Warren Spector critizes Rockstar with GTA Series

Inane_Dork said:
And I'm pretty sure people are not asking Rockstar to dump GTA. They're asking for a tangent, a parallel to GTA.

I see, but isn't that asking a lot from a developer. To say, "ok why know you can make a GTA game a million dollar seller. But can you now make a game similar just with out all the killing, swearing, sex, blood, and violent overtone."

That's asking a bit much. Haven't they been making GTA games for like 8 years? To just jump up a make a game like it but 'E' or 'T' rated and make it sell a million is asking a lot.
mckmas8808 said:
I see, but isn't that asking a lot from a developer. To say, "ok why know you can make a GTA game a million dollar seller. But can you now make a game similar just with out all the killing, swearing, sex, blood, and violent overtone."

Who said anything about getting rid of it completely? Just repackage it in a context that is more widely acceptable.

To use an analogy, Saving Private Ryan is so widely accepted that they show it on broadcast networks uncesored. It's not the content so much as the context.
mckmas8808 said:
That's asking a bit much. Haven't they been making GTA games for like 8 years? To just jump up a make a game like it but 'E' or 'T' rated and make it sell a million is asking a lot.
Possibly. I don't really see why making 'M' rated games makes you incapable or inefficient at making 'E' rated games. They just need the right idea or concept to go with.
Powderkeg said:
Who said anything about getting rid of it completely? Just repackage it in a context that is more widely acceptable ... It's not the content so much as the context.
the context is you not being part of the law-abiding populace; the franchise is called Grand Theft Auto for a reason ;-)
emacs said:
the context is you not being part of the law-abiding populace; the franchise is called Grand Theft Auto for a reason ;-)

Yes we all agree with that.

The question is could they make a different game with the same gameplay mechanics but presented in a different context?
Powderkeg said:
Yes we all agree with that.

The question is could they make a different game with the same gameplay mechanics but presented in a different context?

Yes if they want too. We shouldn't hold our breaths for it though. And we shouldn't expect them to do a soft game. If they do they do, if they don't they don't.
I'm someone who was skeptical about the entertainment value of GTA:SA at first (having never played a GTA game before). I have now finished the game, and I have continued playing it long finishing the main story. My opinion is that the only thing Rockstar can be accused of is giving the player the freedom to do things that some uptight conservatives don't think people should be able to do. They relaxed the rules to make the game more realistic, and they're being criticized for it by people who want every game to have "OMG J00 KILLED INNOCENT!#% GAME OVAR!!!!" gameplay (if killing is even allowed).
mckmas8808 said:
I see, but isn't that asking a lot from a developer. To say, "ok why know you can make a GTA game a million dollar seller. But can you now make a game similar just with out all the killing, swearing, sex, blood, and violent overtone."

That's asking a bit much. Haven't they been making GTA games for like 8 years? To just jump up a make a game like it but 'E' or 'T' rated and make it sell a million is asking a lot.
Unfortunately you might be right. There's little real creativity in the mainstream media industry. Writers in all categories know to chuck violence, sex, etc. into a product with little imagination, overused plots, and cut-out by-the-numbers characters, to produce something that interests without having any real quality. Banning this sort of content would cause a massive drop in the amount of media content out there.

But I think it'd work like adverts. In the UK the advertising board kept banning advertisers from certain things, and the advertisers found clever alternatives that were actually more effective. At the moments every other advert is promoting sex. Whether it's deoderant, shampoo or Stairlifts, advertisers would have us believe from the noises the women make that using their products gives orgasmic pleasure :rolleyes: If the ad board banned this, we might get some decent interesting adverts back again.

I'm sure many writers instantly think 'let's add sex, violence and everything else to appeal to people' but if they weren't allowed to, they find alternatives. And in all honesty, do you think it impossible for people to live happy, worthwhile and fulfilling lives without violence etc.? If by some amazing stroke of fortitude people had never engaged in war or thuggery and no-one ever even thought of these things, would we be living in a world without computer games? If GTA and similar games had never been invented what would all those who play those games be doing? Sitting around doing nothing waiting for someone to write a violent computer game? Or doing something else without missing the product that was never invented? If we hadn't stopped watching Roman Circuses, would we ever have invented Football? Both satisfy a need for entertainment, only one doesn't need bloodlust to be enjoyable (though some might say English league football can be just as violent at times!).

I don't think writers/media creators will be as willing to try new things as long as they have their generic, reliable staples to fall back on. Take that away, and force them to change, I'm sure we'd see huge shakeups of gameplay, storyline, and intellectual worth as laternative entertainments are found.
IMO the marketplace will sort this out by itself.

We had a wave of single player FPS starting with Q1, HL, Q2, Unreal, Sin, King Pin, Daikatana etc... in the late 90s (and early 00s ?)

Then we had a wave of RTS with Starcraft, C&C, Dark reign and a whole bunch of others on PCs.

Currently we have a series of GTA knock offs on consoles and a shitload of MMORPGs on PCs.

This will be the case until some studio makes The Next Great Thing which will then be copied into the ground.
