webpage kickstart


beyond noob
I know basic html. My brother asked me to create a simple webpage that consists of a left menu (frame I presume) and its contents on the right.

I'd appreciate very much if someone could indicate a good link that describes how to create a frame or better, a skeleton of a webpage with a left frame. The rest I can do with my basic html knowledge.

Thank you very much in advance.
Don't do a frame based page.

Learn some CSS instead and make the page based on divs. This'll give you total control over the layout and it will be VERY easy to change the layout whenever you want to.

Look at this page. All the content is the same, it's just different css files (layout rule sets). Choose different designs on the right to see different layouts.


Would you be willing to kickstart this menu? Just give me a sketck, a skeleton, I'll do the rest. Menus on the upper left and lower right corners of the pic.

Thank you in advance. The prize: a visit to Brazil and you''ll be my guest.
