What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Wow great comments about Alan Wake there, this is now a definate buy for me. I'm slowly making my way through Rage at the moment. Haven't really had chance to get into it yet. I've got Crysis 2 and Lost Planet 2 on my shelf to play as well but they're both gonna wait until I've got a DX11 GPU. So after Rage my choices are between Skyrim and Alan Wake. I know Skyrims going to suck me down a hole for the next 3 months (at least) though so I'm a bit hesitant about starting it while there are other great (but much shorter) games I want to play.
Wow great comments about Alan Wake there, this is now a definate buy for me. I'm slowly making my way through Rage at the moment. Haven't really had chance to get into it yet. I've got Crysis 2 and Lost Planet 2 on my shelf to play as well but they're both gonna wait until I've got a DX11 GPU. So after Rage my choices are between Skyrim and Alan Wake. I know Skyrims going to suck me down a hole for the next 3 months (at least) though so I'm a bit hesitant about starting it while there are other great (but much shorter) games I want to play.

I found the trick to avoiding frustration with Alan Wake was not to try and save any ammo. Use the best stuff you've got at the time, look around for more ammo, don't be afraid to chuck flares out when you need them. If you look for ammo and pick it up, you will always have (just) enough. There's no point trying to save stuff for later.

It's also worth reading the manuscript pages you pick up, and watch the TV screens and listen to the radios. It all adds up to a story within a story. Is Alan Wake insane, stalked by a demon force, living a life made from someone else's story, or is he writing his own life before events happen? Is he imagining stuff due to concussion, where is his missing wife, and what happened during his missing week? Participating in all these story threads makes the game a better experience than just rushing through it and missing out all these nuances.

Combat is generally quite slow and paced (Alan Wake can't run and shoot, and when he sprints, he gets out of breath like your granny would), but it's often like you're being swamped by lots of slow zombies, so you have to manage your targets. For instance, you might have a bad guy just about to go for you, but you're still reloading your gun, so you can make him flinch back by shining your torch at him, and that gives you the extra second to take the final shot.

I wasn't too impressed at first, and nearly gave up a few times, but it pulled me in once I understood how the game needed to be played. There's some generally creepy and scary moments. Not just "something jumped out and startled me", but "this is really creeping me out and giving me that cold shiver down my back".

I really jumped when I was playing in a dim room with headphones on and my wife walked up unheard and touched me on the shoulder to ask what I wanted for supper.
Wow great comments about Alan Wake there, this is now a definate buy for me. I'm slowly making my way through Rage at the moment. Haven't really had chance to get into it yet. I've got Crysis 2 and Lost Planet 2 on my shelf to play as well but they're both gonna wait until I've got a DX11 GPU. So after Rage my choices are between Skyrim and Alan Wake. I know Skyrims going to suck me down a hole for the next 3 months (at least) though so I'm a bit hesitant about starting it while there are other great (but much shorter) games I want to play.

I just finally finished Crysis 2, thought it was badass and really looked pretty especially as you got closer to the end. Great game! I really liked Lost Planet 2 as well, got pretty far in it but didn't finish it. Also a very pretty game, definitely wait for a dx11 card before playing it. I gave up on Rage after about 8 hours. It's ok but theres just too many better games out there so I gave up on it. Alan Wake was great, I had played it way back on the 360 but never finished it. I'm going to get it on steam on the next sale and finish it on pc, definitely worth getting it again. I'd do Alan Wake before Skyrim just because Skyrim is an all consuming game.
The Guild Wars 2 Collector’s Edition retails at €149.99/£129.99 SRP, the Digital Deluxe at €74.99/£64.99 SRP and the Standard/Digital Edition at €54.99/£49.99 SRP.

Are these guys taking the piss ?
There are games you can play when feeling so and there are games you feel you can't play anything else before finishing them. I'm playing the latter :smile:

Deus EX:HR (finished) + Missing Link (in progress)

After that which one to start next?
- Two Worlds II
- Divinity II
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Fallout 3
- The Last Remnant

Decisions, decisions, decisions!!!
Dark Age of Camelot on a Freeshard called Uthgard, which uses the classic rules from the MMORPG.

It's free and still offers the best PvP, also known as Realm vs Realm in DAoC.
The Last Remnant is also good, even though some of the reviews weren't so favorable. The fighting is overwhelming at first, at least it was for me. I actually quit on the game the first time, but then decided to give it another go and you get the hang of it after a few fights.

You might also want to consider using the original voices(they are included in the game) with English subtitles, somehow the Japanese voice actors are just better at this than the rest of the world.
The Last Remnant is also good, even though some of the reviews weren't so favorable. The fighting is overwhelming at first, at least it was for me. I actually quit on the game the first time, but then decided to give it another go and you get the hang of it after a few fights.

You might also want to consider using the original voices(they are included in the game) with English subtitles, somehow the Japanese voice actors are just better at this than the rest of the world.

You're right about combat being quite overwhelming at first. It's like proper strategy where unit moves, type of attacks, unit mix, morale and many more variables are deciding on final outcome.
Also so far I have no clue what can be done with different items collected after fight except selling them, but I bet game will tell me in due time.
After spending 2 hours playing it I quite like the atmosphere.
One thing not so good is the amount of cut scenes but I suppose that's the nature of JRPG's.

Will try Japanese voiceover for sure. Thanks for heads-up!
It doesnt look much different you know.

Even minor differences are a pretty big deal to me though, I remember how much I loved the DX10 fur in LP1. May not have been a big change overall but it's little details like that that jump out at me. It's one of the reasons I prefer PC gaming to consoles ;)
There are games you can play when feeling so and there are games you feel you can't play anything else before finishing them. I'm playing the latter :smile:

Deus EX:HR (finished) + Missing Link (in progress)

After that which one to start next?
- Two Worlds II
- Divinity II
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Fallout 3
- The Last Remnant

Decisions, decisions, decisions!!!

Last Remnant was really good. I got really far but I made a fundamental flaw in my strategy and one of these days I intend on replaying it. Also you can tweak the ini settings and get a lot more graphical fidelity out of it.
Seeing as there's no NDA on the subject, I picked back up the Diablo 3 beta, to see what the game is going to be like at launch. I've been a participant for some time, now, and have seen oodles of game play mechanic changes. The new system feels comfortable, but a little simplified. Blizzard tampered with lots of game play elements, some positive and some negative. My biggest complaint is the total removal of the Mystic artisan. I was looking forward to three separate artisans, now the crafting system seems a little castrated. I was looking forward to enchantments. Also, the Cauldron of Jordan, Nephalem Cube and scrolls of identify were all nixed, and replaced with a town portal spell at level ten, my guess is it's Blizzard's way of emphasizing the importance of visiting towns and vendors. I also believe the artisan training books were also canned, so now you instead of finding books which were random drops in dungeons, you have to pay an enormous fee for training. And if anyone didn't know, PvP will NOT be available at launch, instead it's being held until an update.
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