And I know this isn't directed at me just because I'm defending the GTA series.
I think people are living in the land of OZ when they say, "There are too many violent games and not enough soft hearted nice games". I would say what do they call games like Zelda, every different variation of Mario games, Ico, Madden, Live, the one billion Japanese RPGs, MMOs, MMORPGs, DDR, all the eyetoy like games, Nintendogs, Donkey Kong games, Kamanari Damancy, Lumines, Locoroco (that PSP game), the Burnout series, Gran Turismo series, Kameo, Every Extend Extra, Singstar, the Tony Hawk series, the Final Frame series, Zone of Enders, etc. etc. etc.
I could go on forever about games that are not super violent that are good. It's the media that has you guys confuse. And I'm confused of how a great videogame board can be confused by this?
Out of anybody it should be us that know about all the non violent games that we can play.
Does the DS and GBA not count as videogame machines anymore? Was Lumines not created?
And why the hell do people act like Nintendo has quit as a company? Everytime a developer talks about next-gen they always seem to leave out Nintendo. Most of the games Nintendo makes are non-violent. That's 1/3 of the console choice that gamers have. This conversation should be cut in the balls just by Nintendo games alone.
And that's not even talking about all the other games that I listed above. And that's not even all of them. Like see colon posted above only 17% of games in 2004 were 'M' rated. 7 out of the top 10 games in 2004 were not 'M' rated. So what's the problem?