis. In the latter part of the year though PC surely looks to shine.
I've just about finished Clive Barker's Undying - this morning I've finally cleared Oneiros, the Xen-equivalent of the game. It has a few really neat puzzles (the one where you swim up in a pillar of jello-like water is especially cool to behold), but man, jumping from platform to platform and guessing where the next few tiles will appear from nowhere gets old pretty fast (even though the visual aspect of the tiles flipping to place is implemented quite well).
Picking up ME although had a bit too much of NWN2 after the expansion last fall. IMO the TSR series never could gain back the luster they had with the early Baldurs Gate and Torment.
Yes Baldur's Gate 2 certainly has been the best in the series. I did play some very good user mods for NWN. I'm hoping Mass Effect will provide my rpg fix for a while. Meanwhile I'm still playing mostly TF2. I also bought The Longest Journey off steam.
Yes Baldur's Gate 2 certainly has been the best in the series. I did play some very good user mods for NWN. I'm hoping Mass Effect will provide my rpg fix for a while. Meanwhile I'm still playing mostly TF2. I also bought The Longest Journey off steam.
Well, despite some interface snafus, I thought NWN2 was quite good, and the later iterations really improved on the interface, making it much easier to deal with (though still with a significant learning curve, unfortunately).

What I'd really really like to see is a D&D RPG that's as easy to pick up and play as, say, KoTOR, which I think is the best RPG of its class since the 3D RPG era began.

Edit: Mass Effect may potentially surpass this, haven't played it yet.
i gave up on Crysis and am Playing LotRO on 56K dialup! There is no lag and i can even use the VOIP to team speak ... awesome!
[my Ping is less than 100ms; not bad for a $6.95 a month netzero dialup on 56K - my only choice except 10,000ms ping satellite].
It is awesome - except for the fact it took nearly 10 days of continuous D/L'ing updates at 5 kb/s =P

i am playing it with friends and am surprised at the depth of this game. With my e4300 @ 3.25 GHz, a 8800GTX or HD2900xt Crossfire and 4 GB of RAM on Vista32 it flies at 16x10 with everything ultra if possible and completely maxed. With 2xAA/16xAF on the DX10 pathway, LotRO is a beautiful and varied world.

it is boring as hell grinding by yourself, but time just flies by playing with your friends! As my 3rd MMO ever, i highly recommend it [i know it is a year since it was released]; i also played Nightfall and intend to get back to it as it is good for soloing with Party AI, and also Hellgate: London which has awful MP but i played an Evoker since the Beta to get thru it nearly 3 times in a row. Ialmost finished twice completely thru on "nightmare" until Max got capped at level 50 and the Demons got into the upper 60s just before the final battle [for the 3rd time]; and i gave up.
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